And just like that I grew a bob. A year without a haircut thanks to Kérastase. Results-2025

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you took a year off from cutting your hair? That’s precisely what occurred with me. I decided to try growing out my hair into a bob for myself, and Kérastase was a big help along the way.

I gave up using scissors and only used Kérastase products to keep my hair vibrant and healthy for a full year. The results were unexpected and demonstrated the long-term efficacy of high-quality hair care.

I’ll discuss my year-long Kérastase journey, the difficulties I encountered, and my hair’s final transformation in this post. A year without a haircut can produce amazing results, so get ready to see that!

Difficult January

Every year in the first month of January, I experience a sense of renewal and vigor. This instance was not an anomaly. I was bursting with hope after getting a drastic haircut on December 18, 2022. It made me feel lighter and gave me the energy to start taking better care of my hair.

I was relieved when the horrible and protracted hair loss that had been bothering me eventually subsided. Live and rejoice, it would seem, but much to my regret, that was not how it was all that easy. I became seriously ill all of a sudden. I was completely weak. I’m not sure how, but I wrote the last marathon post for some reason. I truly wanted to stick with it through thick and thin.

After that, I was completely impotent for two weeks. I was so miserable that it was very difficult for me to make even the smallest effort.

You are probably wondering why I am telling you all of this as you read these lines. This is the case for a reason. This will mark the beginning of a new chapter in my hair’s life as well as the beginning of today’s tale.

I was a true hair maniac even during my illness, so I could not deny that I was almost out of my favorite Redken hair cream. I started searching for something to replace my impotence in spite of it. My selection was Kérastase Soleil Crème UV Sublime, a moisturizing cream for hair transformation that went on to become well-known in certain circles as "My Bloody Valentine."

That’s how my hair started out in the Kérastase era.

Painful February

After being discharged, I went to work and found that I could not even handle a full-time job. Luckily, I was able to take a two-week vacation to help myself at least somewhat recover from my illness. And at this point, I gave myself permission to go easy on the purchases.

Motivated by the outcomes achieved with a novel irreversible cream, I chose to deepen my understanding of the Kérastase brand. Despite my unsatisfactory health, I managed to survive by taking up a new hobby: choosing hair care products. My care arsenal filled up with more new products as my condition worsened.

You may not want to believe it, but it now appears to me that the new hair products that I grasped onto like a drowning man were the straw that allowed me to briefly escape that extremely unhealthy circumstance.

Thus, through a combination of illness and fate, I was able to find some lovely cosmetics on my shelf and started using them.

With such amazing assistants, do you think my hair ever had a chance to look horrible? Naturally, no. I was really pleased with the quality and the appearance. My hair’s beauty was unaffected by my illness or the trying recuperation period; in fact, hair loss did not run the risk of emerging from an ambush thanks to Genesis Homme shampoos, which dramatically decreased the amount of hair loss with each application.

Inspired March

It wasn’t until the start of March that I felt accepted. If not strength, I possessed something close to it. For me, springtime always holds a unique significance, as the natural world emerges from its winter hibernation and inspires transformation.

It is not necessary to resist the soul’s request for change.

I therefore made the decision to fulfill my long-standing desire and change my hair color rather than ignoring my spiritual need. The master I’ve been going to for a few years, the wonderful and absolutely incredible Natalia, accomplished what I had been dreaming of for a long time on a lovely spring holiday, March 8, 2023: "strawberry blonde" coloring. And there you have it!

Ladies, The spiritual uplift this new image gave me is beyond words. Although the hair color appeared to have changed slightly, these modifications actually had far more significance. Another thing that inspired me was going to see one of my favorite artists perform live:

It was fantastic; I felt so positive and energized. It wasn’t my first time seeing this amazing artist perform, and it most certainly won’t be my last, as his incredible energy truly inspires inner strength to pursue new heights.

