Sumo squats with a dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell, in Smith. Technique

Sumo squats are a great lower body workout that work your core, glutes, and thighs. This variation on the traditional squat works more of your inner thighs by widening your stance, which provides your muscles with a different kind of challenge.

Sumo squats can be made more intense by using weights like kettlebells, barbells, or dumbbells. These tools all have different advantages that will assist you in developing stability and strength. Another choice that offers additional support for people who want a more controlled movement is the Smith machine.

The secret to getting the most out of sumo squats is technique mastery. By using proper form, you can reduce the chance of injury and make sure you’re hitting the right muscles. Whether you’re a novice or an expert lifter, knowing the fundamentals will enable you to advance your training.


Both men and women, experienced athletes and newcomers, can benefit from these exercises. Lower body muscle groups are actively developed in these training complexes. The advantage is that you can exercise the muscles that aren’t used in typical, everyday techniques.

Girls should prioritize developing graceful figures and appealing body contours, which sumo squats help to achieve. These exercises strengthen the muscle frame, improve spinal column stability, and offer a thorough examination of the targeted muscles.

The method’s advantages are found in:

  • effective loading of the adductor muscles of the buttocks, which is important for women"s training;
  • expanding the range of motion of the hip joints;
  • increasing the overall flexibility of the body;
  • stimulating hemodynamics in the lower limbs and pelvic area;
  • the ability to use any weights for rapid hypertrophy of the target muscles – barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells;
  • formation of an elegant and anatomically perfect relief of the femoral surfaces.

Frequent exercise is thought to be an efficient way to avoid cellulite. These squats enhance one’s ability to maintain body balance while executing difficult gymnastic or athletic sports movements and enhance spatial coordination.

Because of the complex’s versatility, you can exercise outside, at home, or in the gym with specialized equipment. The method can serve as a warm-up routine or the primary program.

You are able to alter the amount of strain applied to the abdominal muscles by using apparatus and body angles.

For professional athletes, the following are the key takeaways:

  1. Strengthening the inner surfaces of the thigh area. A wide stance causes active involvement of the medial muscle groups in the sports process, ensuring a stable body position when performing the exercise. The technique significantly improves individual fitness indicators.
  2. Increasing the dynamic endurance of the hip flexors. This is of particular importance for athletes specializing in game, running or jumping athletic disciplines. Regular wide-stance squats help improve competitive results.
  3. Reduced pressure on the knee joints. The technique creates a relatively small load on these joints. Such joints are especially susceptible to injury. Wide-stance squats are included in the recovery program of professional athletes.
  4. Involvement of the maximum number of small muscles in sports work. The technique involves small extensor muscles, which provide the required range of training movements and allow you to maintain balance when working with weights.

The exercises improve the strength of the muscles in the pelvic floor and stimulate metabolic processes and reactions. These types of squats are thought to help prevent degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, such as myositis.


Patients who have osteoporosis, or decreased mineral density in the skeletal structures, are not advised to use this technique. If you are genetically prone to bone fractures, ligament sprains, or joint dislocations, you should avoid exercising.

If you have grade III scoliosis or another severe spinal curvature, you should avoid doing these exercises. The diseases listed in the table are absolute contraindications.

Disease Definition
Neurofibromatosis Benign or oncological tumor process in the central or peripheral nervous tissues.
Syringomyelia Chronic disease of the central nervous system with the formation of pathological cavities in the spinal cord.
Osteochondrosis Progressive degenerative lesion of the intervertebral discs and cartilaginous plates.
Arterial hypertension Stably elevated intravascular pressure.

Classes are not allowed for people with severe arrhythmic dysfunction, rheumatic pericarditis or myocarditis, valve defects, or pelvic organ pathologies that have been diagnosed.

Sumo squats are strictly forbidden for patients suffering from neurocirculatory dystonic syndrome, cardiac ischemia, or skeletal tuberculosis. If you have any chronic lung, pleural, or bronchial diseases, it is advised that you avoid exercising.

If connective tissue is systemically damaged, exercise is not advised. Joint capsules actively participate in sports, which establishes a medically mandated training ban for patients suffering from any kind of arthritis. Vasculitis, an inflammatory condition that destroys blood vessel walls, is regarded as a contraindication.

A versatile lower body exercise, sumo squats can be performed in a Smith machine or with a dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell, or other piece of equipment. The wide stance is a great exercise for strengthening and toning your legs because it works your inner thighs, glutes, and quadriceps. To prevent injury, use proper form, paying special attention to keeping your back straight, using your core, and regulating your movement throughout the squat. This post explains each piece of equipment and how to use it for safe and effective sumo squats.

Possible complications and harm

It is not a good idea to perform weighted squats on a body with weak muscles. There is a higher chance of knee or back joint injuries in such a condition. Training can exacerbate deformation changes in the main vessel walls associated with varicose veins.

