Women”s haircut “Under the pot” – is it worth doing in our time and who can it suit

The "Under the pot" haircut, which was quite fashionable a few decades ago, is surprisingly becoming fashionable again. With its blunt, straight-across cut that creates a unique facial framing, this bold and edgy style stands out. Even though it might appear to be a throwback, many are unsure of its continued relevance in contemporary fashion.

This haircut may strike some as a bold decision that exudes self-assurance and uniqueness. It’s a great choice for people with strong bone structure because of its simplicity, which draws attention to facial features. But it’s not for everyone, just like any bold style.

In the modern world, where hairstyles can express oneself more creatively than ever, the "under the pot" cut can make a bold statement or be a risky fashion choice. Let’s find out who looks best in this outfit and if it’s worth trying right now.

General description

Men and boys wore haircuts back in the Kievan Rus period, which is when the tradition began. By using a pot placed atop the head as a sort of template and trimming the hair along its perimeter, a comparable shape could be produced.

The main idea behind the hairstyle, which has been popular for centuries, was to blend in with the crowd. During the Middle Ages in Europe, people from various social classes wore it. And the hairstyle was only included in the list of women’s models in the 1960s of the previous century. connected to both the burgeoning feminist movement and the success of the Beatles. The fashion industry has undergone a revolution as a result of the fight for gender equality.

Girls with short hairstyles are now seen as bold, fashionable, and self-assured. The shape gives the original hairstyle a new twist, and the right geometry has contributed to the hairstyle’s enormous popularity.

Ladies’ "pot" hairstyle

In addition, the name "Cap" appears, with a straight fringe falling either above or below the eyebrows. The primary volume is dispersed equally throughout the crown, occipital, and parietal regions. It is done on short to medium-length hair, with the bangs line turning into straight cuts that cover the ears or left open at the temples. The temporal-occipital region’s contrasting volume, which results in the face and neck being as open as possible, creates the desired effect.

Smooth, thick bangs are frequently used to correct facial disproportions and rejuvenate the appearance. Age groups are not limited; the oval’s shape and the hair’s structure are the most important considerations.

Who is it for

The original shape is only chosen by brave girls who are certain of their own undeniable beauty. The model helps you stand out from the crowd. It is impossible to adjust the facial shape with the open lower face and neck; this hairstyle works best on young, thin women.

The image is made more severe and feminine by the use of clear lines. The hairstyle suggests that a straight fringe is required. The haircut is suitable for a business look and can be worn by representatives of various professions. Creative people also choose to keep their individuality and freedom of expression.

For whom is it intended?

  • The original haircut suits fragile, slender girls, with a chiseled line of the neck and shoulders;
  • the correct or slightly elongated shape of the oval, as well as the inverted triangle are suitable for performing the "Cap" haircut, pronounced cheekbones, rounded cheeks or a heavy chin require choosing other models;
  • not suitable for curvy ladies, the haircut adds volume, so it is recommended for girls with model appearance;
  • focuses attention on the face, should be chosen by owners of bright external data;
  • is performed on straight, thick curls, it is difficult to give curly strands the desired shape, there will also be difficulties when cutting sparse, soft hair.

Owners of a round, trapezoid, square oval, or one with noticeable flaws in appearance should not use this model. It is not done on thin, curly curls because it is hard to get the right volume and shape.

Crucial point Because the hairstyle draws attention to the skin’s flaws, it’s important to achieve a smooth structure and an even matte tone before making any drastic changes.

Although it’s not for everyone, the "under the pot" haircut, which was popular in earlier decades, can still make a bold fashion statement today. Those with strong, angular facial features or an edgy, confident style look good with this short, rounded cut. It can give your appearance a distinctive, retro feel, but people with softer face shapes or those who want a more traditional, feminine appearance might find it less flattering. Depending on your sense of style and desire to stand out, you should decide whether to try this hairstyle.

Preparatory stage

You can try it at home, but you’re not going to be able to duplicate the performance skill on your own. Standard tools needed for the haircut are as follows:

  • classic scissors are suitable for both thin and hard hair;
  • thinning scissors are needed to process cuts to give a harmonious shape;
  • a spray bottle will help to moisturize the strands, the haircut is not performed on dry curls, to prevent hair trauma;
  • a comb with a thin handle is needed not only for combing, but also for zoning the hair part of the head;
  • a trimmer will be needed for edging the temples and the back of the head, elongated models will allow you to do without this hairdressing device.

The cost of a haircut at a salon is determined by the stylists’ experience, skill, location, and status of the beauty center. In addition to the haircut, the price of the service might also cover the model selection, coloring, and styling. A fashionable haircut will typically set you back between 1000 and 5000 rubles. You can do it at home with loved ones’ assistance, but you can only cut the bangs by yourself. It falls into the simple options category based on execution technique, but you need outside assistance when processing the back of the head and temples.

Technology of execution

There are various variations of the "Bowl" haircut; each has unique qualities while maintaining the iconic voluminous shape:

  • classic — the length reaches the edge or lobe of the ear, the strands are at the same level, straight bangs emphasize the perfect oval of the face, suitable for a business style, goes well with monochrome coloring;
  • creative — the length can be slightly above the ear, thanks to the combination with a shaved back of the head and temples, a bold image is created, contrasting coloring, bright, juicy shades will emphasize the original shape;
  • asymmetrical — allows you to harmonize the proportions of the face, elongated bangs will help to visually stretch the oval, give relief to the cheekbones, goes well with contrasting tones.

