Many athletes are eager to try out different bodybuilding supplements and techniques in order to get the most out of their workouts and boost their performance. Tamoxifen, which is well-known for its application in the treatment of specific cancers, has gained acceptance in the bodybuilding community due to its possible advantages over conventional steroid use.
If one wants to maximize training results without sacrificing health, one must learn how to use tamoxifen effectively without depending on steroids. This article will walk you through the fundamentals of using tamoxifen in your bodybuilding regimen, outlining its individual applications, how it fits into a larger program, and offering helpful usage guidelines.
Whether you’ve never used tamoxifen before or are thinking about adding it to your stack of supplements, this guide will provide insightful information to help you use it sensibly and confidently reach your fitness objectives.
- Indications for use
- Composition
- In what form is it released
- Action
- Application
- Without steroids
- Separately
- As part of a course
- After the course
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Drug interactions
- Storage conditions and periods
- Video on the topic
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- ANTIESTROGENS Clomiphene. Toremifen. Tamoxifen.
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- 79. Tamoxifen | Antiestrogens (Chemical bunker)
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Indications for use
Among the powerful non-steroidal medications that inhibit the synthesis of estrogen is tamoxifen. The medication’s antihormonal action is accomplished by reducing the sensitivity of receptors that sense estradiol.
The following situations with bodybuilding are when the drug should be used:
Indications for use | Intended purpose of using the drug |
Fluid retention in the body | During an intensive training course aimed at gaining muscle mass, as well as the concomitant intake of steroid hormones, leads to the retention of excess fluid in muscle fibers and soft tissues of the body. Regular intake of Tamoxifen allows you to remove excess water, dry out muscles and give them a relief effect. This property of the drug is especially in demand by athletes who are preparing for competition programs, where the aesthetic appearance of muscle mass is assessed. |
Long-term use of androgens and anabolic steroids | During long-term use of anabolic steroids, a critical increase in male sex hormones is possible. To bring their concentration within normal limits, prophylactic doses of Tamoxifen are prescribed. The drug can be used during a training course in combination with steroid drugs, or used during the recovery period after taking anabolic products. |
Growth of mammary glands according to the female type | Long-term use of hormonal drugs that promote muscle mass gain, increase cardiovascular endurance, can cause an imbalance of male and female sex hormones. In case of increase in estrogen level in male body, radical changes in hormonal background occur. In this regard, a man may have signs of gynecomastia, when there is an increase in mammary gland with its growth according to the female type. The active components of Tamoxifen block the sensitivity of receptors responsible for recognizing estrogen. Thanks to this, pathological growth of mammary glands stops. |
Obesity | Athletes who are professional bodybuilders periodically face the problem of gaining excess body weight. After completing a course of taking drugs that increase muscle mass, a gradual decrease in testosterone levels in the blood is possible. At the same time, the concentration of estrogens increases proportionally. The consequence of this process is excess weight gain with localization of adipose tissue in the waist area, the anterior abdominal wall, around the chest and gluteal muscles. Tamoxyphen intake after completing the course of intense training prevents obesity. |
Reducing the concentration of testosterone | Men and women who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding periodically face the problem of too low testosterone in the blood. The deficiency of this male sex hormone leads to the lack of a positive result from training, the growth of muscle mass ceases, and endurance of the body is reduced. Regular reception of Tamoxifen maintains a stable level of testosterone and prevents the growth of estrogens. |
Prevention of egg atrophy | Reception of anabolic steroids that saturate the body with an additional amount of testosterone can lead to testicular dysfunction and cause atrophic processes. Tamoxifen ensures a balance of sex hormones, which stimulates the work of the male reproductive system, preventing atrophic processes. |
Increasing endurance and muscle density | Removing excess fluid from the body, as well as increasing the concentration of testosterone in the blood, increases the density of muscle fibers, as well as their endurance during exercise. Especially if the athlete"s training program is aimed at working with heavy weights and a large number of repetitions. |
Maintaining muscle mass | To maintain muscle mass that was gained during a course of intensive training and taking anabolic steroids, it is necessary to take Tamoxifen. The drug is prescribed to maintain physical fitness and prevent obesity of muscle tissue. Taking the drug is indicated for athletes who have finished their careers, or are taking a break from intense physical activity and do not want to lose shape. |
Restoring the balance of female and male sex hormones | Imbalance of male and female sex hormones is a consequence of long-term bodybuilding and anabolic steroid use. To restore a stable hormonal background, prophylactic administration of Tamoxifen is prescribed. |
In bodybuilding, tamoxifen is also known as Nolvadex.
