How to make lips plump with a glass, bottle, makeup, exercises for lip augmentation at home

Many people are interested in the beauty trend of plump, full lips. Fortunately, you can enhance your lips in a number of simple ways without going overboard. With a few basic household items, makeup techniques, and focused exercises, anyone can achieve a fuller-looking mouth.

Using a glass or bottle is one easy way to give your lips a little extra volume. On the other hand, daily lip exercises or makeup techniques can significantly impact results that last longer.

These are easy methods that you can try at home in the comfort of your own home, whether you’re looking for a quick fix or a more gradual, natural change.

Method Description
Glass or Bottle Place your lips inside the rim of a small glass or bottle, suck in air, and hold for a few seconds to temporarily plump them. Be careful not to overdo it to avoid bruising.
Makeup Use lip liner to outline slightly outside your natural lip line, then fill in with a matching lipstick. Add gloss in the center to create a fuller effect.
Exercises Do lip exercises like blowing kisses or pressing your lips together and moving them side to side to strengthen and tone the muscles.

How to make lips plump with a glass

Utilizing a glass is the simplest method. Although it doesn’t have the same impact as specialized products, you can still use it in the absence of any other options.

You must moisturize your lips before beginning the procedure. Use colorless balm or lipstick from Vaseline.

This is followed by taking a regular glass, pressing it firmly to your lips, taking a deep breath, and closing your mouth. You can loosen up your lips after a short while.

It is crucial that the process be carried out no more than four times in a single approach. Additionally, it is advised to do the procedure for two to three weeks in order for the results to be more apparent.

Plump lips using a bottle

And here’s how to use a bottle to plump up your lips at home. You will need a regular bottle for the procedure. Use a moisturizer on your lips before attempting to make them larger.

The actual process is quite similar to glass-based lip augmentation. Press the bottle firmly against your mouth, part your lips slightly, and inhale air from the bottle. Let your mouth relax after a short while.

No more than three repetitions should be made in a row. It’s advised to do the exercise for a week or two to get the best results. Results from this method can be obtained quickly. It won’t, however, have a lasting impact.

Using a special plumper

Use a flamper if you want a more efficient way to make your lips bigger than using a glass or bottle. Plamper, also known as the "suction cup for lips," is a unique vacuum device. It is rather wide and tiny, resembling a kind of plastic cap.

To handle a flamer, no special abilities are needed:

  1. First of all, you need to treat your lips with a moisturizer (cream, balm, etc.).d.).
  2. Then apply the plumper to your lips.
  3. Then strongly inhale air with your mouth and release the plumper (it should be held without the help of your hands).
  4. The device should be kept on the lips for 10-20 seconds.
  5. Then the plumper is removed (it should not be torn off abruptly, but carefully picked up near the corner of the lips).
  6. Lubricate the lips with a softening cream or balm.

Crucial! You cannot use the "suction cup" if your lips are damaged or irritated. Additionally, users of diabetes and those with weak blood vessels should use the product with caution.

Exfoliating scrub

A scrub is one of the very practical and effective methods for lip augmentation. With lip scrubs, you can exfoliate dead skin cells, revitalize your lips, and give them a more prominent, fuller appearance. Additionally, you can create a scrub at home without breaking the bank by combining face cream and ground coffee, for example.

To give your lips volume for the entire day, scrub the area around your lips once a day, ideally in the morning.

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Lip augmentation with toothpaste

Not many people are aware that using regular toothpaste at home can enlarge your lips. It plumps them up and hydrates them. Applying a tiny quantity to a toothbrush and using circular motions to massage your lips is sufficient. Next, use water to rinse the paste off.

Crucial! Using a brush with extremely firm bristles is not advised as it may harm the lips’ delicate skin.

Cinnamon balm

Another practical and efficient method to get bigger lips at home is to make your own cinnamon lip balm. It will plump up your lips and nourish them at the same time.

In order to make the balm, you’ll need:

  • cinnamon (in the form of oil/fine powder);
  • Vaseline;
  • any lipstick;
  • almond oil.

Technique of getting ready:

  1. Approximately the same amount of Vaseline and lipstick should be melted in a microwave oven, mixed.
  2. Then you should add cinnamon to the resulting mixture (a few drops of oil / 0.5 h.l. powder).
  3. If desired, you can add essential oil for scent.
  4. Then transfer the balm to an empty container, apply a thin layer several times a day.

