How quickly does dye wash out of bleached hair and why?

Vibrant colors look great on bleached hair, but many people find that the color doesn’t stay as long as they’d like. You’re not alone if you’ve ever questioned why bleaching causes your color to fade so quickly. You can prolong the appearance of fresh hair by knowing the causes of this.

Your hair becomes more porous after being bleached because its natural pigments are removed. This results in faster color fading even though it facilitates dye penetration. Because bleached hair is more brittle and prone to breakage, it is less able to retain color.

This post will discuss the factors that affect the rate at which dye fades from bleached hair. We’ll also offer some advice on how to prolong the wear of your color so you can enjoy your vivid appearance without having to touch it up all the time.

Factor Explanation
Porosity of bleached hair Bleached hair is more porous, so it absorbs and releases color more quickly, causing the dye to wash out faster.
Type of dye used Temporary and semi-permanent dyes tend to fade faster on bleached hair, while permanent dyes last longer but may still fade over time.
Hair care routine Frequent washing, especially with hot water and harsh shampoos, can strip the color from bleached hair more quickly.
UV exposure Sunlight can fade hair dye, and bleached hair is more vulnerable to UV damage, leading to faster color loss.

How quickly does dye wash out of bleached hair without additional products

The color from bleached hair naturally fades in two to three months, or until the roots start to regrow. In the event that this occurs—that is, the dye is only partially removed or the regrown roots show—either re-dying—including just the root portion of the hair—or washing off with different products are the options.

Why dye quickly washes out of bleached hair?

For several reasons, the paint may rapidly come off:

  1. Due to the high content of hydrogen peroxide in the activator — the higher the concentration of peroxide in the oxidizer, the higher the risk of negative effects on the hair. And if the curls are damaged (thinned, split, brittle, etc.). d.), then the dye will wash off much faster.
  2. Due to improper selection of paint — cheap paint, unlike professional, always washes off 2 times faster.
  3. Due to care products — if you abuse strengthening and nourishing masks based on natural ingredients (egg, oils, honey, etc.), the result will be very disappointing – the coloring pigment will quickly wash off.
  4. Because of ultraviolet – if it is for a long time under direct sunlight with an uncovered head (and do this repeatedly), the coloring pigment will quickly collapse.

Be mindful! Multiple-color-treated hair quickly loses its acquired shade (unlike, say, first-time-dyed hair).

In what cases should you wash off hair dye?

In the following situations, you should wash off hair dye:

  • If you are no longer satisfied with the acquired shade and want a change.
  • If unwanted yellowness appears.
  • If the shade was poorly chosen.
  • If the dye has already been half washed off and looks unnatural.

Ways to wash off hair dye

Both professional products and homemade recipes made with natural ingredients are used to remove dye from bleached hair. Let’s take a closer look at each of these techniques.

Professional products – lightening powders, store-bought washes, etc. .

The following items can assist you in swiftly eliminating an obtrusive shade:

  • Lightening powders – suppress the coloring pigment of the hair and quickly eliminate the unwanted shade. The best of them are considered to be products released under well-known brands (Schwarzkopf, Matrix, L"Oreal etc.).
  • Store-bought washes — contributes to the washing out of the coloring pigment from the structure of the curls. The most effective are the washes released under the brands L’Oreal, Kaaral, Hair Company, Ollin etc.
  • Special shampoos — are able to slightly correct the acquired shade (by about 2-3 tones). Popular in this category are: Hair Light Remake Color, L’Oreal Eclair Clair Creme etc.

Re-dyeing hair — nuances

The following details need to be considered when re-dying hair:

  • When switching to a lighter shade — several stages of dyeing will be required with an interval of 1-2 weeks. For this, not only dyes are used, but also shampoos, tonics.
  • When switching to a darker shade — it is better to start the dyeing procedure 1-2 weeks after the color change. Otherwise, an unpredictable result is guaranteed. But, in order to reliably fix the new, darker shade, you will need a step-by-step dyeing (first in a slightly darker shade, and then in the chosen color).

