How to make a cascade at home with your own hands

Any hair type can benefit from the classic cascade haircut, which gives it movement and volume. It is renowned for having a layered appearance that progressively lengthens toward the ends and is shorter at the top to create a lovely flow. The good news is that you can accomplish this fashionable look at home without having to go to a salon.

You can design a cascade haircut that complements your face shape and hair texture with a few simple tools and a little perseverance. Whether your hair is curly, wavy, or straight, a cascade will accentuate your inherent beauty and give your look a modern, fresh feel.

To ensure that you get the ideal layers and shape, this guide will walk you through the process of cutting a cascade at home. You will discover how to prep your hair, cut it appropriately, and style it for a salon-caliber look in the comfort of your own bathroom.

Description of the haircut

The cascade haircut has been a popular choice for over a decade. Over time, it has changed a little, but the basic technique and appearance of the hairstyle have remained the same.

The volume and lightness of the cascade set it apart. The soft transitions from short to long strands create this haircut. As a result, odd "steps" are created that exquisitely frame the face.


Can be paired with straight, asymmetrical, oblique, or elongated bangs.

If you follow a few basic steps, use the right tools, and have a little patience, creating a cascade haircut at home can be a simple and rewarding process. This versatile style adds volume and movement to any hair type, making it an excellent option for people who want to update their look without going to the salon.

Level of difficulty

The cascade was first limited to medium-length hair. Asymmetrical features and different hair lengths were gradually permitted, but getting the haircut done yourself is still challenging. You need familiarity with hairdressing tools, an understanding of hair structure, and an awareness of the control strand to create a cascade hairstyle at home.


To give your hair a lovely appearance, you must also be able to properly style the ends; otherwise, your hairstyle will appear messy and sloppy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Who will suit this haircut

While cascading hairstyles are essentially unrestricted, the following general guidelines can help you choose a haircut that best suits your face type:

  • For those with a square face, it is better to cut the strands below the temple, but up to the chin. Long and oblique bangs are acceptable.
  • Those with a triangular face need to accentuate its lower part. To do this, you need to cut off layers of hair, starting from the earlobes.
  • Girls with a round face should choose asymmetrical hairstyles with long and side bangs.
  • Owners of oval faces are lucky – all types of cascade haircuts are combined with this shape.
  • Graduated options are suitable for an elongated face.
  • If you have wide cheekbones, it is better to choose torn hairstyles.

Who it is not suitable for

Owners of thick, curly, or coarse hair should not wear a cascade haircut. In the first scenario, the hairstyle will lose its shape, and in the second, styling will be challenging because of the structure of the hair. Furthermore, the layered structure of the hairstyle won’t show through curly hair.


Features of doing a haircut for yourself and another person

To create a cascade for yourself, you will require specific knowledge and abilities. It is therefore preferable to trust your hair to a professional who can perform a cascade haircut accurately and competently if you do not have them. Alternatively, you could ask someone to assist you in tracking the uniformity of the hair strands and the shape of the hairstyle.

You should also possess some degree of expertise in this area if you want to give someone else a cascade haircut. If you don’t have them, you can still give yourself a haircut by following the directions below.

Choosing between a salon and home

It’s crucial to realize that only a skilled expert can choose a hairstyle based on each individual feature of appearance, such as face shape, hair structure, and color, when choosing how to do a cascade haircut on oneself or in a salon with a stylist.

Consequently, it’s best to get in touch with a hairdresser if at all possible. It is preferable to call for assistance if you are unable to do this and will be cutting your own hair.


Basic technologies of cascade

There are numerous options and corresponding technologies available for creating a cascading haircut. A cascade haircut’s layered structure is its key characteristic. Aside from this, though, every hairstylist has his own trade secrets that add character and uniqueness to the cut.

Evenly with one control strand

Among the easiest methods. One control strand haircuts are popular among novice hairdressers. How it functions

  1. The shortest strand is separated on the crown, it will be the control.
  2. Hair from other zones is cut under it one by one: occipital, temporal, parietal.
  3. Hair is pulled at an angle of 90 degrees to the crown.

In this manner, the hairstyle’s even layering structure is "built" around the crown, which serves as its central point.

With one control strand with extension

This method is comparable to the one that came before it:

  1. A control strand is separated on the crown.
  2. Strands from other zones are pulled to it one by one: occipital, parietal and temporal.
  3. But, unlike the previous technique, here the strands from the back of the head together with the control one are pulled parallel to the floor, and from the temples and crown – perpendicularly.
  4. At the end, an arched contour is created around the face.