The resulting mixture should be refrigerated for storage.

Mask with pepper

Three ingredients are all you need to make such a mask: petroleum jelly, honey, and a tiny bit of red pepper. After thoroughly combining all of these ingredients, gently massage the lip area. After 7–10 minutes, you can remove the mask with water.

Menthol mask

Another popular and efficient method for lip augmentation is a menthol mask. It gives the lips blood flow since it contains menthol. Consequently, this aids in raising their volume.

The following ingredients are required:

  • liquid menthol;
  • a little fresh mint;
  • corn oil (cold pressed);
  • a pinch of instant coffee.

Add the crushed mint to the corn oil and menthol mixture, stir thoroughly, then add the coffee and stir again until the mixture is smooth. For optimal results, apply the mixture to the lips and cover them with cling film for 50–60 minutes.

Mask with nicotinic acid

The nicotinic acid mask is unique in that it leaves the lips with an immediate effect that lasts for roughly five hours. You will need eight nicotinic acid tablets (available at pharmacies) to make the mask. Petroleum jelly and a tiny pinch of red pepper (about half a spoon) are also required.

In order to create a homogenous mass, the tablets containing nicotine should be ground into a powder and combined with red pepper and petroleum jelly. After no more than two minutes of wearing the mask, carefully remove any leftover mixture with a cotton pad or napkin. Regular use is required for the effect to be more apparent.

Glycerin mask

Using a glycerin mask at home can also plump up your lips.


  • Vaseline;
  • lemon juice (fresh);
  • granulated sugar;
  • glycerin;
  • honey.

It is sufficient to use 5-7 g (a little over a teaspoon) of each ingredient. It is worthwhile to use half a spoonful of glycerin less.

Technique of getting ready:

  1. All components of the future mask are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  2. The container with the mixture is kept in a steam bath for 2-3 minutes.
  3. For effective lip augmentation, the mask should be left on the lips for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product thoroughly with cool water.

Such a mask has an effect that lasts for several hours, so using it more than once is advised for maximum impact.

Mint juice

Additionally, you can use mint oil extract at home to plump up your lips.

With this product, you can enlarge your lips in a few different ways:

  1. The simplest method is to add a few drops of mint oil to lip gloss, which is used daily.
  2. You can also make ice cubes from peppermint oil: add 3 drops to 100 ml of water. oils and make ice cubes from this mixture. You need to wipe your lips with these cubes every morning.
  3. In addition, you can do a massage using oil: rub the product into your lips with a not too hard toothbrush for several minutes.

Because anyone who wants to enlarge their lips can select an application method that works best for them, mint juice is very convenient to use. However, since peppermint oil is a potent allergen, you should use this product with caution.

Masks with vitamins

Using vitamin masks is a common technique for lip enlargement because they not only plump up lips but also nourish them with beneficial substances.

You’ll need to purchase liquid vitamins A and E from the pharmacy (they come in ampoules) in order to prepare the mask. You also need 5–6 g of olive oil (you can use vegetable oil instead) and a tiny amount of honey (8 g). All of the ingredients must be combined, then applied to your lips. After 20 to 25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cosmetologists advise using these products on a regular basis.

Mask with coffee

Additionally, coffee adds volume to the lips; in this instance, a coffee-infused lip mask will work wonders.

The following materials are needed to make a coffee mask:

  • ground coffee (1 h.l.);
  • cocoa butter (2-3 ml, can be replaced with olive oil);
  • honey (1 h.l.);
  • mint oil (3 drops. per mixture).

After mixing the ingredients until they form a homogenous mass, massage your lips for ten to twelve minutes, and then remove the mask with warm water. It takes only a few hours to achieve the desired effect, so you should use the mask frequently for two to three months.

Mustard mask

Included in the mustard mask are the following items:

  • mustard powder (10 g);
  • Olive/vegetable/burdock/other oil (1 h.l.);
  • fresh lemon juice (5 ml);
  • honey (3 h.l.);
  • Vaselin (10 g).

Method of cooking:

  1. Mix honey and Vaseline, keep in the microwave for a few minutes (until smooth).
  2. Combine mustard powder, oil and lemon juice.
  3. Mix honey and Vaseline with the remaining ingredients.
  4. Apply the resulting mask evenly to the lips (you can cover it with cling film on top).
  5. Keep the mixture for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Crucial! To avoid causing irritation, take off the mask from the lip area as soon as it begins to sting.

