How to make a voluminous ponytail: instructions for creating a simple stylish hairstyle

A big ponytail is a fantastic way to elevate a basic, daily look with flair and sophistication. This simple hairstyle can give your hair a more polished and fuller appearance, making it appropriate for both formal and informal settings.

With the correct methods, you can achieve a voluminous ponytail with thick or fine hair. You can quickly achieve this stylish hairstyle by following a few simple steps and using some simple tools.

With the help of these easy-to-follow directions, you can achieve a more fashionable and fuller-looking ponytail at home.

General description

For a very long time, the traditional ponytail has been a popular hairstyle. Hair was collected more for practical purposes than aesthetic purposes. It wasn’t until the 1960s that this option became fashionable and styling started to be enhanced with a comb. The ponytail evolved into a sophisticated and useful hairstyle.

Many ponytail variations have been created in the modern era. The gathered hair also started to become lush, in addition to the head’s crown. A full ponytail gives the illusion of having thick hair and works well in a variety of settings. Those who have thin, sparse hair will find this property most relevant.

Naturally occurring curls won’t stop you from pulling off a big, fluffy ponytail. It will take less work for you to create this option, making the task easier. An ensemble can be put together in a variety of ways. Hair that is medium to long is styled.

Curls, a bouffant, or bangs will successfully complete the look. Each choice is made on its own. For many people, a voluminous, voluminous, or double ponytail is a great option for both special occasions and daily wear.

Who it suits

A voluminous ponytail appears more sophisticated than the traditional smooth ponytail. The hairstyle fits a larger spectrum of customers and is appropriate in various contexts.

When pulling your hair back into a ponytail, exercise caution. Smoothed hair close to the face can highlight specific features and highlight the benefits and drawbacks of appearance. For people with regular oval faces that are attractive, styling works best. People who deviate from the norm ought to give it some serious thought.

People with round faces should be aware that the crown-parietal zone may contain a bouffant. Ladies with slender, triangular-shaped bodies should tuck the tail to one side. A side fringe will provide balance to a square face.

You’ll need hair that is long enough to create a look. Medium-length hair can be used for this option, but it is preferable to use curls that stop just above the collarbones. False strands can actually be used to obtain the missing length. A short hairstyle that ends at the chin cannot produce a gorgeous tail.

Hair with any structure can be styled correctly. Naturally curly strands are the best option because they require less work. Thin, sparse hair can look presentable with the right styling. Long hair with thick, thick strands can overly weigh the structure down.

A thick tail works well in a variety of circumstances. Going to a special event, taking a walk with friends, or arriving at work with styling is acceptable. Both adult women and young girls can choose this option. It appears more natural on younger ladies.

Varied shades of hair coloring look great with a full ponytail. The hairdo looks great with curls, bouffant, hair flowers, and jewelry. With this kind of styling, creating a whole image is simple. This option works well with a variety of clothing styles.

It is advised that curvaceous individuals decline a thick ponytail. In the event that your facial features are overly large and sharp, you do not need to style your hair. Styling brings out the best in healthy hair.

A voluminous ponytail is an easy, low-effort way to add flair and style to your appearance. You can give your hair the appearance of fullness and height by following a few simple steps, which will elevate and glamourize this timeless hairstyle. Everyone can achieve a stylish and voluminous ponytail for any occasion with the correct tools and techniques.

Execution technology

One easy at-home style that can be done is a voluminous ponytail. An ensemble can be put together in a variety of ways. Everybody selects the method that works best for them.

You will need the following tools to achieve the look: a curling iron, a hair dryer, styling products, elastic bands, invisible hairpins, comb-brush, and comb with many teeth and a knitting needle handle. The toolset is determined by the work technology that is selected. It is advised to carefully read the step-by-step instructions before creating a hairstyle.

A traditional voluminous ponytail is styled using the following formula:

  1. Work with clean, dry hair. For washing, it is recommended to use a shampoo for volume. Using a balm (mask) will help soften the strands, facilitating the styling process. Hair is lightly sprayed with hairspray or pre-treated with foam.
  2. Clean, dry strands are collected in a ponytail. A lock is separated from the total volume, which is wrapped around an elastic band, acting as a fastener. Such camouflage will help make the appearance of the styling more neat.
  3. The mass of the tail is raised upward, temporarily secured with a clip. Separate a strand, pull it at a right angle, perform 2-3 successive movements on each side from the middle of the length towards the base of the tail. Similarly, all strands of the element are processed in turn, excluding the upper ones. Smooth the surface of the entire hairstyle with a brush. The result is fixed with hairspray.
  4. It is permissible to do a light backcombing at the roots in the crown-parietal zone beforehand. This will help to visually stretch the face, make the appearance more organic, festive. The volume is created before collecting the hair in a ponytail.