Exercises should be avoided if there are lumbar pathological processes. Weight-bearing equipment should not be used during exercise if you have functional or anatomical disorders in this area of your body. Instead, you should train as gently as feasible. You run a higher risk of injury to your health if you don’t use the recommended squat form.

Basic rules

You have to follow the breathing pattern during the training complex; the pattern will vary depending on the exercise’s particulars.

The fundamental guidelines consist of:

  • adopting a stable body position with the transfer of weight to the heels, which increases the load on the gluteal muscles;
  • adjusting the tension of the thigh muscles by changing the width of the legs;
  • periodic change of the working hand when training with a barbell;
  • precise selection of the weight of the weights to create an optimal load in accordance with the set goals and your own physical capabilities.

By altering the foot’s rotational angle, target muscle groups can be worked more precisely. Strictly positioning the ankle surfaces vertically will lessen the chance of a knee injury and the strain on the joint capsules.

According to the basic rules, you must push with your heels at the bottom of the squat amplitude to put additional strain on the tendons and extensor muscles that surround this area of your body.

The back remains straight during the entire technique. Lower back injuries are common when one rounds the surface. The maximum angle at which the body should bend forward in relation to the hips is 45 degrees. Technically speaking, these squats are harder than the norm.

Appropriate physical preparation is necessary. It is recommended that beginners focus first on building up their body’s muscular framework. Weights are not used when practicing the proper technique.

The sole purpose of sporting goods should be to improve muscular strength, endurance, and visual volume. To form a relief, weights are necessary.

Sumo is a squat method that uses less weight or athletic gear than traditional exercises to produce the same effect. These complexes allow the body to flex properly.

Using a barbell, the exercise requires a slight bending of the lower back in accordance with basic training principles. When using weights, it’s crucial to push from the lowest point of the sports amplitude smoothly to prevent abrupt jerks.

Such squats necessitate continuous control over the knee joints’ location. Bringing them inward is forbidden by the fundamental principles of the method. This kind of mistake raises the risk of injury and decreases the workout’s effectiveness.

The force applied to the thigh’s quadriceps muscle is increased when the feet are placed frontally. You can vary the tension of the target muscles by repositioning these lower extremity components.


A necessary first step in the training complex is the warm-up. These workouts aim to prepare the body for heavier loads by restoring the body to its normal physiological tone. Warm-up exercises improve squat performance and lower the chance of injury.

Getting ready:

  • increases heart rate;
  • increases the strength capabilities of skeletal muscles;
  • stretches ligaments and tendons;
  • expands the range of motion of articular surfaces;
  • saturates tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • stimulates the production of hormonal substances responsible for energy production.

Incorporate dynamic warm-up exercises alongside static ones. The latter produce a pumping effect, increasing the volume of blood that fills muscle fibers. It is advised to perform stretches before squats.

The goal of these actions is to make the target anatomical structures more flexible. Strength indicators are increased by stretching before engaging in explosive exercises or weight training.

For two to three minutes. Do dynamic muscle stretching, joint gymnastics, and a cardio warm-up. It is advised to begin the training complex’s introductory section with walking in place.

Exercise causes the heart rate to rise, the respiratory system to become active, and the body temperature to slightly rise. The warm-up can be intensified by walking in place while raising your knees.

When practicing joint gymnastics, the "top to bottom" approach is followed. The feet, which support the body and preserve balance during squats, should warm up first, followed by the cervical joints.

It is advised to make smooth rotational movements in alternate directions:

  • head;
  • shoulders;
  • elbows;
  • wrists;
  • hip joints;
  • knees;
  • feet.

To achieve a high-quality warm-up, just five movements using the designated body parts in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction are needed. Vigorous exercises involving the spread of upper limbs to the sides are performed with the goal of dynamically stretching muscles.

These warm-up exercises get the skeletal muscles ready for heavier loads. Stretching dynamically is particularly crucial when using weights for exercise. A typical warm-up cycle has eight to ten repetitions.

With arms extended, perform vigorous and sharp body bends in various directions to prime the abdominal muscles for the impending loads. The exercise is an effective way to strengthen the abdominal space’s oblique muscles.

Technique and methods of implementation

There are many ways to train sumo squats. Use kettlebells, dumbbells, or a barbell with the necessary pancake weight to increase the load on the targeted muscles. Girls can use a fitness band to help develop their gluteal muscles.

For novice athletes, using a frame trainer is advised for exercise. It is simpler to adhere to proper technique, maintain balance, and precisely determine the load on the target muscles because of the way sports equipment is designed.

The gluteal muscles are clearly highlighted in the wide-leg squat variation performed by women. For men, the area around the abdomen and anterior thighs is prioritized.

As such, despite the general gender universality, the techniques differ somewhat. When using weights for exercise, the apparatus is held near the body. Balance is upset by abduction. Here are some typical methods.

