DIY mascara

It’s not as hard as you might think to make your own mascara at home. You can make a natural, effective product free of harsh chemicals with just a few basic ingredients. It offers you complete control over what you apply to your lashes and is also healthier for your skin.

DIY mascara can be a rewarding and enjoyable project, whether you’re looking for a more environmentally friendly option or just want to try something different. Additionally, you can change the formula to suit your preferences, whether you’re going for a softer, more natural look or more length or volume.

This post will guide you through the process of making your own mascara, from assembling the components to applying it flawlessly. Now let’s get going!

About the benefits

It will be argued that people would not use homemade mascara if it was no more effective than store-bought. While it’s true that a natural product won’t last as long and can’t promise to grow eyelashes five times longer, there are still benefits:

  1. Environmentally friendly: no chemical additives or fragrances, only natural ingredients.
  2. You control the entire process yourself, so you can be sure of the quality.
  3. The cost price of the product is very low.
  4. Does not spoil eyelashes, does not dry them out and does not weigh them down.

There are other challenges as well; these primarily have to do with the specifications for makeup. Mascara should not crumble, dry out in the tube, or smear all over the eyes; instead, it should color the lashes and give them more volume and length. In the event that the manufacturers have already determined every recipe and ratio needed to produce these effects, you will most likely need to do some trial and error with various recipes. Let’s decide what you’ll need first, though, before we get to them.


Naturally, the full list of items cannot be universally applicable, as it will rely on the preparation strategy selected. Nonetheless, there are some tools that you will always need:

  • A jar for mixing all the ingredients, this can be a container made of glass, plastic or porcelain.
  • A stick for stirring, ideally it should be made of wood. Use improvised means: an ice cream stick or sushi utensils.
  • A measuring spoon, if you don’t have one, then you can use kitchen scales. In the absence of both, you need to know that a teaspoon holds 5 ml of liquid, a tablespoon – 18 ml.
  • A container for storing the resulting product. It is desirable that it does not let in light, the main requirement is a tightly closing lid.
  • A clean mascara brush.
  • Rubber gloves to protect your hands.

You can begin creating your own mascara at home with such basic tools.

Guidance! Every tool needs to be cleaned, and it’s best to sanitize the containers beforehand because infections can cause an allergic reaction in the eyes.

A cheap and easy way to make a customized, natural mascara without the harsh chemicals of store-bought versions is to make your own at home. Beeswax, coconut oil, and activated charcoal are a few simple ingredients that you can use to make a mascara that is both gentle on your eyes and enhances your lashes.

Possible recipes

Applying natural mascara by hand is easy. Selecting the appropriate creation method is crucial.

Option No. 1

For girls with sensitive eyes, the aloe vera plant is the perfect source of mascara. As an paint, take two tablets of activated carbon. Pulverize them and mix in 4–5 drops of aloe vera gel (available at pharmacies). When everything is smooth, stir the mixture.

Ideas! Aloe vera gel can be substituted with aloe vera juice, which is sold in pharmacies.

As we’ve already mentioned, making your own mascara is incredibly cost-effective. This is evidence:

  • Activated carbon – 20 rubles / pack.
  • Aloe vera gel – 90 rubles.

Both components will be sufficient for multiple preparations at the same time.

Option #2

Vitamin mascara works well for lashes that are dry and brittle. In equal parts, combine liquid vitamin E or B, jojoba oil, and activated charcoal powder. Blend all ingredients until they are well combined.

These cosmetics will enhance the condition of your eyelashes in addition to giving them more color and volume.

Advice for creating your own homemade mascara:

Option #3

If your lashes are naturally short but you still want to make an expressive look, mix room-temperature yolk with activated charcoal that has already become familiar. Ensure that no lumps develop. Such cosmetics should only be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.

Since applying all three of these options is not very convenient due to their rather liquid consistency, we provide you with a more expert homemade mascara recipe.

Natural mascara

Here, the same activated carbon serves as a paint; black or brown iron oxide can be used in its place. Four tablets of charcoal are required; an equivalent amount of spoons will last for a half-hour.

Add half a teaspoon of corn starch to the mixture to thicken; this will provide the right consistency with just half a teaspoon of boiling water. Use contact lens liquid in place of the water, if at all possible. Add three to four drops of olive or almond oil as well. Additionally effective are coconut extract, grape seed extract, and jojoba extract.

Once everything is well combined, transfer the mascara into a container and refrigerate for one hour before using.

Mascara in a bar

During the first part of the 20th century, when the mass-production of cosmetics was just getting started, this type of eye makeup was very popular. We will need the familiar ingredients coal, corn starch, water, or contact lens liquid for preparation. We use the same amounts of these ingredients as in the earlier recipe.

You will need to mix them with ¼ tsp. spoonfuls of candelilla or beeswax and half a teaspoon of jojoba or almond oil. Beeswax is available for purchase in pharmacies and organic product stores; a 100-gram bag typically costs 150 rubles.

Grind the activated carbon and thoroughly combine it with the cornstarch. Transfer the wax to a different bowl and fill it with your preferred oil. Use a water bath or a microwave to melt the mixture; the most important thing is to avoid overheating.

Stir the oil and wax together until they are liquid, then quickly stir in the dry mixture. Transfer the mixture into a container and press down on the mass with a paper napkin to form a bar.

Ideas! Although this kind of mascara dries faster due to the wax, it is easier to apply and lasts longer. In this case, just submerge the container into a container full of warm water.

Girls who have attempted to make mascara at home have discovered that it is not always possible to get the hang of a recipe the first time. Here are some useful hints to get you more proficient with the procedure quickly.

Step Description
1. Gather ingredients You will need coconut oil, beeswax, activated charcoal, and aloe vera gel.
2. Melt coconut oil and beeswax In a double boiler, melt the coconut oil and beeswax until fully combined.
3. Add activated charcoal Stir in activated charcoal to give the mascara its color.
4. Mix in aloe vera gel Add aloe vera gel for smooth consistency and moisture.
5. Pour into a container Transfer the mixture into a small clean container or an empty mascara tube.
6. Let it cool Allow the mixture to cool and solidify before using.

The process of creating your own mascara at home can be enjoyable and fulfilling. Because you have complete control over the ingredients, you can make sure the product is suitable for your skin type and preferences and steer clear of any harsh chemicals.

You can make a natural mascara that works just as well as store-bought mascaras with a few basic ingredients and simple instructions. Additionally, you can alter the recipe to give your lashes more definition, volume, or length.

Try it out and experience the joy of making your own cosmetics. You’ll not only get a mascara that suits your needs exactly, but you’ll also save money.

DIY mascara. Mascara handmade (by Iryna).

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What they hide from us? How to make DIY MASCARA.

How to make DIY mascara

DIY mascara

HOW TO MAKE MASCARA at home ✔ How to make DIY mascara

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Alexey Ivanov

Stylist with over ten years of experience. I specialize in men's and women's haircuts, creating images that emphasize individuality. I am sure that everyone can find their ideal hairstyle that will emphasize inner beauty and confidence.

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