How to properly curl your hair with curlers – a step-by-step scheme for medium and long hair

If you have medium-to-long hair, curling your hair with curlers can be a game-changer for getting gorgeous, bouncy curls. In addition to adding volume and texture, this technique creates a variety of styles, such as tight ringlets or loose waves. Whether you’re getting ready for a big event or simply want to change up your regular appearance, knowing how to use curlers correctly can make all the difference.

We’ll walk you through a step-by-step plan in this guide to use curlers to achieve the ideal curls. We can help you with everything from choosing the best curlers for your hair type and length to learning how to roll and set your hair. You’ll discover how to make your curls look amazing and last longer, which will give you the self-assurance to effortlessly rock your new hairstyle.

Prepare to change the way you style your hair by using these easy yet powerful curling techniques. You can have salon-caliber curls at home with the appropriate method, making every day a good hair day.

Step Description
1 Start with clean, dry hair. Brush it thoroughly to remove any tangles.
2 Apply a heat protectant spray to shield your hair from heat damage.
3 Divide your hair into sections. Use clips to keep them separated.
4 Heat the curlers according to the manufacturer"s instructions.
5 Take a small section of hair and wrap it around the curler. Make sure the ends are tucked in.
6 Hold the curler in place for the recommended time, then gently remove it.
7 Repeat the process for all sections of hair.
8 Allow the curls to cool before touching them to set the shape.
9 Gently separate the curls with your fingers or a wide-tooth comb.
10 Finish with a light hairspray to hold the curls in place.

Preparing hair for styling

Preliminary steps lead to beautiful and dependable styling:

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly using a shampoo suitable for this type of hair.
  2. Moisturize using an appropriate conditioner or balm, while trying not to get it on the roots.
  3. Dry with a towel or a stream of cold air.
  4. Gently comb with an ordinary comb made of natural material, or a massage brush.

Attention! Wellness procedures are included in the preparation for hair that is problematic (too thin, prone to hair loss, or with dandruff).

Types of styling with curlers

  1. Horizontal styling provides splendor to the hairstyle, increases the root volume of the hair.

The steps are as follows:

  • in the crown area, from the forehead to the crown, form a path with two vertical partings, the width of which corresponds to the length of the curlers;
  • comb the hair remaining on the sides downwards, in the direction of growth;
  • make a horizontal parting at the beginning of the selected path with the sharp end of the comb, separating a strand, the base of which corresponds to the diameter of the curlers;
  • moisten with water or a special product, pull towards the face and curl from the ends to the roots;
  • continue to separate the subsequent strands, pulling them perpendicular to the surface of the head, and curl, moving towards the back of the head and reaching the neck;
  • then curl the curls on the left and right on the occipital part, and then on the temporal part;
  • completely dry hair is untwisted, starting from the back of the head;
  • comb with a brush, from the ends to the roots.
  1. Vertical curl It differs from horizontal in that the separation of the hair into the paths with a width equal to the length of the curle is carried out by the parties around the head. The strands are separated, starting from the bottom, and curled vertically, in different directions, depending on the desired type of hairstyle:
  • from the face;
  • to the face;
  • alternately;
  • asymmetrically in one direction.
  1. Spiral styling is used for long hair and is a type of vertical styling, but the base of the separated strands is not rectangular, but square, and they are curled on special spiral-shaped curlers.
  2. Curling the ends is a simple and short procedure, lasting no more than 20 minutes:
  • the hair is divided into strands;
  • combed along the entire length, and only the ends are moisturized and curled;
  • after drying, the curlers are removed and the hair is combed.

Crucial! Increase the root volume to give a straight hairstyle with curled ends more naturalness.

  1. Root volume is created with the help of curlers, using Velcro of large or medium diameter:
  • moisten the hair with water from a spray bottle, starting from the roots;
  • divide into strands, stretch and secure curlers at the base;
  • dry with a hairdryer, and after drying, treat with cold air for a minute;
  • carefully remove the devices and comb the hair with a brush, starting from the roots.