I felt a spiritual awakening in March, and I was so inspired that I wanted to spread my optimistic outlook to everyone. I was pleased with the new color and superb quality of my hair. I treated myself to a Genesis spray at the end of the month, and I was hooked. Going forward, I will state that I not only enjoyed the spray but that I loved it so much that I had to purchase a new bottle to replace the one that had run out. This is significant because it indicates how well the product works. Everything was wonderful up until April.

Absolute April

As it happened, I actually became very sick on April 1st. Yes, once more. I became sick for a whole month out of the blue, with no prior symptoms or apparent cause.

I immersed myself entirely in testing my "absolute" care as a means of diversion.

Since I’ve been using this line’s leave-in oil since mid-February and I still adore it, I thought it was about time to share my love for it on our preferred website. This is the story behind the post, which turned out to be my favorite post I’ve ever written on Hairmaniac. I was thrilled to win the competition with it.

Girls, I want to express my gratitude to each and every voter for their support; without you, nothing would have happened.

I was literally overpowered by the Blond Absolu line’s shampoo and mask. These products had such a powerful effect on me that I even developed a "absolute obsession" with the color lavender. I bought items in lavender and did my manicure in that shade. My awareness was totally consumed by the world of lavender.

As you have undoubtedly observed, the new products started to impact every aspect of my life, not just my hair. Not even a month-long illness could stop the transformations that were taking place in me. A new care kit, new hair color, a new favorite color that took the place of the red I’ve loved since I was a young child… The complete rejuvenation had a far deeper impact than just surface changes. And then all of a sudden, a whole new me emerged.

Laskoviy May

The long-term sickness subsided with May’s arrival, but its aftereffects will follow me until July. Still, I was able to resume a normal life and found myself back "in the ranks." During the May holidays, I enjoyed outdoor activities like barbecues and fantastic trips to see my family, among other wonderful springtime activities.

My hair still pleased me, took care of itself with ease, and didn’t bother me in any way.

My hair products in May are shown in the above photo, with the exception of the fondant and scalp mask, which have not yet been opened. I had only been using two masks since the middle of February, and I felt like that was plenty at that point. Reflection Chromatique and Blond Absolu formed an amazing rinse-off care team because of their perfect complementarity. As May passed by so quickly, the eagerly anticipated summer finally arrived.

Strawberry June

It has nothing to do with the berries. I gave June this name because I underwent yet another drastic change to the color of my hair. I went into great detail about these changes in these two posts. At last, I decided to go bold and get bright pink hair.

Life gleamed with vivid new hues. Having only lived to be thirty-two years old, I eventually learned to listen to my own desires and stopped glancing back at the views of strangers. Yes, the expression is a bit cliched, but who would have imagined how hard it would be to really put this into practice? As it happened, I spent my entire life trying to be a "exemplary girl" because I thought it would be the worst thing that could happen to cause someone to be condemned. I sincerely welcome everyone who, upon reading these words, unintentionally identified with them—those who struggle with the "straight A student syndrome," excessive perfectionism, and excessive self-criticism.

If you’re always looking back at other people’s perspectives, you might not see how life turns out.

Do you feel like doing something? Have your hair colored or trimmed differently? Take action right now. Modify. Give yourself permission to be who you want to be, not what other people want you to be.

I felt a tremendous emotional lift from my transformation in June. In June, new products joined the ones I already owned on my cosmetics shelf. The first of them was Bain Nutri-fortifiant shampoo, which effectively combats hair loss thanks to its magical ingredient, dipeptide diaminobutyroyl benzylamide diacetate. Helen_M is to be commended for her initial mention of this special ingredient, which led to our amazing discovery.

I gladly used the emerald pair of Therapiste, the second new product in June, as a course to preserve the quality of my hair following the most recent color correction.

Vacation July

How I didn’t even consider the February scandal—you already know why—because I waited for July 1st since it marked the start of my much-anticipated holiday. I became my own director hostess for the following three weeks. I made the decision to tell you about the night care that elevated my hair to a whole new quality level without waiting.

The trip proved to be quite enjoyable, with a wide range of activities and events. I even snapped a few pictures, but I firmly disagree with this.

