Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed for health, longevity and weight loss. Video

A series of easy exercises called Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics can be performed in bed. These exercises are meant to increase longevity, enhance general health, and even aid in weight loss.

Tibetan gymnastics, in contrast to strenuous exercise, emphasizes soft movements that awaken the body’s inherent energy. It’s a fantastic way to begin the day because it makes you feel more centered and invigorated.

These exercises are popular because of how easy and efficient they are. It’s understandable why this practice is becoming more and more well-liked given the extra advantage of improving hormonal balance.

Benefits of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics How to do it
Boosts energy and improves sleep Lie on your back and rub your palms together
Helps with weight loss and metabolism Place your hands over your eyes and gently press
Promotes longevity and overall health Massage your head and ears with your fingertips
Improves blood circulation and flexibility Move your feet in circular motions while lying down
Supports hormone balance Rotate your wrists and ankles to stimulate joints

Why gymnastics is called hormonal

The word "hormonal" in the name refers to the fact that many Tibetan gymnastics exercises, which are frequently done in bed, essentially involve massage movements that stimulate active points, which triggers the release of adrenaline.

The body is flooded with energy, tissues and organs become toned, the hormonal system starts to function more intensely, and a complex rejuvenating effect is attained.

What effect does Tibetan gymnastics have

It is thought that Tibetan monks’ long life and excellent health are due to unique hormonal exercises done in bed, which need to be done every day for the best results. The human body is affected in a whole by this gymnastics.

It is possible to distinguish the following beneficial effects:

  • The functioning of the hormonal system is stabilized, the work of the glands of internal secretion and the production of hormones are normalized.
  • The state of the cardiovascular system improves, the walls of the vessels become more durable.
  • Vision becomes clearer, hearing is restored.
  • Fat deposits are reduced, it is possible to get rid of cellulite.
  • The mood and tone increase, energy appears.
  • Rejuvenation of the body occurs, various diseases pass faster, life expectancy increases.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed is a simple yet powerful routine that promotes health, longevity, and weight loss. By stimulating key points in the body, this practice helps balance hormones, improve circulation, and boost metabolism, all while being easy to perform from the comfort of your bed. It"s a gentle way to support overall well-being without the need for strenuous exercise. Watch the video for easy-to-follow instructions and start your journey to better health today.

How to perform Tibetan gymnastics

There are some guidelines that must be followed even though Tibetan hormonal gymnastics can be done in bed. You shouldn’t anticipate any immediate noticeable results if you perform the exercises in an erratic manner.

The ensuing guidelines ought to be adhered to:

  • It is recommended to do the exercises on an empty stomach, no later than half an hour before meals.
  • Gymnastics should be done lying on a bed or some other flat, hard surface.
  • Breathing plays a crucial role in the exercises – it should be deep and unhurried.
  • For each exercise, you need to do 30 repetitions, while ideally the frequency of movements should be synchronized with the heartbeat. With such a system, performing the exercises included in the gymnastics complex will not take more than 7 minutes.
  • You should not give up exercises if after the first sessions you experience slight pain or discomfort.
  • After completing the gymnastic complex, experts advise drinking 1 tbsp. warm water, which helps normalize digestion and stimulates the lymphatic system.
  • Tibetan gymnastics classes are categorically incompatible with bad habits.
  • It is very important to monitor the quality of the exercises, for which it is necessary to focus on proper breathing and listen to the state of your own body.
  • The best time for classes is early in the morning, no later than 8 o"clock.
  • The main condition is that classes should be held every day.

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Almost everyone can benefit from performing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed, regardless of age or physical condition.

However, there are still a few warning signs:

  • hypertension;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • spinal pathologies;
  • postoperative period;
  • any mental illness;
  • children under 16 years of age.

If you have any of the symptoms, you should consult a specialist and follow a personalized plan that considers your unique body type instead of being strictly prohibited from performing Tibetan monk gymnastics.

A set of exercises in bed for health and longevity

A basic set of exercises called "Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed" when performed will give you a boost of vigor and energy that lasts all day.