Types of curlers

  1. Thermal curlers are small devices in the shape of a cylinder with different lengths and diameters and with soft plastic clips for fastening. The principle of operation is based on the fact that wax or paraffin contained inside the plastic shell quickly heats up in hot water and retains heat for a relatively long time. Dry strands of hair are wound on heated thermal curlers and kept until completely cool. Suitable for short and medium-length hair.
  2. Curling irons are long tubes made of foam rubber, inside which there is a soft flexible wire. They are convenient to use for curling long hair in different ways, including leaving overnight.
  3. Electric curlers — plastic, metal or ceramic cylinders — 20 pieces are placed on pins in a special box and quickly heated by electric current. Allow you to create a curl from a strand of dry hair in just a couple of minutes, easy to use and safe.
  4. Magic curlers (magic leverage) — multi-colored silicone spirals of different lengths and diameters that help to form beautiful curls on hair of any length, without damaging them. The kit includes a special hook-shaped device for separating strands.
  5. Boomerang curlers — easily twisted sticks up to 10 cm long, with flexible wire inside and foam rubber or soft rubber on top. Strands are fixed without additional clamps, and the thickness of the boomerangs is selected depending on the length of the hair.
    Help. Simultaneous use of boomerangs of different thicknesses will give curls a special original look.
  6. Velcro curlers have a lightweight plastic body covered on top with a special fabric with a Velcro effect, which is able to hold hair without any additional devices. Such curlers increase volume at the very roots, but it is better not to use them for brittle and thinning hair.
  7. Curlers — spiral wooden sticks with fixing elastic bands that do not cause damage. With their help, you can make small African curls or achieve a voluminous wave – it all depends on the fixation time and the additional means used.
  8. Metal — cylindrical metal products, hollow inside, with many round holes on the surface, equipped with an elastic band for fixing strands.
  9. Velvet — hollow cylinders with through holes made of soft material, covered with velor or velvet fabric on top. Have a reliable fixation and do not damage the hair.
  10. Plastic — cylindrical products with spikes, empty inside. Equipped with a semicircular net that secures the hair. Using such devices allows you to get long-lasting curls, but it is not recommended to use them at night.
  11. Wooden — long sticks with spiral grooves, similar to thin twisted cylinders. Elastic bands are used to secure the curled strands.
  12. Rubber — hollow cylinders of various lengths and different diameters, with small round holes on the surface, made of rubber. Equipped with elastic bands to secure the strands.
  13. Plastic — rods with spiral depressions on the surface and a small hook at the end, with which the curl is secured.
  14. Foam curlers are rollers with a wire or plastic base inside, equipped with clamps for fixation. Their use makes it possible to quickly curl hair in different directions and give it additional volume. Ideal for medium length.

How to put on and place curlers?

  1. Using a comb with a handle and thin teeth, divide the hair into curls evenly, ensuring that the width of the strands does not exceed the length of the curlers, and the thickness is not greater than their diameter.
  2. Comb and moisten with water using a spray bottle or use special means to fix the curl.
  3. Take a strand with the left hand, and the curlers with the right hand.
  4. Pull the hair evenly and perpendicular to the surface of the head, place them on the curlers and begin to twist.
  5. In the crown area, as well as at the top of the occipital and temporal parts of the head, when twisting the strands, hold them with the index fingers of the hands on top, and the thumbs – below.
  6. In the middle and at the bottom of the occipital, as well as temporal region, the thumbs are placed on top, and the index fingers – below.
  7. Twist the curls from the ends to the base, starting from the crown, after which they move to the back of the head, and then to the temples.
  8. When fixing curlers, carefully ensure that there are no creases or pinches.
  9. Remove the devices after the curls are completely dry, starting from the temples. Then move to the back of the head and finish with the parietal region.

Take note! You must carefully remove the curlers from the hair, being careful not to tangle it, to avoid ruining the hairstyle.