Only after an endocrinologist has performed a preliminary examination and with his express consent is it recommended to take the medication.
Unauthorized Tamoxifen therapy may not produce the desired outcome and may even worsen the balance of male and female sex hormones. It is intended to restore the body following a training program, increase muscle mass, and prevent obesity.
Tamoxifen citrate is the active ingredient in the medication Tamoxifen. This is the primary ingredient that inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors, the receptors for which are physiologically sensitive to female sex hormones in the estradiol group. It also has an anti-estrogen effect.
In what form is it released
Tamoxifen is a medication that comes in tablet form, with a protective shell covering the entire active ingredient mass of 10 or 20 mg.
The plastic bottles that hold the tablets are packaged in cardboard boxes. The medication can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription. One Tamoxifen package typically costs 1200 rubles.
One characteristic that sets the anti-estrogen medication Tamoxifen apart is that it acts gradually on the endocrine glands, not suddenly disrupting the balance of sex hormones. The drug’s active ingredient is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract’s organs when taken orally.
Seven hours after the start of treatment, the blood serum’s maximum tamoxifen concentration is measured. After six weeks of treatment, the chemical material has reached its optimal concentration in muscle fibers and connective tissue.
When the drug’s active ingredient binds to the receptors that recognize hormones in the estradiol group, tamoxifen’s antiestrogenic effect takes place.
Estrogens, the female sex hormones, are prevented from acting. When taken after a meal or on an empty stomach, the medication works just as well. The drug’s pharmacokinetics remain unchanged in this instance.
The drug tamoxifen is broken down in the liver tissue, and the byproducts that are left over are eliminated in the bile. Urine contains roughly 3% of the drug’s active ingredients. Citrate is metabolized by tamoxifen to produce desmethyltamoxifen, which is then transformed into a desdimethyl metabolite by demethylation.
The liver tissue experiences an additional load during the breakdown of tamoxifen citrate into its component parts. In this sense, the medication may interfere with this organ’s normal operation, leading to systemic dysfunction.
In bodybuilding, tamoxifen can be taken as a stand-alone medication during the body’s recuperation phase, in conjunction with anabolic steroids, or during a period of intense physical activity.
Without steroids
The goal of tamoxifen therapy, when administered without the use of anabolic steroids, is to inhibit the receptors that identify the sex hormones in the estradiol series. The recommended daily dosage of the drug is 20 mg in order to decrease estrogen levels, raise testosterone levels, and expedite the process of gaining dry muscle mass.
The medication is taken for four to ten weeks on average. If the desired outcome is not observed, an additional 10 mg of the medication can be administered.
Bodybuilding professionals should take 30 mg of tamoxifen daily if they do not take hormonal supplements or chemical additives that promote muscle growth. This drug dosage is higher than the typical amounts.
For an adult bodybuilder, the maximum dosage of the medication is 40 mg daily.
Overdosing is discouraged because it raises the risk of overdosage and adverse effects. The average length of time an athlete takes the medication is 1.5 to 2.5 months, depending on the bodybuilding results they hope to achieve.
As part of a course
Tamoxifen is taken 10–20 mg daily in conjunction with anabolic steroids and other medications that promote muscle growth, improve endurance, and burn fat.
These are the ideal dosages, and sticking to them will help you lower your blood levels of estrogen and testosterone, as well as avoid any negative effects from an imbalance in your sex hormones. It is imperative to refrain from concurrently taking Tamoxifen tablets and anabolic steroids.
It is recommended to give these medications at least an hour’s rest between uses.