I first became aware of how much my hair had grown in July. I had recently gotten a haircut; I did not do anything to encourage growth, so how did it grow so much? I then had the bright idea to create a comparison collage to determine the visual increase in length.

To say that what I saw somewhat shocked me would be an understatement. However, this shock was quite enjoyable; I had not anticipated such excellent natural growth. My hair had not been cut in over seven months by the time I made this collage. I had not given getting a haircut the slightest thought. Furthermore, this was a first for me in my life.

Hot August

The most pleasant impressions of July vanished in an instant, and August arrived without warning. The vacation is over; workdays in August in the scorching +40 ℃ weather have taken its place. I don’t know how you ladies feel, but I think this temperature is excessive.

I did my best to survive. Every evening, the heat outside was so exhausting that I felt like a squeezed lemon. I felt like it would go on forever. It was physically impossible to bear such a temperature. At that point, I made the decision to temporarily halt my author activity on our website because I didn’t feel like writing posts at all. All I needed was a way to live. I made it through the heat with the help of ice-cold espresso tonics and daily trips to my favorite coffee shop.

What transpired with my hair in this unbearable heat? With it, everything was fine. Startled? Also me. However, it wasn’t until August that it was evident that the revised care regimen satisfied all of the hair’s needs and requirements and operated like a clockwork. They developed exquisitely, remained unbroken, did not fall out, and greatly lengthened. Isn’t this the happiness of a hair maniac? Indeed, that’s precisely it. And in spite of all the struggles and deprivations brought on by the oppressive heat, I was ecstatic about my "hair" achievements.

And nearer August’s end, my hair dryer, which had been a faithful companion for a very long time, caught fire. Since my hair dries very slowly and is prone to "hygral fatigue," I cannot live without a hair dryer, so this malfunction was disastrous on a global scale. I had to find a replacement immediately. The professional ionized hair dryer BaByliss Pro Caruso Ionic BAB6510IRE, 2400 W, was my choice.

I’m glad I made this purchase because the hair dryer is strong, handy, and enjoyable to use for drying hair. It has been a great help.

Remember that everything, good or bad, comes to an end eventually. I felt as though the August heat of forty degrees, along with my accompanying suffering, would never end. Naturally, I was in error. And then one lovely day, autumn arrived without warning.

I decided to grow out my bob haircut in 2023 and was amazed by the transformational effects of Kérastase products. I used their hair care line to nourish and maintain my locks for a full year without getting a haircut, and the results were amazing. This post describes how Kérastase assisted me in growing out my bob and getting longer, healthier hair.

Ambiguous September

I finally felt some relief as the oppressive heat subsided. This year’s autumn was incredibly unexpected; in my area, September and the first part of October felt like extra summer months. Abruptly, without warning. It was very beautiful outside, with +25 °C nearly every day. There could only have been an autumnal fairy tale involved.

And then, right at the start of the first fall month, I developed food poisoning. How horrible that was. The fact that it was all over in three days and without major repercussions is the only positive aspect of the situation. As you can imagine, I’ve been thinking about my hair a lot these days, but fortunately, nothing bad happened to them during this trying time.

I wanted to treat myself to something enjoyable when my health stabilized so I could move past the bothersome illness I had been experiencing. Opening new hair products, shampoo and mask from the brand Specific, whose pictures I had taken beforehand, was the best idea I could think of.

In light of the fact that I probably wouldn’t be writing about the products anytime soon, I should have clarified why I took pictures of them. I am at a loss for a rational response to this query. Since the theme of the photos was, quite obviously, winter, they were taken "just in case." "And then, you know, maybe I should start writing reviews by winter." That’s what I believed at the time, and it turned out that my perception of myself was accurate.

These new products thrilled me, and I fell deeply in love with them after just one use. My objective of giving myself a nice reward and making myself feel better was fully achieved.

It is reasonable to assume that a three-day illness is insufficient for a whole month, as everyone is not the same. I believe that you, my dear readers, already understand this. Success! You’re entirely correct! Naturally, I ended up getting sick at the end of September, and it was a very peculiar kind of sickness. There were no symptoms other than a fever, severe headache, and body aches, which all subsided within a few days of starting the antiviral. I consider myself a fortunate woman. I bought a Soleil mask for myself in order to comfort myself during such a trying time.