Massage for lip augmentation

In addition to masks, regularly massage your lips at home to make them appear larger. It encourages blood flow to the lips, which also has the effect of making them appear larger.

You’ll need a clean toothbrush with a medium- to low-hardness setting and a moisturizing cream (Vaseline works well too). After applying cream, lips should be massaged in a circular motion for three to five minutes, or until they start to tingle a little. This can be done multiple times a day. Experts advise carrying out the process prior to having a bath or shower.

Ice massage

You can use ice to massage your lips. Basically, you just need to rub an ice cube over your lips for a few minutes, just like you would with a massage. Because ice helps to speed up blood circulation, lips will appear fuller. It’s important to keep in mind that these massages have a transient effect.

The most read article in this section is Hyaluronic Acid in Tablets, so don’t miss it. advantages, dosage, physician reviews, and efficacy.

How to enlarge lips with makeup

There are situations when applying makeup correctly is sufficient to visually enlarge lips:

  • Balm. Before proceeding directly to makeup, you should moisturize your lips. Balm will do the job perfectly.
  • Foundation. Professional makeup artists recommend applying a foundation before applying makeup. It is important to take into account the fact that the foundation should be as close as possible in color to the skin.
  • Lipstick. A properly selected lipstick (especially a rich color) can significantly enlarge your lips. The main thing is to choose the right shade.
  • Lip gloss. The concept of choosing a gloss is the same as choosing a lipstick. A well-chosen shade plays a significant role, as well as the presence/absence of glitter and a pearlescent effect. Mother-of-pearl creates a voluminous effect.
  • Contour pencil. A contour pencil emphasizes the contour, “filling” the lips.
  • Highlighter. A highlighter will draw attention to the lips.

The following is how cosmetics are used to augment lips:

  1. First of all, you should moisturize your lips with balm.
  2. The second step in applying makeup is to apply foundation (in a thin layer).
  3. The next step is to use a light highlighter. To make the effect of lip fullness more noticeable, it is recommended to apply the product not on the lips themselves, but along the contour, carefully.
  4. Then, with a well-sharpened contour pencil, you need to thinly outline the lips along the inner contour. Experts advise not to paint over the corners of the lips.
  5. The final stage of lip augmentation with makeup is the use of lipstick. It is important to lightly shade the edges of the contour pencil before applying it. Also, for a greater effect, you can not paint over the entire lip area, but apply lipstick only to the contours, and then shade it yourself with your finger. This way the shade will be smooth, transitional, voluminous.

Simple tools like a glass or bottle for momentary fullness, makeup techniques to boost volume, and targeted lip exercises to naturally boost their shape over time can all help make lips appear plumper at home. These techniques are simple to use, demand little work, and provide a non-invasive alternative to cosmetic procedures for lips that appear fuller.

Exercises to make lips plump

Numerous exercises in gymnastics contribute to plump lips:

  1. You need to inhale as much air as possible, then fold your lips into a tube and slowly exhale through them.
  2. You should whistle for 10-15 seconds, fold your lips into a tube.
  3. Then smile widely with your mouth closed, stretching your lips. Repeat 10-12 times.
  4. Pull your lips forward with force, then squeeze and unclench them with tension.
  5. Gently knead the lip area with your teeth for 1-2 minutes.

Is it possible to enlarge lips on your own forever

You can use a plethora of masks, exercises, and makeup techniques at home, but you can’t permanently enlarge your lips with them. You will need to use the services of cosmetologists to make them more voluminous for longer than a day or two; they can perform surgeries and/or injections, though injections also have a long-term but transient effect.

Thus, you can definitely temporarily enlarge your lips at home if you select the best technique and adhere to the directions.

There are several ways you can use at home to get fuller lips. Simple objects like a glass or bottle can temporarily add volume, and makeup techniques can create the appearance of plumper lips without the need for any special equipment. These easy tips are ideal for temporary effects when you need a quick pick-me-up.

Over time, lip exercises can help define and strengthen the lip muscles for those seeking longer-lasting results. Without the use of products or procedures, these exercises can help you gradually improve the volume and natural shape of your lips with consistent practice.

Whether you’re more into workouts, makeup, or commonplace items, trying out various approaches lets you determine what suits your routine the best. There are many ways to get the look you want at home, so you don’t have to rely on cosmetic procedures to feel good about your lips.

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