How to properly curl curlers on long hair: diagram with photo

Foam papillotes work well for curling long hair.

Traditional styling technique:

  • comb and moisturize the hair;
  • start curling from the face, separating the strands and combing in the direction from the surface of the head;
  • curl along the entire length, and bend the papillotes to improve fixation;
  • first of all, curl the curls in the middle part of the head, moving from the forehead to the back of the head;
  • then curl the strands on the side parts, moving from top to bottom;
  • dried hair is untwisted and separated with fingers;
  • then spray with hairspray and comb with a brush.

How to curl medium hair with curlers?

Depending on the desired outcome, boomerang curlers with varying diameters are used to create a beautiful style for medium-length hair:

  • for small curls you need a small diameter;
  • for large curls – a larger one.

Steps in the procedure:

  • along the entire length of the hair is moistened with water from a spray bottle or treated with a special product to improve fixation;
  • using a comb, separate flat strands no wider than the length of the curlers;
  • straighten the boomerang to get an even strip;
  • at the base, tightly apply the strand to the edge of the curler, and then distribute it along the entire length of the boomerang;
  • release the curlers and let the hair dry;
  • remove the boomerangs, and comb the curls with a brush and fix them with hairspray.

Curling short hair

Large or medium-diameter Velcro curlers work best for curly hair in order to create voluminous, glossy waves.

  • using a comb, evenly divide the damp hair into strands;
  • wind each strand on the curlers, starting from the roots;
  • to better fix the ends, they are pinned up;
  • after drying the hair, the curlers are removed;
  • style with a brush;
  • fix with hairspray.

Aid. Apply gel, mousse, or another fixing agent to the strands beforehand to enhance the volume at the roots.

How to make curls?

In order to get gorgeous curls out of straight hair as soon as possible, try the following:

  • apply a protective agent to washed curls;
  • then use a styling product (cream, spray, foam or mousse) that matches the hair type;
  • curl individual strands on curlers or papillotes suitable for the given length;
  • dry with a hairdryer, after which the curling devices are carefully removed;
  • straighten the curls with fingers, carefully dividing them into several strands;
  • lubricate the palms with special oil or "liquid silk" and, shaking the hair slightly, rub the product into the ends;
  • cover the finished curls with hairspray with a hold slightly higher than average.

Take note! It is best to use styling products containing medicinal herbs so that the hair becomes healthier during the curling process and does not become damaged.

How to curl your hair overnight?

To achieve curls by morning and a comfortable night’s sleep without disturbing dreams, try papillotes, soft foam, or DIY curlers composed of paper, foil, fabric, and other readily available materials:

  • strands of hair moistened with water or styling product are wound onto long strips of foam rubber or other material;
  • the ends of the strips are tied into knots;
  • in the morning, the curlers are carefully removed and styled.

Hair curling products

Special products are used before the curling procedure to make the hair softer and more pliable and to prolong the curls:

  1. Foams and mousses are applied to damp strands with a comb before curling, distributing along the entire length. This procedure provides loose fixation and increases volume.
  2. Using wax for curling gives the styling a natural look and makes it possible to slightly change its appearance. Apply wax in a thin layer to dried hair.
  3. With the help of gels or creams having a dense texture, it will not be possible to get lush curls, but they reliably fix the hair and make it brilliant.
  4. Volume and relief will be added to the hairstyle by using powder, which is applied to the strands, rubbing lightly.
  5. They also use hairspray with a weak hold.
  6. Sprays will make thin hair stiffer, ensure the creation of a lush, voluminous hairstyle.
  7. For thin hair, a home remedy is perfect: half a teaspoon of gelatin is diluted in 0.5 cups of warm water and used as a gel.
  8. Another gel that is prepared at home:
  • Pour 1 hour. l. flax seed 1. hot water;
  • boil for 3 minutes, stirring;
  • strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  1. Kvass and beer – natural substances that provide strong fixation if you wet the strands with them before curling. As for the unpleasant smell, it will disappear in 15 minutes.
  2. If your hair is brittle and dry, then it is better to use special liquids with extracts of medicinal herbs to curl it.