What else caught your attention in September? Yes, I did forget entirely. For a short while, I was able to realize a long-held desire and transform into Barbie.

Furthermore, what do you know? It was great to be her. Vibrant pink hair complemented the doll image and fit it flawlessly. These dolls have always been my ideal of beauty, and I have made every effort to emulate them since I was a young child. Have I been successful? Though it’s unlikely, I’m happy that I was able to reach out and touch the dream, if only briefly, to put the ideal of my childhood into reality.

It’s great to be a Barbie doll because she never gets sick, never gets upset, doesn’t have to pay for her utilities or mortgage, doesn’t have hair that splits or falls out, and has no responsibilities or problems around the house. It says it all—she’saBarbie. She is perfect. She is Ken’s favorite person, and he is happiest when she gives him attention. She is immortal and will never age. Being a Barbie has many benefits and pure joy, but there is a catch. She’s not a person. Being a human is challenging, but it is worthwhile.

I quickly left the doll box and went back to my real life, but the vivid pink hair stuck with me as a memento of these joyful "doll" moments.

Warm October

I was taken aback by October 2023’s unusually warm weather for the middle zone, which began in September. I decided to check on my hair on October 1st, and I took my first hair photo since July 22nd after giving my hair a fresh self-tinting using a mask and direct-acting pigment.

I was happy with what I observed. And because it was warm enough to feel like summer on October 1, I was even happier to have the chance to go outside in a summer dress and sandals.

I was shocked to learn that I hadn’t had a haircut in over nine months. Once more, I didn’t feel like scheduling a haircut "right now," so I chose to put off this occasion indefinitely. I got myself a spray called Refresh Absolu from the Curl Manifesto line as a reward for how amazing I am and how I was able to go for so long without getting my hair cut. I’ll tell you a secret: although we’re not talking about it right now, I’m in love with this product.

Autumn was here to stay, even though it was still summertime. And for a hair maniac, what does autumn mean? Yes, the possibility of having seasonal hair loss. After racking my brains, I made the decision to act now rather than waiting for the fall hair loss to occur. Naturally, after reading the incredibly gorgeous post by the lovely Helen_M, I decided to try the Genesis line’s Serum Fortifiant.

I’ve been using this serum with aminexil after every hair wash since October 29 to stop hair loss.

Sweet November

I took a very significant hair-related decision in November. I’ve been considering growing out my natural hair color for a few months. The issue is that a sizable portion of my hair is gray. Despite the prevalence of gray hair, a lot of girls made the decision to grow their hair naturally in 2023. And I have to be completely honest: after the initial shock of their decision subsided, I gave it some serious thought.

What am I losing here? I can always get my hair colored if I’m not happy with the outcome. And I tried, right up until November, to accept that my hair was clearly turning gray. Did my efforts end up being successful? No.

The gray hair irritated me more the deeper the hair grew in the root zone. I wavered in November, finally realizing that I would most certainly go back to coloring as usual. Even though I wasn’t sure if I would fix the regrown roots when I scheduled an appointment with my hairdresser at the end of October, I decided to be cautious and schedule the appointment in advance. December 23 was designated as the day X. After deciding what to do, I relaxed, let go, and put my phone in wait mode.

Naturally, there was shopping involved as well because "Black Friday" made it impossible to pass up the opportunity to make profitable purchases. What brought such sweetness to my November was the shopping. Goddamn!

In addition, I purchased a Rehydratant mask and extra bottles of my preferred Genesis shampoo and spray in November to replace the ones that had run empty.

Hectic December

December is here. It’s always possible to sense the atmosphere of an impending holiday and New Year’s celebrations in this first month of winter and the last month of the year. Together with the joyous atmosphere, December is well-known for the unforeseen, urgent matters that crop up every year, the frantic gift-buying and annual reports that accompany the rapidly approaching New Year. And without pre-New Year’s sales, where would we be? So I grabbed miniatures of Soleil shampoo and spray at a very tempting price to go with the mask I had already bought and "my bloody Valentine."

