Thrusters with a kettlebell. What muscles work, technique

The kettlebell thruster is a powerful exercise that combines both strength and cardio training. It’s an excellent way to build muscle, burn calories, and improve overall endurance. By using a kettlebell, you also engage more stabilizer muscles, making the workout even more effective.

Using a kettlebell to perform thrusters works several important muscle groups. Your arms, shoulders, core, and legs will all burn. For those who want to improve their coordination and balance while toning up and strengthening their muscles, this full-body workout is perfect.

To get the best results and prevent injuries, you must master the technique. Using proper form guarantees that you are using the appropriate muscles and safeguarding your joints. Kettlebell thrusters can become a mainstay in your exercise regimen with the appropriate technique, leading to progressive gains.

Rules and features

A thruster using a kettlebell or any other weight requires a lot of energy, so it’s critical to maintain a set pace when executing multiple approaches. Athletes need to find their own unique pace that keeps them breathing deeply and performing at their best.

The muscles in the legs, buttocks, and lower back play a major part in completing this task. However, the shoulder girdle serves only as a supporting role. For this reason, you will need to use your legs powerfully if you want the swings to be as effective as possible.

Swings are regarded as a multi-joint exercise, which accounts for their many health benefits. They support the development of joints, ligaments, and muscles in addition to muscles.

The following is a long list of the muscles used during a thruster:

  • hips;
  • triceps;
  • trapezoid and deltoid;
  • abs;
  • buttocks.

The depth of the squat has a major influence on the load placed on the gluteal muscles; the lower the depth, the more actively they must work, which can only mean one thing: they will become the strongest.

However, exercise has other benefits for the body as well. It increases heart rate and blood vessel activity, boosts metabolism, and encourages lung ventilation.

When doing thrusters, athletes frequently experience no change at all—just exhaustion—and this is all because they commit grave errors during the exercise.

  1. The athlete does not pay attention to the work of the elbow joints and knees. The technique provides for the correct work of the knees – they should be strictly at an angle proportional to the position of the toes.
  2. Incorrect use of weights. When performing the exercise, you should strictly follow the technique and not experiment.
  3. Initially, athletes without training select too much weight of weights. In this case, the back is uneven, so during the exercise it can be injured. The problem can be solved easily – reduce the weight of the weights.

The table describes additional errors that exist.

Uncoordinated work of the legs and arms The athlete first gets to his feet, and only then pushes the dumbbell with the strength of his arms – and this is wrong. These are two separate sports tasks that have nothing to do with thrusters.
Falling into a squat It is necessary to lower yourself into a squat under control, and not to fall into it abruptly. Otherwise, you can get a serious knee injury. In addition, such an execution will not bring any benefit to the leg muscles.
Incomplete squat If you do not perform a full squat, you can lose momentum and all your efforts will be wasted.
Bending of the spine When performing a thruster, it is important to monitor your spine, it should not bend, otherwise you can get a serious back injury.
The projectile is raised strictly vertically If the kettlebell even slightly tilts to the side, this will greatly complicate the task for the athlete, since you will have to adjust your entire body to the projectile.
Incorrect breathing Rhythmic and fast exercises, which include thrusters, can knock even experienced athletes out of rhythm. If you take a breath ahead of time, then it will be quite difficult to master the entire approach.
No warm-up Thrusters combine anaerobic and aerobic exercise, which is why, before you start doing them, you should warm up your ligaments and joints well, and also prepare your heart and blood vessels for the load.

Why are they needed

In CrossFit, kettlebell thrusters are regarded as essential exercises. They should also be incorporated into the program for people training for strength-based sports, for people with weaker ligaments and muscles, and for the prevention of different conditions that impact the musculoskeletal system.

It is advised that both novices and professional athletes incorporate thrusters into their training regimens because they:

  • help to work out all the muscles in the body in one movement;
  • develop coordination, normalize balance;
  • increase strength endurance;
  • make more than 600 muscles work actively and all in 1 movement;
  • are considered a good cardio exercise without active leg movement;
  • help to actively burn calories and all in a short period of time;
  • improve muscle definition;
  • increase muscle volume;
  • increase strength indicators;
  • improve explosive power.

