Carving on medium-length hair: how it is done, photos before and after: with bangs, large curls, reviews and prices

If you want to give your medium-length hair more volume and texture without making the commitment of a permanent perm, carving is a great option. Soft, natural-looking curls made with this delicate technique can last for several weeks. It’s particularly well-liked by people who want a flexible, low-maintenance look.

There’s no shortage of styling options with carving, whether you’re thinking of going large with curls or adding bangs to the look. A lot of people go with it to bring out the natural waves in their hair or to give it a youthful, bouncy vibe. Additionally, it’s a desirable option for people trying to protect their hair because it causes less damage than other treatments.

This post will discuss the medium-length hair carving procedure, show off the finished product through images, and go over costs and reviews. Additionally, you’ll discover inspiration for enhancing your personal style with bigger curls or pairing carving with bangs.

What is carving?

Comparable to a perm in terms of outward appearance, carving’s decline in popularity can be attributed entirely to its detrimental effects on hair. The issue of brittleness, dryness, and hair loss has been resolved because of a more contemporary technique.

Products with ingredients that are kinder to hair and prevent it from overheating are used when carving.

Curlers of different sizes can be used for carving at home, but in a professional salon, special tools called boomerangs or rollers are used. They assist the hair in taking on the proper size and form of curls, which are subsequently "frozen" in this form for an extended period of time through the application of a unique composition.

How the procedure is carried out in the salon and at home?

Generally speaking, there are five steps to the carving process that can be applied in a salon or at home:

  1. First of all, the hair should be thoroughly combed so that unnecessary knots and tangles do not form;
  2. Then the hair is divided into thin strands, which are wound on curlers. The size of the curlers depends on the size of the desired curls and their type (soft curls, light waves, "spirals");
  3. A composition is applied to the fixed curls, which will fix the curls for a long time. The holding time of the composition on the hair varies from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the composition used.
  4. After the time has elapsed, the curlers are removed, and the hair is washed from the applied mixture. After washing the hair, it is necessary to use a special fixing balm.
  5. The completion of carving, like any other manipulation with hair, is drying with a hairdryer.

Medium-length hair can be carved in no more than 1.5 hours on average. But, if the process is carried out inexperiencedly at home, a little more time may be needed.

The cost of this procedure is determined by the qualifications of the master who will perform it in addition to the length and thickness of the hair. Still, the price for medium-length hair hardly ever exceeds 4,000 rubles.

You will need the following items to complete the process at home:

  • Curlers, various sizes. Depending on their quality, the price can be very diverse: from 100 rubles to 2 thousand. rubles. However, for this procedure it is recommended to use plastic curlers, the price of which does not exceed the amount of 700 rubles.
  • Composition for carving, the average price of which is usually no more than 1 thousand. rubles.
  • Fixing balm, the cost of which is also about 1 thousand. rubles. It is important that the composition and balm for carving are of the same brand.

The average cost of doing a carving at home is about 2,500 rubles.

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Medium-length hair can benefit from carving to add volume and texture without the damage of traditional perms. Carving can gently create long-lasting curls or waves. It’s a well-liked option for people seeking a soft, natural look with little maintenance. Carving offers a range of styling options that can be tailored to individual preferences, whether the hair is worn with bangs or has long curls. Before and after pictures display striking yet organic results, and reviews emphasize how simple maintenance is. Though costs vary depending on location and type of hair, carving is generally a low-cost, low-maintenance styling choice.

Features of the procedure for medium-length hair

The actual carving process is carried out in exactly the same manner for medium-length, short-haired, and long-haired people. The only variation is in the length of the hair. Technically speaking, though, it is most practical to carve medium-length hair because there is no chance of "twisting" the hair with varying intensities across the whole surface.

Additionally, there is a cost difference: more carving mixture is required for curling hair that is longer.

It’s also important to keep in mind that when hair curls, it grows several centimeters shorter than it would otherwise. Furthermore, medium-length hair lends itself well to any kind of carving and curls, unlike short hair.

Differences between carving and perm

The primary similarity between a perm and a carving is that both aim to give hair of varying lengths durable curls. The method for forming "curls" is also the same.

Nevertheless, these procedures differ in a great deal more ways:

  • Thanks to perm, persistent, elastic "curls" are obtained, while carving gives the hair the appearance of voluminous, obedient curls.
  • The carving mixture is softer, due to which the perm lasts a little longer, but significantly damages the hair.
  • Compositions for perm and carving affect different layers of the hair thread: perm penetrates the internal, while carving only the external.
  • When choosing a composition for carving, a choice is provided depending on the softness and thickness of the hair, for a perm in all cases one mixture is used.
  • As the hair grows after the perm procedure, the boundary between the regrown roots and the curled length is clearly visible, after carving, the curls gradually acquire the original hair type, which smooths out the difference.

Advantages of carving


  • It is not only more gentle for hair, but also saturates the hair with keratin, visually making it thicker and denser.
  • Hair after the procedure looks more natural and natural, unlike other types of curling.
  • Styling of this type lasts up to 12 weeks.
  • The procedure involves different types of curls.

Are there any contraindications?