A clip of the "Bowl" hairstyle.

Footage of the ladies’ "hat" hairstyle.

Brightly colored hair often goes well with a fashionable haircut; however, natural, light brown curls are not advised because the hairstyle will appear boyish. Use gold and silver notes to achieve a more intense color; they will give short strands a unique shine.

How to carry it out:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo, don"t forget about conditioner. Dry with a towel.
  2. Comb your hair and divide it into 4 zones – 2 temporal, occipital and parietal. For convenience, twist each into a tourniquet, fix with clips.
  3. Separate a control strand from each zone, they should be symmetrical at the temples.
  4. Choose the length and cut 4 control strands starting from the back of the head, in the shape of a circle or an oval shifted towards the neck.
  5. Then trim each zone at the level of the control strand. Use thinning scissors to process the cuts.
  6. Edge the neck with a trimmer in the shape of an inverted triangle or oval. If the haircut is short – trim the temples.
  7. Use a brushing brush to give the curls root volume.

Haircut care

Owners of thin, obedient hair will appreciate a practical and cozy hairstyle. Without the need for styling products, the curls will effortlessly take the desired direction and create volume if cowlicks are absent. Stiff hair strands are difficult to style; it is best to get in touch with a professional if your hair breaks easily and loses its shape. To facilitate at-home care, the hairdresser will cut each client’s hair according to their unique growth characteristics.

The hairstyle needs to be updated on a regular basis; once every three to four weeks, the shape needs to be maintained. The "Bowl" haircut can be extended, but doing so should be discussed with your hairdresser once every two to three months.


  • foam is necessary to add root volume, an alternative option is a spray that combines the properties of mousse and varnish;
  • wax or gel is used to highlight individual strands along the entire length or the ends, suitable for dry, colored hair;
  • The paste has a matting effect, also provides maximum fixation during the day, is used for oily and combination curls;
  • to give the styling a sculptural look, it is recommended to use styling clay, it is based on beeswax, plant extracts, has a moisturizing and heat-protective effect;
  • hair powder provides root volume, allows you to achieve a natural look, does not stick the hairs together, hairdressers recommend for thin, porous hair, the special structure protects the cuticle from mechanical and thermal effects.

Style selections:

  • business – dry the strands towards the forehead, treat the ends with wax or pomade, creating a slight asymmetry;
  • romantic – dry the hair with a brush, select a few strands at the temples, crown, at the back of the head, curl the area in the middle of the curl with a curling iron to give a textured curl;
  • retro – generously apply wax or pomade, comb the strands along a side parting on 2 sides, fix the bangs with decorative invisible pins.

Comparison with similar hairstyles

The "Bowl" model is only used on short hairstyles. You can cut your hair at home with a simple technique. Only straight, thick hair with volume and straight bangs will work, as well as regular, elongated oval shapes.

A bob is a timeless, fashionable haircut that lets you drastically change how you look. You can harmonize facial features and correct the oval shape with falling profiled or graduated strands. carried out on various curl types—straight, curly, and curly. along with ripped, angled, or straight bangs—or maybe without any at all.

"Sesson" is a traditional haircut that is an extended version of the "Cap" model. Straight or asymmetrical bangs that flow smoothly to the back of the head are present. Only those with regular, elongated oval hairstyles would look good with it, along with the "Bowl" haircut. The elongated shape gives off an elegant, feminine vibe.

Sesson and Bob

Pros and Cons

Only those with a lot of self-confidence and personality can afford the "Bowl" cut. This hairstyle helps you stand out from the crowd and adds individuality. It is advisable to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of a drastic change before making a decision.


  • the haircut makes you look younger, emphasizes the refined features of the face;
  • meets fashion trends;
  • combines with complex coloring techniques;
  • suitable for different styles, trends, you can choose a classic or creative model;
  • practical for daily care.


  • it is difficult to correct an unsuccessful haircut, the short length does not allow you to significantly change mistakes;
  • not performed on wavy, curly curls;
  • suitable only for an oval or oblong face;
  • not recommended for girls with curvy shapes;
  • you can do a limited number of styling;
  • not the best option for correcting external imperfections.
Advantages Disadvantages
Bold and unique look that stands out. May not suit all face shapes, especially round faces.
Easy to maintain with minimal styling. Can be difficult to grow out if you change your mind.
Works well with strong facial features. Not always considered trendy in modern fashion.
Good option for those with thick, straight hair. Can look too harsh on softer or curly hair types.

In today’s fashion world, the "under the pot" haircut is a daring decision that can make a big impression. It may not be for everyone, but for individuals who enjoy being noticed, it can be a powerful style. For people who wish to project a distinct sense of style, this look channels a retro vibe with a modern twist.

Oval or round face shapes suit this haircut the best because it brings out the best aspects of the face. Additionally, straight or slightly wavy hair requires less maintenance. On the other hand, it can be styled to fit various hair types.

When contemplating this haircut, take into account your lifestyle, confidence, and sense of style. It’s a striking haircut that will draw attention, but only if you look good and feel good about yourself wearing it. At the end of the day, style is about expressing who you are, so if the "under the pot" look appeals to you, go for it!

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Maria Sokolova

Hairdresser-colorist, passionate researcher of new coloring techniques. Always in the search for fresh ideas to create unique color solutions. I am inspired by natural shades and fashion trends to create unique looks for everyone.

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