After the course
The process of restorative therapy starts after the course of active physical exercise and anabolic steroids. 20 mg of tamoxifen citrate should be taken every day if the goal is to correct the imbalance between male and female sex hormones.
In cases where the medication is prescribed for preventive measures, a daily dosage of 10 mg is sufficient.
Tamoxifen citrate (30 mg) must be taken daily to eliminate the symptoms of gynecomastia, female-type obesity, and a significant rise in the level of hormone substances belonging to the estradiol group.
The daily dose may be increased to 40 mg in the event of an immediate need. When using maximum dosages for longer than 14 days, endocrinologists must be consulted beforehand.
A biochemical blood test for the ratio of male to female sex hormones is also advised. After taking tamoxifen for recovery, the average recovery period lasts between one and two months. The medication can be taken in two or three doses per day.
The tablets should be taken while still in their protective shell, and they should be diluted with enough room temperature water. Chewing or grinding the drug to a powder is forbidden. In this instance, tamoxifen citrate’s pharmacological characteristics may considerably deteriorate.
It is not advised for bodybuilders who suffer from various chronic illnesses or pathological conditions in their bodies to use tamoxifen.
The following situations call for the medication to be avoided:
- individual intolerance to the active component – tamoxifen citrate, which is expressed in allergic reactions of any kind;
- leukopenia, accompanied by a further decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood (this restriction on taking the drug is associated with a high risk of malignant diseases of the blood and lymphatic system);
- severe thrombocytopenia, which is associated with increased fragility of blood vessels, circulatory disorders, periodic occurrence of internal bleeding (taking Tamoxifen can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, as well as aggravate the symptoms of cellular balance of the blood);
- hypercalcemia, the development of which is associated with metabolic disorders and diseases of internal organs;
- acute or chronic renal failure;
- severe diseases of liver tissue, which are associated with their gradual decay and death of hepatocytes (cirrhosis, malignant neoplasms, viral or intoxication hepatitis).
It is not recommended for pregnant women to continue bodybuilding to use tamoxifen. Moreover, athletes with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, or diseases of the major vessels are not advised to use the medication.
General health may worsen if the aforementioned contraindications are not followed.
Bodybuilders who want to increase their gains without using steroids often turn to tamoxifen. Whether you’re using Tamoxifen as part of a cycle or on its own, this article offers a clear guide to using it for bodybuilding. We’ll go over the right dosage, when to take it, and any possible advantages, guiding you in making decisions that will safely improve your performance and outcomes.
Side effects
Tamoxifen side effects can occur when taking it regularly during periods of intense physical activity, such as bodybuilding, or when the body is recovering. These are adverse responses brought on by the body rejecting the drug’s active ingredient.
The following symptoms are how they show themselves:
- complete or partial loss of appetite;
- allergic reactions of the body, which are expressed in the appearance of a red rash, urticaria, itching, swelling of the skin surface (much less often Tamoxifen causes severe angioedema symptoms associated with bronchial spasm and swelling of the upper respiratory tract);
- nausea and vomiting, which intensifies after eating;
- a feeling of loss of strength, rapid physical fatigue after performing actions that do not require large energy expenditures;
- decreased sexual desire, as well as erectile dysfunction (a change in sensations during sexual intercourse, a prolonged absence of ejaculation or premature ejaculation are not excluded);
- partial loss of hair on the head and body;
- an increase in body temperature, which can remain within the subfebrile range (37.2 degrees Celsius), as well as reach higher values;
- sharp mood swings, accompanied by irritability, nervousness;
- itching of the skin in the area of the genitals, as well as in the entire intimate zone;
- kidney dysfunction and fluid retention in the body, which can be accompanied by the formation of edema;
- hot flashes, which are felt simultaneously with darkening in the eyes, impaired coordination of movements;
- development of pulmonary embolism;
- fatty infiltration of liver tissue;
- violation of the lipid spectrum of blood serum;
- development of acute pancreatitis caused by the negative effects of tamoxifen citrate;
- intestinal disorder accompanied by diarrhea or prolonged constipation;
- dizziness and severe headache, which can only be relieved after taking analgesics.