Contraindications and possible harm

Although kettlebell thrusters have many physical advantages, it’s important to remember that they also carry an axial load. This is the reason why people with spinal column issues are unable to perform this movement.

Teenagers should not be trained in throws because they place a great deal of stress on their spinal columns. The spine begins to form in teenagers between the ages of 12 and 4, and heavy loads can cause it to form incorrectly.

Basic complex

When beginning a new training program, beginners should exercise extra caution. Severe injuries can result from improper technique. When your muscles start to get a little stronger, you should start with lighter weights and gradually increase them.

Initially, beginners should bring a 3–4 kg kettlebell. In front of you, grasp the kettlebell in your hands. After performing a deep squat, attempt to raise the kettlebell so that you are sitting. This exercise should be done in sets of two to three, five to ten times total. After that, add approaches and repetitions gradually.

You can add squats with raised arms to the program once the muscles start to get a little stronger. The kettlebell can be held in one or both hands. Raise the kettlebell above your head, being careful to use the ideal weight to avoid dropping it and hurting yourself. You should begin squatting with your arms straight.

You might initially find it difficult to perform a full squat, but that’s okay. You will eventually be able to perform the deepest squat if you exercise on a regular basis.

You can progress to the kettlebell throw once you see results from an exercise like this.

Although you can study the version of throwing that you perform on your own, it is preferable if an expert demonstrates everything. If the movement is executed improperly, he will also be able to identify errors and fix them by giving an example.

It is important to keep in mind that working with kettlebells places the greatest strain on the stabilizer muscles, particularly when doing exercises with two weights. For this reason, it’s critical that you select the ideal weight for you in order to avoid losing your balance during multiple repetitions.

It’s important to consider the placement of the weights on your chest as well. This is the most successful position, so they should be looking in different directions. The athlete hardly ever feels tired while holding the weights in this position.

Lifting requires throwing the weights up above your head and turning your hands so that your palms are facing forward. You should go back to the starting position with the weights in your hands after performing a squat. The technique is not difficult, but you must pay close attention to it.

Exercise with one kettlebell

When using a single weight, the thruster must be firmly held in place with two hands. You can either grasp the handle’s edges or the projectile’s lower portion. The most practical option is to hold the handles, but you should make sure that the projectile stays in your hands and does not hurt you while you perform the exercise rhythmically.

The following crucial actions are part of the technique itself:

  • you need to take the starting position – standing on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, the weight should be at chest level in your hands, bent at the elbows;
  • the deepest squat is performed, while the back should remain perfectly straight, at this moment the kettlebell remains in the chest area and does not change its position;
  • after exiting the squat without fixation and a pause, you need to throw your arms up together with the weight;
  • Afterwards, you need to return the weight to its original position, placing it again strictly at chest level and begin performing a deep squat again.

Make sure the thruster repetition is done after the athlete completes the first exercise and assumes the starting position when you perform a thruster with one weight in your hands. A common, and especially dangerous, error made by novices is to start straightening their arms before they have fully risen from the lowest point.

This lessens the impact and raises the possibility of suffering a major injury, particularly when lifting large weights. You should make an effort to sense the impulse that enters the overhead press from the squat. However, because they transfer this exact impulse from the lower to the upper body, the core muscles are particularly significant at this time.

Additionally, you don’t have to go to the squat right away. Instead, you should first raise the weight back to your chest and only then can you begin a squat. This error may result in injury due to loss of balance.

Exercise with only one arm

The technique of this variation is very similar to the one where both arms are actively working simultaneously. The primary distinction is that one arm is used to execute the weight swings.

Often, the second arm just assists in stabilizing the weight during the exercise, even though the shoulder may attempt to hold the weight in place.

When the athlete lowers himself into a squat, in particular, you can simply release pressure from the shoulder and hold the weight in place with the other hand.

It is ideal to complete the single-arm exercise in a single, fluid motion. The only thing that will help lift the weight to the highest position is leg strength. You should try to continuously control the position of the weight at the bottom point while maintaining a firm grip.

Thrusters with 2 kettlebells

It is far harder to perform thrusters with two kettlebells than it is with one. These two exercises differ primarily in that each weight needs to be held in one hand. This fact puts an extreme strain on the shoulders and core muscles while also raising the need for balance.

