Hi there! I’m Masha, and I’m currently embarking on an exciting hair journey. Now that I’ve made the decision to grow out my pixie cut, I’m excited to share the highs and lows of the journey with you. While growing out a pixie cut can be a bit of a rollercoaster, it’s also an opportunity to try out new looks and styles.
I’ll go into my experiences in this post, covering everything from the uncomfortable beginnings to the end goal of a longer, more adaptable style. Along with some of the difficulties I’ve encountered, I’ll be sharing the advice and pointers I’ve learned along the road. I hope my journey provides some useful insights and inspiration, whether you’re growing out your pixie cut too or you’re just interested in learning more about the process.
So please stay tuned as I make my way through this hair journey. I can’t wait to take you on this exciting journey with me as there is so much to learn and so many different styles to try!
I invite you to accompany me, Masha, as I experience the highs and lows of growing out a pixie haircut. I’ll walk you through each step of growing out your pixie cut with helpful advice, stylish hairstyle suggestions, and personal anecdotes to make the process easier and more fashionable.
- Let"s get acquainted
- Background
- What am I doing here
- How it all began
- The most difficult stage
- How to grow
- Video on the topic
- 1 #Transformation #Transfiguration #haircuts #shortcuts #haircuts #female grocery #pixie
- Transfiguration for Elena #haircut #Pixie #HARCUT #CHANGEMIIMI #Blond #pixie #Great
- Pixie haircut with Anderkat elements from Ivan Bluda. This lesson is already available on the link in the description
- #Salon Krasotymoskva #haircut #fashionable construction #pixie #haircuts2025
Let"s get acquainted
I’m Masha, and I’ve been growing out my hair for the past six months. A fairly short pixie haircut is a good place to start.
I last used the exclamation "Cut it shorter" in June 2023. And after a week or so, I knew I was ready for something different. Since I didn’t want to drastically reduce it, we’re expanding it.
This is not the first time that this has happened. I’m 28 years old and have had short hair since I was 15, so I’ve been "short" for almost half of my life.
After a very long journey with my short hair, I finally decided to try something different in 2019 and grow a bob. And it was really challenging! I will elaborate on that topic in a different post. Generally speaking, I knew that it would be excellent to document the growth process because I had prior experience growing it out. So, a good number of pictures will be included.
What am I doing here
Alright, you’ll say. Why start a blog now that I’m almost done, when I’ve been growing it out for almost six months? Interestingly, this is the most difficult part.
I’ll now demonstrate to you how my hair has grown over this period of time. In fact, the desired length is quite attainable. However, I dislike this length the least right now because it can be challenging at times (be patient; I’ll show you everything!).
Generally speaking, I hope to gently exit this less than stellar phase while also sharing my experience in the hopes that it may prove helpful to others.
Now, shall we examine the pictures?
How it all began
I generally chopped my hair shorter in June than I usually do. It wasn’t a bad haircut at all; in fact, I thought it looked good on me and still think it’s one of the best.
However, I later discovered pictures of me from two years ago, when I had a bob. I understood: I want it, but I can’t!
Growing it out was simple at first because the haircut was short and the difference was barely noticeable in the first few months. The kids’ behavior and easy-to-style hair were commendable. Then the jokes began, though.
My children started sending greetings to space when the temple area started to expand.
The glasses are the key to the whole ruse. Nothing at all could help them straighten the crease that had formed in the middle of the strand, including foams, styling products, and hairsprays. Everything went to pieces. There were no such jokes the last time.
This went on for about three months, at which point—not without the assistance of invisible hairpins, but still—the hair started to grow behind the ears.
We now go on to the next phase, which is the stage of uncertainty. At some point after this, I stopped thinking of my haircut as short.
The most difficult stage
Bangs are the source of all the difficulty. It appears to grow incredibly slowly because I began growing it with extremely short bangs.
If, during the fourth month of growth, in October, the bangs could be styled with a hair dryer and left undisturbed, then by November, it started to blatantly interfere. I noticed that some girls find it easier to grow out of a pixie cut with bangs. However, I gave up on this notion because, well, I aim for an even cut.
How should one proceed? To fix the hooligan in the desired position, I use poods of hair powder and kilotons of hairspray. At least it doesn’t obstruct anything, but it ends up being fairly dull.
Oh, I forgot all about that!
And how do we cultivate it?
How to grow
My previous pixie cut had a noticeable cap shape. Because of this, my hairdresser just keeps my hair relatively even over the course of these months (I get corrections every 1.5 to 2 months). I’ll then give you a clear picture of how it appears.
It’s also evident here that the bangs prefer to hang out alone, even with the iron paws of hairspray.
If you don’t tuck them behind the ears, how does this tale appear? Deplorable.
It appears that the hair grows extremely slowly, the bangs are bothersome, the haircut appears messy, and the earlobes sticking out are all very bothersome (spoiler alert: I’ll now dispel this myth).
However, all is not lost if you tuck them behind your ears.
Thus, this. Regarding the revealer.
I usually photograph the dynamics once every month and a half, but in this case, I chose to snap a selfie just two weeks after the January session. And I was taken aback!
After only a few weeks, the ears grew out!
Three centimeters is the lower border of the face; if growth continues at its current rate of one centimeter per month, you can expect an extremely short bob by April and a fairly confident one by summer.
Though it upsets me that the past grew in nine months and this will take exactly a year, I am happy that the horizon is becoming visible.
A pixie cut’s growing out process can be somewhat of a rollercoaster. It’s exciting to consider all the new styles you’ll get to try when you first decide. However, as the weeks go by, you may experience a few uncomfortable phases and patience-testing issues with hair length. Recall that everything is a part of the journey. You can experiment with the distinct looks and possibilities that each stage offers.
The chance to experiment with different hairstyles and welcome change is one of the nicest aspects of growing out your pixie. You may come across fresh hairstyle ideas that you had not previously thought of. To keep things interesting and fresh, there are lots of options available, such as stylish layers and adorable updos. Enjoy your hair during this phase of transition and embrace the transformation.
Keep in mind that growing out your pixie cut is a unique experience. If it takes some time to achieve the length and style you want, that’s acceptable. Treat yourself and your hair with love. Enjoy the journey and acknowledge each milestone, knowing that the outcome will be worth the wait. Your confidence and sense of style will never waver, even as hair grows and fashions shift.