Crucial! In the event that the unsuccessful dyeing results in dry, damaged curls, you will need to wait a while before undergoing a series of restorative procedures (either at the salon or at home with homemade masks).

Folk remedies

Proven folk remedies can help you get rid of an unwanted shade in addition to store-bought washes and lightening powders.

Masks – recipes

The following mask recipes can assist in eliminating an undesired shade. However, this will typically take more than one or two steps; that is, because the natural ingredients in the masks behave more gently than those found in professional products.

With lemon juice

One lemon should be squeezed, strained, and combined with two tablespoons of olive or burdock oil, two teaspoons of liquid honey, and one egg. Blend the mixture and distribute it evenly over the fibers before wrapping them in polyethylene. It will be held for one to two hours. Thoroughly rinse the product with plenty of water.

Take note! In the event that the coloring pigment has become deeply embedded in the structure of your curls, two or three additional procedures will be needed.

With honey

Shampoo must be applied to the head along with one hour’s worth of salts (sea salts are preferred). After that, brush wet strands with liquid honey, cover them with polyethylene, and let them sit overnight. Shampoo and thoroughly rinse your hair in the morning. Such a mask can be applied again until the intended outcome is obtained.

Curls are nourished and moisturized by the product in addition to the lighting pigment.

With kefir

Kefir contains lactic acid, which deeply penetrates the hair structure to lighten coloring pigment and eliminate yellowness from light strands. You can use the following technique to accomplish this:

  1. Combine 300 ml of medium-fat kefir with 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. Beat all ingredients and warm slightly over low heat.

It is advised to leave the mask on for approximately an hour before rinsing with shampoo.


Store-bought mayonnaise works great for washing. Just a few tablespoons of vegetable oil (almond, sesame, olive, etc.) need to be added.

Spread the product evenly along the length and cover it with polyethylene for at least two to three hours. It is advised to apply the mask again every two weeks.

With sour cream

You’ll need fatty sour cream (15–20%) for washing off. 200 g for medium-length curls, twice as much for long curls.

Apply all of the sour cream to your hair, cover it with a shower cap, and let it sit for two to three hours. Use a typical shampoo to rinse, then apply balm to moisturize.

Based on essential oils

Unwanted shades can also be removed with essential oils. Lightening qualities can be found in essential oils such as frankincense, lemon, and eucalyptus. After every wash, they are combined with a large amount of warm water (eight to ten drops per 0.5 liter) and used to rinse the hair. After three to four procedures, the first result is noticeable. However, the sessions need to be continued in order to completely remove the coloring pigment.

With aspirin

Grind five aspirin tablets to a powder and dissolve them in a glass of warm water. The strands are thoroughly moistened with the resultant solution before being wrapped in a towel and polyethylene. It is advised to store the product for thirty to forty minutes.

With coconut oil

Use 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil for medium-length curls. It is applied to dry strands after being melted in a water bath until it becomes liquid and transparent. After that, wear a shower cap and tolerate the product for two to three hours. The oil compress, however, can be left running all night. Your hair will benefit from it. Until the paint is entirely removed, the process is repeated.

Counseling! It is suggested to use unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil to remove unwanted shades because it nourishes and saturates the curls with vitamins and microelements while penetrating deeper into the hair shaft.

With laundry or tar soap

The following is how laundry soap or tar soap, which has a kinder effect, is used:

  1. Hair is generously moistened with warm water and soap is applied.
  2. Foam it and hold it on average 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.

Tar or household soap removes unwanted color in a few steps because of the high content of alkalis and fatty acids in the composition.

Home washing

Use home washing to remove the coloring pigment. These are a few well-liked recipes.

From the flowers of chamomile

Pharmacy-sourced dried chamomile flowers (2 st. l.) After adding 0.5 liters of boiling water, wait 30 minutes. After each shallow of the head, the final product is filtered through gauze and used as a rinseum.