It is crucial that you throw the weights to the starting position correctly in addition to performing the push press correctly. In order to accomplish this, you must fix the weights precisely at shoulder level in addition to just swinging.

The following points make up the algorithm for completing this exercise correctly:

  • the handle of the weight should be exactly parallel to the floor, the body looks to the side;
  • the forearm is positioned at an angle of 45 ° in relation to the center of the body – the imaginary line passes exactly along the level of the nose and navel;
  • the hands with the weights should be brought together;
  • the hands should be in a neutral position – you should not lighten the load, you can just slightly straighten the hands, otherwise you can get a serious injury.

It is crucial to make sure you never throw the weights onto your shoulders, but even seasoned athletes frequently make this mistake. When using heavy weights, this kind of negligence can result in injuries, wrist issues, and issues with balance.

Kettlebell thrusters are an effective full-body workout that work several muscle groups at once. Pressing the kettlebell overhead after a squat strengthens your arms, shoulders, core, and legs. Maintaining a straight back, using the core, and making sure the kettlebell moves in a controlled manner from the squat to the press are all parts of proper technique. When performed properly, this dynamic exercise enhances endurance, coordination, and strength.

Weekly schedule

Kettlebell thrusters can be done anywhere that is convenient, unlike barbell exercises. If you can’t go to the gym, you could run in the morning, which is a great cardio exercise, and then use kettlebells to work out every muscle in your body in multiple ways.

But in order to maximize every muscle group and enhance the body’s embossed beauty, it’s preferable to plan out your training regimen ahead of time. Beginners should get in touch with an expert who can determine the ideal load; for instance, they should purchase a gym membership and take multiple sessions from a qualified trainer.

When developing a program, you should take into account a number of crucial elements:

  • the amount of time spent on classes;
  • tasks that the athlete sets for himself;
  • experience.

Beginners should start with small weights and increase them gradually as their muscles get stronger. Thus, you should begin working out at the gym or at home only after warming up. This will help to prevent injuries from sudden loads on the muscles.

Thruster exercise can be done after the warm-up:

  • do a thruster, where 1 kettlebell is held by 2 hands 10 times, then you need to rest for a minute and do another approach;
  • do the exercise 10 times with 1 hand, change hands and 10 more times;
  • thrust with 2 kettlebells – 10 times, a break and another approach.

Stretching after exercise is important because it aids in the muscles’ recovery.

It is preferable to exercise three to four times a week and take days off to let your muscles repair. You should increase the load with each training session, not decrease it. The goal is for the muscles to contract actively as the load increases. You can include more approaches or repetitions.

When to expect the effect

Although thrusters are a good workout, you shouldn’t count on seeing results right away. You must allow your muscles to adjust to the weights. For this reason, it takes a month after you begin training to see the first results. And only if after that. Every training day that you put in, the loads get heavier.

Remember that your muscles need to recover, so training should only occur every other day—one day of heavy lifting and one day of rest. Your muscles won’t help you if you overuse them; instead, your body will rebel and go into defensive mode.

An excellent complex exercise, thrusters can be done with a barbell or kettlebell, depending on the athlete’s preference. However, it’s preferable for novices to begin with light kettlebell training before switching to a barbell. It is preferable to choose a program and work out with a trainer who will not only demonstrate the proper form but also identify common errors.

Thrusters with a kettlebell What muscles work
Full-body exercise combining a squat and press movement Legs (quadriceps, hamstrings), glutes, shoulders, core
Technique Start with feet shoulder-width apart, holding the kettlebell at chest height. Squat down, keeping the back straight and chest up. As you rise from the squat, push the kettlebell overhead, fully extending your arms. Return the kettlebell to chest level and repeat.

Kettlebell thrusters are an effective workout that work several muscle groups at once. This effective full-body workout targets your legs, shoulders, and core by combining an overhead press and squat.

The quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, and core stabilizers are the main muscles engaged. Thrusters, when performed properly, contribute to increased strength, endurance, and coordination.

For best effects and to avoid injury, technique is essential. During the squat, concentrate on keeping your back straight, using your core, and pressing through your heels. Make sure to move the kettlebell smoothly and without jerking as you press it overhead.

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