Not just backcombing is a good way to get more volume in your hair. Using curlers, pre-treating hair with a hair dryer diffuser, and creating nighttime braids can all help to add volume to hair. The choices will alter the strands’ texture in addition to adding volume.

Making a double ponytail yields an intriguing alternative. A portion of the hair is gathered on the crown and the remaining mass is arranged parallelly on the back of the head to create a hairstyle. The lower tier’s attachment is hidden by the meticulously straightened top portion of the hairstyle. Two ponytails’ worth of hair combine to create a lush shock. Those with naturally curled hair or those who have done so are better off with this option.

A video that shows you how to style a high-volume ponytail.

Svetlana Simonenko’s voluptuous ponytail in the video.

Existing variations

A 1950s-inspired ponytail paired with a camouflage top is an intriguing throwback look. The hair in the crown region is thrown up in volume. The remaining mass is tied into a ponytail at the back of the head. A clip is used to secure a layer of hair in the frontal area. The crown’s residual threads are combed. The crown’s individual strands are joined and meticulously secured to the ponytail using invisible pins.

You can achieve a stylish casual look if your hair is naturally voluminous or has already been curled. The thick ponytail’s strands are separated by hand. The ends are secured with wax or gel to look messy.

An elegant ponytail complements a curly mane. The element’s strands have curls in them. The base mass has a light comb over it. Layers of ponytail are arranged to mimic the cascade of structure. The outcome is meticulously adjusted. It appears strange to wear a ponytail inverted.

You can lift the ponytail’s heavier strands. Those with long, thick hair will find it easier to add volume to the element with this. The trick is to use internal invisible hairpins to hold things together. The ponytail is held in a lovely high position by the hairpins, which function as a sort of frame.

How long does the hairstyle last

A thick ponytail makes it through an entire day of vigorous living. It is not necessary to adjust the hairstyle while wearing it. Curls that are artificially curled will need extra care. Such styling necessitates a strong fix. Those who use fake hair should exercise caution when styling their hair.

Usually, you don’t have to maintain the hairstyle for very long. After a night of sleep, the option may wrinkle and lose its crisp appearance. It is simpler to style again. It won’t take long to complete the task, but washing the hair and starting over are advised.

Pros and cons

Making a voluminous ponytail is simple and doesn’t require much time. The styling exudes style and femininity. It is almost a universal option. In certain circumstances, the ponytail proves to be a useful solution.

It looks better with the hairstyle paired with a youthful, ideal appearance. The styling highlights some of the flaws. A certain amount of hair length is necessary to create the option.

Step Description
1. Prep the Hair Brush your hair to remove any tangles and apply a volumizing spray for extra lift.
2. Section the Hair Divide your hair into two sections: top and bottom. Clip the top section out of the way.
3. Create the Base Ponytail Gather the bottom section into a ponytail at the desired height and secure it with a hair tie.
4. Add Volume Tease the hair in the top section by backcombing small pieces to create volume.
5. Combine Sections Unclip the top section and gently lay it over the base ponytail. Secure it with another hair tie.
6. Final Touches Smooth out the top layer, add hairspray for hold, and wrap a small piece of hair around the hair tie for a polished look.

A big ponytail is a simple way to dress up your regular outfit. You can achieve a stylish yet carefree look with a few easy steps and tools.

Any occasion can be accommodated with this hairstyle, whether you’re going to a night out or work. The best thing is that it looks good on a variety of hair lengths and types.

Now that you know the method, you can play around with different versions and add accessories to keep things interesting. A voluminous ponytail is always a chic and adaptable option.

Video on the topic

Unusual voluminous ponytail🤩Simple and Quick hairstyles for the lazy

🌺How to Make a Beautiful Voluminous Ponytail ~ Hairstyle in 1 Minute

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Maria Sokolova

Hairdresser-colorist, passionate researcher of new coloring techniques. Always in the search for fresh ideas to create unique color solutions. I am inspired by natural shades and fashion trends to create unique looks for everyone.

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