  1. Palm massage. Lying on the bed, you need to start rubbing your palms against each other so that they warm up. Monks use this exercise to scan their own biofield: hot palms indicate that the biofield is in order, if the palms do not heat up – the biofield is reduced, and if the hands are wet – some kind of failure has occurred or even a disease is observed in the body.
  2. Palming. After performing the first exercise, warmed palms are placed on closed eyes and begin to press on the eyeballs – 1 press per second and so 30 times. After performing the pressure, it is recommended to leave the palms on the eyes for a while – optimally up to 2 minutes. This exercise helps to nourish the eyeball and improves the functioning of the nerve endings, which, in turn, leads to normalization of vision and a reduction in gray hair.
  3. Impact on the ears. Place the fingers of your hands under the back of your head, pressing your palms to your ears. Then start pressing on your ears at a rate of one press per second. If you feel pain, ease off the pressure. 30 repetitions are performed in this way. This impact helps improve hearing, and also, due to the impact on many nerve endings located in the auricles, improves the functioning of various organs and overall well-being.
  4. Facelift. Put your fist against the lower part of your face so that your thumbs are behind your ears. Having positioned your hands in this way, perform massaging movements with your fists from the center of your chin to your ears. This action helps tighten your face contour, helps eliminate your double chin, improves blood supply to your tissues, and improves skin tone.
  5. Forehead massage. First, you need to put the palm of your right hand on your forehead, and then the palm of your left hand on top. Massage movements are performed in a circle from one edge of the forehead to the other. This effect has a beneficial effect on the pituitary gland and helps cleanse the nasal sinuses.
  6. Massage of the crown. With palms folded as in the previous exercise, stroking movements are made from one ear to the other through the parietal region. This exercise has a beneficial effect on the work of the joints and stabilizes blood pressure.
  7. Massage of the thyroid gland. The right hand is placed on the place where the thyroid gland is located, and the left makes massage movements towards the center of the abdomen. In the final 30th action, both palms are placed on the navel. This exercise stimulates the thyroid gland, promotes the development of its own immunity.
  8. Massage of the abdomen. Putting your left palm on top of your right, you need to slowly massage your stomach in a circle, clockwise (when moving in the opposite direction, intestinal problems may occur). This effect improves digestion and helps the intestines to function normally.
  9. Shaking your arms and legs. In a lying position, you need to raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the surface and shake them for half a minute. Then you need to make circular movements with your hands and feet. This exercise improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases joint mobility.

Complex "Eye of Rebirth": energy – for weight loss

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics consists of more than just exercises done in bed. Another set of exercises created by Tibetan monks and made popular by P. Kelder is the "Eye of Rebirth" or "5 Tibetan Pearls" technique.

Starting with the monks’ own claim, the human body has a specific number of energy centers, or "vortices," that provide the body with energy. When health issues arise, these vortices’ speed drops, preventing the necessary amount of energy from reaching the organs. These exercises facilitate the initiation and normalization of energy flows.

The body is revitalized, illnesses go away, and metabolic processes are triggered as a result. Losing extra weight is another outcome that has made the technique very popular.

It is advised to complete the exercises in this gymnastic complex one to two times per day. The best time to attend classes is in the morning because gymnastics provides a significant energy and vigor boost. Exercise must be done every day to maintain fitness, as skipping sessions can worsen health.

Experts recommend completing each exercise no more than five times during the first few classes, then progressively increasing the number of repetitions to 21. It is advised to slightly lower the number of repetitions if carrying out a higher number results in pain and unpleasant sensations. The exercises for the "Eye of Rebirth" technique are listed below.

Exercise 1

Assume the starting posture by standing erect and extending your arms at a right angle out to the side. Next, start rotating your torso in a clockwise direction around your own axis. Three rotations is the minimum and twenty-one is the maximum. If you experience dizziness, you should cease all activity.

Exercise 2

You must stretch your upper limbs while lying on your back on a level surface, lean your palms with clenched fingers toward the ground. The next step is to lift your head and press your lower face firmly against your chest. Next, you must lift your legs straight up to the surface while attempting to keep your pelvis from rising.

Once everything is going according to plan, you can progressively bring your legs closer to your chest without bending them at the knees. You should gradually bring your legs back to the starting position as soon as your pelvis starts to lift off the floor. The most important thing is to pay attention to your breathing. Exhale before starting the exercise, take a deep breath when raising your head and limbs, and exhale once more when lowering yourself.

Exercise 3

You must kneel while maintaining a vertical posture, and place your hands behind your thighs, below your buttocks, to complete this exercise. With your chin resting on your chest, your face should be tipped forward. The next thing you need to do is tilt your head back, put your hands on your hips, and arch your back. The head then returns to its initial position.

Just like in the last exercise, you should exhale first, take a deep breath as you arch, and then exhale once more as you come back to the starting position.

Exercise 4

Position yourself as follows: sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, your back straight, your palms flat on the floor by your sides, and your lower face pressed against your chest. Leaning on your arms and shins, which stay in a vertical position, you must throw your head back and raise your body parallel to the floor.

After assuming this pose, you should tensively contract every muscle for a brief period of time before returning to your initial position. Suggestions for breathing: Breathe out as you begin, hold your breath when you feel tension, and then release your breath once more as you return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Initially, you should lie prone, with your back arched and your weight supported by your palms and toes. Your head then starts to tilt back. Afterwards, the chin is brought up against the chest and the buttocks rise up until an acute angle forms. The limbs ought to stay erect. After maintaining this posture for a short while, you should gradually move back to your starting position.

Make sure that the movement represents an inhalation and that the start and finish of the exercise correspond to an exhalation.

Principles of correct breathing for weight loss

Breathing correctly is essential when completing these exercises. Prior to beginning gymnastics, Tibetan monks advise practicing breathing techniques. Breathe in through your nose, then out through your mouth, making the sound "he." You should mentally let go of all resentment and bad feelings as you exhale.