As a result, compared to the classic version, the lower portion of the cascade haircut is longer.

With two control strands

Two control strands are used in tandem by this technology: the first is located on the crown, and the second is located on the top of the head. They are trimmed after being twisted into bundles. Following the haircut, do the following:

  1. Separate the curl on the crown at 90 degrees to the base.
  2. Pull other curls from the back of the head to it.
  3. Take a curl on the parietal area and place it perpendicular to the original place.
  4. Gradually separate strands from the parietal area to it, then from the temporal zones.
  5. Graduate along the bottom.

With a length line along the perimeter

This method allows for the creation of an original cascade using the haircut’s upper and lower layers. Algorithm of work:

  1. Cut off the lower part, thereby determining the overall length of the entire hairstyle.
  2. Separate half of all the hair on the crown with a zigzag parting (you get a polygon with the center at the crown).
  3. Pull all the hair perpendicular to the roots and cut to the desired length.
  4. Separate the shortest strand on the crown area. Start cutting from it, moving towards the back of the hair. Cut at 45 degrees.
  5. Using the same technology, cut the hair on the sides.
  6. Form a long oblique fringe and process the ends on the opposite side of the face.
  7. Process the lower part of the hairstyle using the slicing technology (sliding cut).

With a star shape

This hairstyle conveys a soft vibe. Technology

  1. Separate half of all the hair on the crown area in the shape of a star with five ends.
  2. Twist the strands into a bundle and cut to the desired length.
  3. Process the remaining hair with a diagonal cut (from the shortest strand to the longest).
  4. Profiling the ends.

With a pull towards the face

With this haircut technique, the hair is pulled parallel to the floor and towards the face:

  1. First, pull a strand near the center of the forehead.
  2. The rest are pulled out and cut along the first strand.
  3. The finish of the haircut is at the back of the head.

How to cut your hair into a cascade yourself

For long hair

When hair is long, a cascade looks great. At this length, the haircut’s many benefits—including volume, layered structure, and a feminine appearance—are fully displayed. Let’s talk about potential long hair cascade haircut styles and the technologies that will make them possible.


Since it incorporates soft cuts and seamless transitions, it’s comparable to a graduated haircut. It appears gentle and natural as a result. Technology

  1. Divide the hair into five zones: crown, occipital, parietal and temporal.
  2. Separate and pull out a control strand at a right angle on the crown.
  3. Cut off the top layer, making the crown multi-layered.
  4. Apply each new strand to the previous one at a right angle.
  5. Cut the layers at the level of the control strand.
  6. Cut the bangs as desired.
  7. Profile thick hair.

Standard, side, or oblique partings are all possible.


This kind of cascade is more common than the traditional version because it’s simpler to use uneven cuts to create the structure of the hairdo. Technology

  1. The first layer starts from the back of the head, which will be the longest in the hairstyle.
  2. If you plan to completely cut the back of the head, start from the crown.
  3. Cut strands of different thicknesses and at different angles.
  4. Pay special attention to the side strands – with their help you can correct your appearance.
  5. Cuts can be both smooth and contrasting.
  6. The ends are thinned to form “feathers”.


Thick and hard hair types can use this option. Method There are multiple execution techniques that use oblique lines and uneven cuts. Technology

  1. Separate the control strand on the back of the head.
  2. Cut, increasing the length of the hair on one side and decreasing it on the other: pull the control strand to the short curls, and pull the long curls to the control.
  3. Do the same with each layer on top, reducing the length of the hair.
  4. At the end – processing the parietal and front zones.
  • clear oblique cuts at the ends;
  • combination of short and long hair;
  • strands of different lengths on the sides of the face.

With ladder elements

It looks stylish to pair a cascade with ladder-style components. The ladder merely completes the haircut, which is based on a ripped or traditional cascade. Transitions can be abrupt or seamless. Softened, pointed, or even ends are produced.

Double cascade

"Cap" is another term for this hairstyle. Long hair makes it look especially intriguing. The two hair layers that drastically contrast with one another gave rise to the name of the hairstyle. Simultaneously, the upper portion resembles a hat, gently descending into the remaining hair.

For medium hair

Medium-length hair also looks amazing with cascading haircuts. Let’s think about the most well-liked.


It is styled similarly to the traditional long hair cascade: with a smooth transition from long hair at the roots to shorter hair close to the face. On medium-length hair, it appears delicate and feminine.