December 2023 was undoubtedly no different, living up to its moniker as the busiest and busiest month of the year. However, as you and I both know, no challenges or hardships will be able to drive a true hair maniac off the Path. I made appointments for coloring and a haircut nearly two months in advance. Yes, ladies—it’sunbelievable,but true—I went an entire year without getting a haircut. I could have gotten by without a haircut, but before the New Year, I wanted to update my cut by at least one centimeter.

In order to reset, finally correct the regrown roots, and even out the color along the length, I was looking forward to December 23. I wanted to go back to a traditional blonde, preferably with a cool demeanor. And, it seems, just to make the wait even more agonizing, the evil fate added, "I have another test: I became sick again." Have you lost track of how sick I have been this year? Also me. And I excluded my "spine" routine when discussing cases; I only brought up the most noteworthy ones.

If I may sum it up in one sentence, I generally ran out of time for my hair a week before coloring it. Fortunately, all of the products are fast-acting and don’t require "dancing with a tambourine," which comes in very handy during these times.

Lyrical digression

If you got the impression that I was constantly sick this year, then you are not mistaken. Despite all my attempts to monitor my health, after the covid I had last year, I can’t get this right. After a long illness in April, which lasted for a whole month, I injected two different immunostimulants as prescribed by the doctor, I think that only thanks to this I was able to get by with “light versions” in the following months.
What I want to say with this whining? My hair stayed on my head only thanks to the perfectly working care. With such weakened health, there would be no talk of any beautiful hair if not for the strong and effective tools in my arsenal. Well, and, of course, there is no need to talk about any “genetics”, because in fact my body has been holding on literally on its word of honor this whole year. So, let’s continue further.

To be completely honest, I was eagerly anticipating the day in December when I would be able to finally look in the mirror and not see the grown roots with the unwanted gray hair. Observing myself day after day, I became more and more aware that this was not who I was. That’s it: I cannot accept having gray hair on myself. There was an extremely long wait before entering the salon. However, as we have already discovered, nothing endures eternally. Now is the eagerly anticipated day.

I felt like I was flying to the salon today. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the coloring outcome. When I saw myself in the mirror with my hair free of gray, my happiness was unbridled. The cut was literally trimmed to a mere centimeter, or possibly even less, but the appearance of lightness was noticeable right away. Examine for yourself:

Girls, I did it! I didn’t get a haircut for more than a year because I didn’t need one. Naturally, I made the decision to create a comparison collage right away:

Ladies, I loved donning a bob, played around with different pink hues, and came to the straightforward conclusion that my ideal hairstyle is a neutral shade of blonde and relatively long hair. In addition, the color is far lighter in person than it appears in the picture.

And with that, I was back to who I was.

Topic And just like that I grew a bob. A year without a haircut thanks to Kérastase. Results-2023
Initial Hair Length Short
Hair Care Routine Kérastase products used exclusively
Growth Achieved Bob length
Condition of Hair Healthy, shiny
Challenges Faced Regular trims needed to maintain shape
Overall Experience Positive, worth the wait

Thanks to Kérastase, I went a full year without getting a haircut, and the result was an amazing transformation into a stylish bob. The 2023 results demonstrate the effectiveness of hair care products in producing remarkable growth and preserving healthy locks.

Kérastase proved to be a game-changer throughout the year, giving the strength and nourishment required for such substantial growth. This experience emphasizes how crucial it is to select the ideal hair care regimen in order to get the look you want.

Kérastase may be your greatest ally if you’re thinking about growing out your hair or trying to achieve a particular look. The outcomes are striking, with vibrant, healthy hair and a fashionable bob that grabs attention.

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Maria Sokolova

Hairdresser-colorist, passionate researcher of new coloring techniques. Always in the search for fresh ideas to create unique color solutions. I am inspired by natural shades and fashion trends to create unique looks for everyone.

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