There are three phases to breathing movement:

  1. Lower diaphragmatic – on inhalation, you need to direct the diaphragm down, push your stomach forward so that the lungs are filled with air, draw in the perineum.
  2. Middle chest – you need to lift your stomach as much as possible so that the intercostal muscles expand the chest.
  3. Upper clavicular – straighten your shoulders without lifting them up, allowing the neck muscles to lift the upper ribs without straining the chest. Exhalation is carried out in similar stages when moving body parts in the opposite order. With the correct inhalation and exhalation, the body will be in additional tone during exercises, which increases their effectiveness.

Exercises for the spine "9 threads"

"9 threads" is a style of gymnastics designed to prevent and treat a variety of spine-related issues. It is advised to perform these exercises twice a day. The practice of Tibetan medicine holds that increasing back flexibility is crucial to long life. The curvature of the spine in different parts, such as kyphosis, lordosis, or scoliosis, could be a barrier to this.

The purpose of the "9 threads" exercise complex is to strengthen intervertebral discs and straighten the spine.

"Three twists" is the collective term for the first three threads:

  • Upper twist (1st thread) aims to relax the upper body through twisting actions of the upper limbs. To perform the exercise, you need to slowly rotate the body, starting the action from the arms bent at the elbows.
  • Middle twist (2nd thread) is transformed from the upper by pushing the pelvis forward and bending back. Such transformation occurs in several stages-movements. At the same time, the direction of movement of the upper limbs changes by 90 degrees.
  • Lower twist (3rd thread). Movements below the waist are carried out by oppositely directed swings of the upper limbs and the leg bent at the knee.

If you experience a slight crunching sound in your spine while performing these exercises, don’t be alarmed; this is a common symptom. All you need to do is take care not to go too fast.

  • 4th thread – "See the Sky" – done slowly. Palms should be pressed against each other at the bottom. Then the palms are turned in the opposite direction, stretching the cervical vertebra. Next, the upper limbs move up, thrown back while simultaneously moving the head forward. The body is stretched upward with a rise on the toes, vibration occurs. At the end, you need to forcefully lower yourself onto your heels.
  • 5th thread. The upper limbs, under their own weight, relax and fall down and move back and forth by inertia. Then begin to move the upper limbs behind the spine, first with a regular lock, and then with a reverse one.
  • 6th thread – "Fix the Mountain". With two fists, press on both sides of the spine in an upward direction.
  • 7th thread– "Smooth the Valley". The skin on both sides of the lumbar spine is grabbed with fingers and pulled back. With such pinches, it is necessary to go down to the sacral region.
  • 8th threadincludes 3 exercises: rolling the back and neck – first with bent lower limbs, and then with straightened ones; stretching the body above and below the waist in opposite directions; vibrations passing through the stretched body.

  • The final 9th ​​thread consists of rolling on the back, relaxing with throwing the legs behind the head, reverse rolling, head rotations and seated crunches.

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Principles of Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes

Particular Tibetan eye exercises have a multifaceted effect that improves eyesight and appearance.

The following guidelines ought to be followed in order to get the greatest impact:

  1. It is believed that the green color has the most beneficial effect on vision, so when decorating your workplace, you should use green elements that give your eyes a chance to rest.
  2. During the day, you should massage your eyelids from time to time with light finger movements.
  3. Washing with cold water has a beneficial effect on eye health.
  4. Smiling in front of the mirror and being in a good mood fill your eyes with positive energy.

Eye exercises

They can keep their eyes healthy with a simple set of exercises.

In order to consistently complete the exercises, you must:

  • place your index fingers in front of your face and fix your gaze on them. Then you should spread your fingers in different directions, continuing to follow them with your eyes;
  • perform eye rotations in a circle, first in one direction, and then in the other;
  • blink quickly for 1-2 minutes;
  • move your eyes along diagonal lines;
  • shift your gaze from a close object to a distant object, and then back to a close object.

Every exercise should be performed multiple times, with the number of repetitions being increased gradually to ten. After completing the series of exercises, give your eyelids a gentle massage.

Olga Orlova"s gymnastics: video

All those who have attempted Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, including the in-bed version, have reported positive outcomes. Exercise regimens inspired by Tibetan monastic practices have become increasingly popular because of their high effectiveness and simplicity of use.

Regular exercise extends life expectancy, aids in disease management, and rejuvenates the body.

A straightforward but effective practice that you can incorporate into your daily schedule is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. The exercises you can do in bed will help you stay healthier overall, live longer, and even lose weight.

These are low-impact, low-tech ways to enhance your health and well-being without requiring a lot of physical work or specialized equipment. Hormone balance and the promotion of a healthier lifestyle are achieved through the combination of breathing exercises and gentle movement.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, when practiced consistently, can be a great way to wake up feeling more balanced and energized. For those seeking a natural and soothing approach to enhance their physical and mental well-being, this is a simple technique.

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Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed

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Tibetan gymnastics in bed

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