The most amazing medium-length hair cascade option. Though challenging to execute, it produces an amazing effect of volume, lightness, and luxury. Some of the curls are lengthened, and the ends are carefully worked out and thinned.


For audacious and vivacious girls. The hairstyle gains additional splendor and dynamics from the chaotic cutting of all hair levels. Simple technology for haircuts.

With bangs

A cascade with bangs is an intriguing choice for a medium length hairstyle. Bangs go well with any cascade option. Everything in this case will rely on individual preferences and physical characteristics.


It is trimmed similarly to an asymmetrical long hair cascade. The key is to give the face distinct lengths on both sides. Ideal for young, imaginative girls.


On medium length hair, a double cascade also looks good. Compared to long hair, the "cap" will be more pronounced visually in this instance. It will give the hairstyle more thickness and volume. On medium-length hair, the ends of this type of haircut need to be thinner between each row.


For short hair

Contrary to popular belief, waterfall haircuts look great on people with short hair as well. You can also add interesting layering and volume to short lengths. Let’s examine the most striking differences.

Short crown

A breathtakingly gorgeous haircut that is exclusive to short hair. Its smooth transition from the back of the head to the neck is one of its features. This produces the illusion of a perfectly shaped head. Girls who have an uneven skull shape or a sloping back of the head should examine this haircut more closely.


The top of the head is where graduation is executed in this version. However, not everyone should sport this haircut; those with soft, malleable curls would be better off staying away from it as the style will become untidy and lose its shape.

Italian cascade

This haircut stands out for its sophistication and opulent appearance. It adds a hint of mystery and deadly beauty while also highlighting the owner’s tenderness and femininity. It will appear particularly striking on girls with slender faces.

How to style

An array of styling options is available for a cascade haircut. This allows you to play around with your personal aesthetic and creativity. Style advice:

  • Short length. After washing your hair, dry your hair using a brush. The comb should lift the strands at the roots, creating volume. The hair dryer should be brought as close as possible to the brushing – this will allow you to increase the volume of your hair as much as possible.

REFERENCE. Use a medium hold hairspray or lightly mousse the curls before they dry to fix the style outcome.

  • For medium or long curls, styling with an iron is suitable. You need to straighten the hair along the length, slightly curling the ends. The ends can be curled in any direction – this styling does not impose restrictions. It looks especially impressive on the "Torn Cascade".
  • You can create a bouffant in the back or crown area for more spectacular root volume.
  • If you have bangs, you can do more intricate styling: a slightly raised one will visually make the face less round, and an oblique one will correct the flaws of appearance.
  • With the help of a corrugation attachment, you can create a variety of models. You can completely curl your hair in this way, or only selected strands. Or, removing the top layer of hair, curl the entire hair, and let straight hair hang over it – this will create extreme volume and will look spectacular.
  • Curled curls or large ringlets will always look great on cascade haircuts. These options are more suitable for long and medium hair. Curls can be created using a curling iron, iron or curlers.
Step Instructions
1. Prepare Your Hair Wash and dry your hair. Comb it thoroughly to remove all tangles.
2. Section Your Hair Divide your hair into three sections: one on top, one in the middle, and one at the bottom.
3. Cut the Top Layer Hold the top section upwards and trim it to the desired length. This will be the shortest layer.
4. Trim the Middle Layer Cut the middle section slightly longer than the top. Use the top layer as a guide.
5. Cut the Bottom Layer Leave the bottom section the longest. Trim just the ends to create a cascading effect.
6. Blend the Layers Use thinning scissors to blend the layers smoothly. Comb and adjust as needed.
7. Style as Desired Blow-dry and style your hair to enhance the cascading look.

A cascading haircut can be a gratifying and enjoyable DIY project. Without leaving your house, you can get a salon-caliber look with a little perseverance and practice. To gain confidence and become comfortable with the technique, start with minor adjustments.

For accurate cuts, always take your time and use sharp scissors. To guarantee the greatest outcomes, watch tutorials, gather all required equipment, and work in a well-lit area. Never hesitate to make small adjustments when necessary.

You can have a chic, up-to-date cascade haircut that fits your style and gives your hair movement and volume by following these easy steps.

Video on the topic

Haircut "Cascade" With Your Own Hands at Home


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Anna Lebedeva

Hairdresser-stylist with a special interest in creative haircuts and hairstyles. I am inspired by avant-garde ideas and strive to bring them to life. I am sure that every hairstyle should reflect the uniqueness of the personality and emphasize individual style.

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