Women who experience severe hair loss, brittleness, or excessively split ends are not candidates for this procedure. Additionally, people with extremely thick, heavy, long, straight hair should not use this type of curling. The procedure won’t produce the intended results because this type of hair is very difficult to style.

Those who have recently dyed their hair—especially in lighter shades—should avoid carving, according to experts. Hair is already under stress from bleaching, which makes it more brittle and dry. You shouldn’t make things worse by undergoing another procedure.

Types of carving

Carving is typically classified into three categories:

  • Classic. The essence of this type is to curl the hair along the entire length, using curlers of the same shape and size. The result will be curls of the width chosen by the client: from light waves to tight curls.
  • Vertical. This type of carving is twisting the hair with the help of "spirals", which turn the hair into elastic, voluminous curls along the entire length of the hair. This type looks most impressive on medium-length hair, giving it the desired charm.
  • Local. As the name suggests, this type of carving is intended for specific areas. Initially, local carving was used to achieve maximum volume by curling hair at the root zone. Today, this type of curling is used to curl the ends (only makes sense on long hair), as well as bangs to give it a more elegant shape.

Choosing a composition for curling

Depending on the unique qualities of the hair, such as colored-uncolored, thick-thin, thick-liquid, etc., the composition for carving may change. Initially, you ought to consider these factors when selecting a composition.

Additionally, a vast assortment of compositions by manufacturer’s brand are available. Naturally, you should avoid being swayed by cheaper prices and only select from reputable and well-known drug brands. You can choose between well-known brands by speaking with experts or based on your own product preferences. Most products from various manufacturers have similar compositions, with only minor differences.

Types of curlers

The curlers that are chosen will have a significant impact on how the hair turns out after the carving process.

You can use the following curling tools for medium length:

  • Curlers. A type of curler that is designed to create the smallest and most elastic "curls". With their help, you can achieve incredible hair volume. The curls obtained with the help of curlers look most attractive on medium-length hair with "ladder" hairstyles.
  • Spiral curlers. With the help of such curlers, fairly small curls are also created, but unlike the previous ones, they are more springy and elastic.
  • Volumetric curlers. Ideal for creating light waves, as well as for volume in the root zone.
  • Rollers. These are curlers made of foam rubber. They differ in volume, therefore, they are able to create curls of varying intensity: from light waves to sexy curls.

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What to do with bangs?

There are various choices depending on the style and length of the bangs:

  1. If the bangs are "oblique" and long, then they can be curled in accordance with the main hair. It is not recommended to leave them in their original form, as they will look untidy and "slicked down" against the background of the rest of the hairstyle.
  2. Straight, short bangs can be:
  • Left in their original form.
  • Curled locally: adding volume at the roots, or curling the ends in style with the rest of the hairstyle.
  • If the purpose of carving was to create light waves, then the bangs can be curled in the same way.

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Hair care after carving

You must abide by the following guidelines to keep your hair looking nice and tidy:

  • After the procedure, do not wash your hair for 72 hours;
  • after washing your hair, you cannot go to bed without drying your hair;
  • it is advisable to use a comb with rare teeth;
  • to improve hair, it is necessary to use various nourishing, moisturizing products with permanent makeup in the composition;
  • you should not use a hair dryer too often: it is better to let your hair dry naturally.

Girls respond differently to carving. The outcome frequently depends on the hair’s initial characteristics, such as its dryness, length, thickness, and weight, as well as the skill of the practitioner. Therefore, the majority of girls, especially those with medium-length hair, who have had their hair carved in professional salons, are happy with the way their hair looks.

Furthermore, people who choose to perform the surgery on themselves at home may not always be able to claim success. The factor of the clients’ personal preferences is also significant because, because of the unique qualities of each curl, the "picture" does not always match reality.

Giving your hair the look you want on a daily basis can be made easier with the help of carving. Medium-length hair owners can look consistently polished, radiant, and appealing with this style.

Style Description
With Bangs Carving with bangs creates a soft and voluminous look. It works well for medium-length hair, adding texture and framing the face nicely.
Large Curls Large curls give a glamorous and bouncy effect. Carving makes the curls last longer, giving a more defined wave.
Before and After The difference is noticeable. Before carving, hair may look flat and straight. After, it gains volume, curl, and bounce.
Reviews Most people appreciate the long-lasting curls and easy maintenance, though some mention a slight dry feel after the process.
Prices The price for carving on medium-length hair ranges from $50 to $150, depending on the salon and stylist.

If you want to add volume and texture to your medium-length hair without committing to a permanent style, carving is a great option. Whether you want big curls or bangs, the outcome can be long-lasting and natural.

The before and after pictures demonstrate how carving can give a space a new look without requiring a lot of upkeep. According to a lot of reviews, it’s the perfect option for people who are busy but still want to look stylish.

Selecting a salon that offers professional service and high-quality products is crucial, especially when there are different price points to consider. This keeps your hair vibrant and healthy while guaranteeing the best results.

Video on the topic

Carving with large curls from Bianca Lux

Carving with large curls on long hair from Bianca Lux

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Anna Lebedeva

Hairdresser-stylist with a special interest in creative haircuts and hairstyles. I am inspired by avant-garde ideas and strive to bring them to life. I am sure that every hairstyle should reflect the uniqueness of the personality and emphasize individual style.

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