Crucial! To prevent further greasy patches around the roots, apply mousses, gels, and foams 2-3 cm away from the roots.

How to make curlers yourself at home: DIY manufacturing instructions

If, for some reason, a lovely style is required immediately and curlers cannot be found, they can be made on their own using homemade materials:

  1. From paper:
  • a fairly dense, but at the same time not too hard sheet of A4 paper is cut horizontally into strips 5-6 cm wide;
  • the strips are rolled into tubes and the hair is tightly wound around them;
  • the ends of the rolled tubes are tied;
  • for additional fixation, the head is covered with a scarf.
  1. From tubes:
  • the strands are tightly wound around cocktail tubes (you will need about 30 pieces);
  • they are secured with thin elastic bands or invisible pins.
  1. From foil:
  • cut a sheet of foil into long strips 6-7 cm wide;
  • pieces of cotton wool are twisted into bundles and placed inside the cut strips;
  • roll up tubes from foil with cotton wool inside;
  • get homemade boomerangs, on which strands are wound from the tips to the roots;
  • tie the ends of the tubes together.
  1. From fabric:
  • cut thick material into ribbons 20 cm long;
  • tie them on the dampened ends of the curls;
  • twist the fabric strip together with the hair into a spiral;
  • fix the finished "roll" with the ends of the ribbon.


  1. From ordinary socks:
  • each strand, starting from the tips, is wound on the middle of an ordinary (not short) sock;
  • the ends of the sock are tied into a knot.

You only need five or six pairs of socks to create a hairstyle.

  1. Curls made of foam rubber or insulation:
  • dense foam rubber (insulation or bubble wrap) is cut into strips 20 cm long and 2 to 7 cm wide, depending on how large the curls should be;
  • the strips are cut in half, leaving 2-3 cm at the edge;
  • curl strands from the roots, placing each in a cut and evenly winding along the entire length of the strip;
  • the ends are secured with small terry elastic bands.

It’s convenient to use these kind of soft curlers at night.

Learning how to curl your hair with curlers is easy and only requires a few quick but efficient steps. Start by applying a heat protectant to your medium- and long-haired strands and making sure they are completely dry. Your hair should be divided into sections. Roll each section around the curler and tuck it in. To get well-defined curls, let the curlers cool completely before taking them out. In addition to assisting in the creation of lovely curls, this methodical approach guarantees that the curls last longer during the day.

Reviews from the site

  1. About spiral curlers Magic Leverag:
  2. LoveLy papillot curlers:
  3. Dewal Professional boomerang curlers:

Learning how to curl your hair with curlers is a simple way to change the way you look. You can get gorgeous curls that last if you adhere to the detailed plan. If you’re going to use heated curlers, start with clean, dry hair and remember to use a heat protectant. By doing this, you can protect your hair from heat damage and maintain the healthy, glossy look of your curls.

Make sure the curlers you’re using fit the type of curl you want. You can achieve loose, beachy waves with larger curlers and tighter curls with smaller curlers. For a more polished and even look, part your hair correctly and curl each section separately. Take your time, and you’ll ensure that every curl is perfectly formed. Don’t rush the process.

Allow your hair to cool after curling it and then take out the curlers. The curls set and hold better as a result of this. Run your fingers through your hair gently to separate the curls and give them a more natural appearance after taking out the curlers. Apply a light hairspray at the end to ensure your curls stay in place all day.

With the correct method and a little practice, you can create gorgeous curls that complement your style. Have fun experimenting with various styles and methods to see what suits you the best!

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Igor Petrov

Barber with many years of experience. I create modern men's looks based on classic cutting and styling techniques. I believe that the perfect haircut is a balance between style and comfort, which emphasizes the character.

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