The medication must be stopped if at least one of the aforementioned side effects manifests. In this situation, you should schedule a consultation and ask an endocrinologist for assistance.
Drug interactions
When taking tamoxifen for bodybuilding, one must follow the guidelines regarding drug interactions with anabolic steroids and other medications.
The following tamoxifen citrate pharmacological characteristics need to be considered when taking the medication:
- Tamoxifen reduces the effect of other drugs that contain sex hormones of the estradiol group;
- the drug enhances the pharmacological action of drugs that are coumarin anticoagulants;
- simultaneous therapy with Tamoxifen and drugs that are platelet aggregation inhibitors increases the risk of internal bleeding;
- concomitant administration of Tegafur can cause progressive hepatitis or liver cirrhosis;
- therapy with Allopurinol increases the risk of hepatotoxic reactions;
- active components of cytotoxic drugs can enter into chemical reactions with tamoxifen citrate and cause thromboembolic complications;
- simultaneous administration of Bromocriptine enhances the antiestrogenic effect of Tamoxifen, and also increases the concentration of its metabolites in the blood serum.
Food items consumed on a daily basis by bodybuilders have no effect on the drug’s pharmacokinetic characteristics or absorption of tamoxifen citrate.
Storage conditions and periods
Tamoxifen needs to be kept at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees Celsius in a dry room that isn’t exposed to the sun. Breaking these rules may result in Tamoxifen’s chemical components breaking down and the medication degrading earlier than intended.
The medication has a three-year shelf life after which it should not be used.
Tamoxifen is a non-steroidal medication whose pharmacological effects target the prevention and treatment of cancers that affect the endometrium of the uterus and the mammary gland. The medication is used in bodybuilding as an efficient way to inhibit the activity of estrogens, the hormones involved in female sex.
Stabilizing testosterone levels, preserving muscle mass, improving endurance, and providing relief from strained muscles are all made possible by this medication.
Topic | Description |
What is Tamoxifen? | Tamoxifen is a medication primarily used to treat breast cancer, but it is also used in bodybuilding to help manage estrogen levels and prevent side effects from other substances. |
Why Use Tamoxifen in Bodybuilding? | Bodybuilders use Tamoxifen to control estrogen levels, which can help prevent gynecomastia (breast tissue development) and other estrogen-related side effects that may occur with anabolic steroid use. |
How to Take Tamoxifen Solo | When used solo, Tamoxifen is typically taken in doses ranging from 10 to 20 mg daily. It is important to follow the dosage instructions provided by a healthcare professional. |
Using Tamoxifen on a Course | During a course of anabolic steroids, Tamoxifen can help prevent estrogenic side effects. The dosage might be adjusted depending on the steroid cycle and individual response. Always consult with a healthcare provider for specific guidance. |
Dosage and Timing | Typical dosages range from 10 to 40 mg daily, depending on the specific needs and cycle. It is usually taken in divided doses throughout the day to maintain stable levels in the body. |
Potential Side Effects | While Tamoxifen is generally well-tolerated, potential side effects include nausea, hot flashes, and mood swings. If any severe symptoms occur, seek medical advice promptly. |
Consultation with a Professional | Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting Tamoxifen or any other medication. They can provide personalized advice based on your health and goals. |
In bodybuilding circles, tamoxifen is frequently discussed, especially for those who want to maximize their training without using steroids. Whether taken on its own or in combination with other supplements, it can assist muscle growth and help control estrogen levels. Adhering to appropriate dosage recommendations is crucial for optimizing efficacy while reducing the risk of adverse effects.
It is important to know that tamoxifen has different effects for those who are thinking about taking it as a supplement on its own. Although it might aid in fat loss and muscle maintenance, specific factors like diet, exercise, and general health will determine the exact outcomes. It is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before beginning a new supplement regimen.
To summarize, bodybuilders who want to improve their performance without using steroids may find that tamoxifen is a useful tool. The muscle-preserving qualities of this supplement may be advantageous to users if they closely adhere to dosage guidelines and incorporate it into a comprehensive exercise regimen. But the secret to getting the best results safely is having the right supervision and guidance.