Based on soda

Melt five tablespoons in one liter of warm water. l. baking soda. The resulting solution is generously applied to the dry strands, and they are left on for 20 minutes with a shower cap on. After using a nourishing shampoo, rinse off the soda. Until the intended outcome is obtained, repeat the process.

With hydrogen peroxide

Take equal parts of water and 9% hydrogen peroxide. After looping the strands with the solution, leave them on for thirty minutes. Next, use shampoo to wash the hair and conditioner to hydrate it.

Rinse with Coca-Cola

Put on a shower cap, loop the drink around the strands, and leave them on for ten to fifteen minutes. Next, use running water to rinse the product off and let the strands air dry.

The effect of Coca-Cola is due to the high content of acids, which have a destructive effect on coloring pigments.

How to remove paint in a salon

Professional acid washes (Color OFF Estel Professional, Kapous Decoxon 2Faze, Hair Company Light remake color, etc.) are typically used in hair salons. This is how the process appears:

  1. The hair is carefully combed and the lightening mixture is applied.
  2. After about an hour, the product is washed off and the curls are dried with hot air.

The hair is usually dyed in the desired shade after washing.

How to quickly wash off hair dye at home

When washing, it is important to consider certain subtleties and make sure you are following the instructions exactly, depending on the original color of your hair.


Use professionally made, store-bought products, such as lightening powders and washes, to quickly remove dark paint. They harm the curls while also promising a speedy and excellent outcome.

Consequently, the following recipe can be used by those with dry, brittle hair:

  1. Grate the apple.
  2. In a blender, grind ½ lemon together with the peel.
  3. Mix the fruits, add honey and olive oil to them (1 tbsp. l. of each).

Put the mask on and wait one to two hours.


Red pigment is thought to be among the hardest to work with. To remove an undesired shade, only expert cosmetic flutters are utilized. Other than burdock oil, folk remedies will not work in this situation. After applying it, the strands are left for five to six hours.


Brightening paints eliminate the hair’s natural pigment, in contrast to dark shades. For this reason, it is advised to repaint the curls in a color that is similar to natural in order to remove a light shade.

Gentle folk remedies such as vegetable oils, sour cream, mayonnaise, chamomile pharmacy, etc., are also an option.


Castor, almond, sunflower, or other well-heated unrefined vegetable oil can be used to remove it. After combing and drying hair, the product is applied, and a shower hat is worn. Use your regular method to remove the oil after 1.5 hours.

Paint without ammonia will typically last one to three months without washing.


Using a professional wash is the most reliable method. However, it’s not always possible to get the intended outcome the first time. Three to four procedures might be needed to remove a coloring pigment that is persistent. Washing needs to be done once every seven days.

Because bleached hair is porous, it can lose color more quickly than non-bleached hair. Blowing your hair removes natural pigments and weakens the structure of the hair, increasing its absorbency but decreasing its ability to retain color.

This means that color-treated hair that has been bleached may fade more quickly, particularly with repeated washings, sun exposure, and heat styling. The color can last longer if you use gentle hair care products, limit heat exposure, and use color-safe shampoos.

In the end, keeping dyed color in bleached hair requires extra attention and care, but you can prolong the vibrancy of your color with the right regimen.

Because bleaching removes the hair’s natural oils and opens the cuticle, increasing the hair’s porosity, dye removes from bleached hair more quickly. As a result, the color fades more quickly because there is less dye to cling to, especially after repeated washings or sun exposure.

Video on the topic

If the Paint Washes Out of Hair Quickly! How to Dye Your Hair Correctly so that the paint does not wash out

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Ekaterina Zhukova

Professional stylist and makeup artist, I have extensive experience in the fashion industry. Specialization - wedding and evening hairstyles that emphasize natural beauty and elegance. In my work I adhere to the principle - attention to every detail creates the perfect look.

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