Using a barbell

The lower abdominal press, calf muscles, and back deltoid muscles are subjected to an increased load. Exercise with a barbell improves the joint capsules’ range of motion.


  1. Sit in front of the rack with sports equipment. Carefully remove the barbell and place it on your back just above the shoulder blades. It is recommended to use the help of an assistant. Hold the bar with a standard grip.
  2. Spread your feet wide with a mandatory 45° turn. This position ensures body stability.
  3. Move away from the rack 1-2 short steps. It is necessary to maintain the correct positioning of the legs at all stages of the exercise, with a distance of 2-2.5 times wider than the shoulder girdle.
  4. Straighten your back before the squatting movement. Look straight ahead, do not press your chin to your chest.
  5. Slowly lower yourself as low as possible. During the exercise, keep your knees facing the toes of your feet. When squatting, move your pelvis back a little. In this phase, take a deep breath.
  6. Return to the starting position as you exhale.

Beginners find it challenging to stand up from the bottom of the amplitude with a barbell and their legs spread wide apart. To make the exercise easier, you can slightly bring your knee joints together during the period of time it takes to master the technique.

With a dumbbell

The device is always held close to the body, either in the lumbar area or close to the chest. Turning the toes ninety degrees in relation to the body applies the maximum load to the muscles of the ankle, calf, and thigh.

Girls tend to prefer the basic exercise of the training complex, which is sumo squats with a dumbbell.


  1. Starting position – standing with your arms down and maintaining a natural arch in the lumbar region.
  2. Legs are wide apart, feet are turned to the sides at a given angle. Acceptable positioning of the lower limbs is determined individually in accordance with your own flexibility.
  3. Perform a squat, holding the dumbbell at your chest or waist. At the lowest point of the amplitude of the sports movement, the hips should be parallel to the floor.
  4. During the squat, the dumbbell is pulled in front of you by straightening the elbow joint.

The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the thin and large adductor muscles in the inner thighs. Furthermore, a force is applied to the lower limb semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles.

With a kettlebell

It’s challenging to stay balanced while doing the exercise. Beginners should use a frame trainer or extra support.

Workout methodology:

  1. Place your heels at the width of your pelvis. The optimal distance is 30-35 cm.
  2. Turn your toes approximately 30° in relation to your body.
  3. Move your knee joints toward your toes.
  4. In the squat phase, grab the arched handle of the kettlebell with your palm and lift yourself to the starting position.

Eight kg is the recommended weight for sporting goods. You can use a 16 kg kettlebell, which encourages quick muscle hypertrophy, with the right physical training.

In the Smith

The efficiency of training is greatly increased by such sporting goods. The method is the same as the ones previously mentioned. The way the Smith machine makes it easier to make the right movements is where the difference lies.

Extensors of the spine are involved in sports work in addition to the major muscle groups. By lessening the strain on the knee and lower back joints, the Smith machine lowers the risk of injury.


It is advised that seasoned athletes train every day. The number of approaches varies based on the objective and your level of physical fitness. You can exercise every other day to keep your body in proper tone.

Perform at least 4-5 approaches of 10–15 repetitions to build muscle. For girls, performing 8–10 squats with a fitness band in place of weights is sufficient. With this kind of training, you can develop a graceful figure.


After three to four months of consistent training, the fruits of athletic endeavors are visible. Gaining muscle mass, dropping weight, and improving body anthropometry are all indications of how effective a training program is, contingent on its intensity and methodology. Frequent exercise benefits the vestibular system.

When using a fitness band or a light dumbbell, squat training complexes with the observance of the sumo technique for girls allow for the best possible sports results. For men, a barbell or kettlebell is appropriate.

Equipment Technique
Dumbbell Hold a dumbbell with both hands between your legs. Keep your feet wide apart, toes slightly pointing out. Lower into a squat, keeping your back straight, and push through your heels to return to standing.
Barbell Place the barbell across your shoulders behind your neck. Stand with your feet wide, toes pointing out. Lower your body into a squat, keeping your chest up and back straight, then push back to standing.
Kettlebell Hold a kettlebell with both hands between your legs. Stand with feet wide apart. Lower into a deep squat while keeping the kettlebell steady, then rise back up by pressing through your heels.
Smith Machine Position the bar on the Smith machine behind your neck. Stand with feet wide apart. Lower into a squat with a controlled motion and push back up by driving through your heels.

Sumo squats are a great exercise to strengthen your lower body overall and work your glutes and inner thighs. Any way you perform the movement—with a dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell, or in the Smith machine—it adds benefits to your training regimen.

To prevent injury, it’s critical to concentrate on using correct form, maintaining a straight back, and using your core. As you get more accustomed to the exercise, gradually increase the weight in accordance with your current fitness level.

Sumo squats are a great way to increase lower body power, increase muscle mass, and improve flexibility in your workout regimen. Just keep in mind to pay attention to your body’s signals and keep proper form throughout the workout.

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