How to pump up the press quickly for a girl at home. Rules, exercises, training program

Many women aspire to have a flat, toned stomach, but joining a gym isn’t always necessary to reach this goal. You can define and strengthen your abs from the comfort of your own home if you take the proper approach.

A well-structured training program combined with efficient exercises is the key to success. You’ll quickly get better abs by adhering to a regimen and observing a few basic guidelines.

Without having to leave your house, you can quickly and effectively increase your press with the exercises and advice in this guide.

Rules for training

Organizing training for girls should take into account the importance of timing it with your own menstrual cycle. One day prior to and two days following the cycle, physical activity is not recommended.

Fundamental guidelines for female training:

  • If young men focus on strength exercises to build muscle, then for girls the load must be alternated with stretching and endurance training.
  • You need to start training at least 2 hours after eating.
  • You should not practice training before going to bed (less than 2 hours).
  • A more difficult task faces girls who have excess weight in the abdominal area. Therefore, abdominal exercises should be combined with weight loss workouts – brisk walking or running. A rationally selected diet and drying the body are 2 more mandatory conditions to get rid of fat deposits.
  • The optimal mode of regular training is 2-3 during the week. For the press, daily "pumping" for 15 minutes is often practiced. Especially if there is motivation for an accelerated course (for example, to tighten the stomach and pump up the press as quickly as possible).
  • Before moving on to the main complex, you need to warm up, warm up the muscles. This will allow you to achieve the greatest efficiency from pumping the press.
  • As a warm-up, you can use dance and gymnastic movements, stretching.

Organization of classes

It is feasible to increase the press in a matter of days or weeks, according to seasoned trainers. However, you shouldn’t immediately push yourself to your limits. A sports mat spread out on the floor works well at home.

Classes should begin with the room properly ventilated. Performing the complex with a window open is ideal, unless the window faces a polluted highway.

Program for a week

Simultaneous exercise is recommended. Experts typically advise spacing out intense workouts by one to two days to give the muscles a break. It is best to perform 10-minute abdominal exercises every day if you want to see results in a week.

Strength training exercises—including dumbbell exercises—must be a part of the program in order to achieve a flat stomach.

First lesson, for beginners with a weak level of training.

  • Warm-up to warm up the muscles (jogging in place or dance steps, jump rope);
  • Exercise 1. Leg raises. Starting position – lying on your back. Approaches – 3, 10 times each.
  • Exercise 2. Straight crunches. Perform 10, 3 approaches.
  • Exercise 3. Reverse crunches. 5-10 times (depending on physical fitness) in 3 sets.
  • Exercise 4. Half-lifts. 3 sets. Each – 10 movements.
  • Exercise 5. Plank. 4 sets (hold for 20 seconds). Break – 1 minute. Add 20 seconds. daily.

Add one or two exercises to this complex each day that target different muscle groups. Increase the quantity of exercises to 10 or 12. Gradually increase the number of repetitions until the muscles start to burn.

Exercises should be separated by no more than a minute of rest.

Observing other physical activity is also important if you want to pump up the press as fast as possible. The routine workouts listed below will work wonders:

  • running;
  • fast walking;
  • swimming;
  • exercises with dumbbells.

The most read article in this section is "Body drying for girls." Don’t miss it. training regimen and a month-by-month nutrition menu in detail.

How to tighten your stomach in a month

After two weeks of consistent exercise, girls can notice a noticeable improvement in their figure, and after a month, even more so. The most important thing is to correctly arrange your body’s work and stick to your goal.

Fundamental guidelines for class organization:

  • You need to exercise at least three times a week. Long breaks between workouts can negate all previously achieved results.
  • Working out in the morning on an empty stomach is the ideal option. In this case, the body burns previously accumulated fat reserves. If another time is chosen for training, it is important to conduct them no earlier than 1 hour after a snack and 2 hours after a full meal.
  • It is advisable to increase the number of repetitions (number of exercises) gradually. The first day of training should be the most gentle.
  • It is impossible to get rid of the fat layer on the stomach without organizing a rational diet and diet.
  • In working out the press, you should not expect quick changes – within a few days -. But if the "mechanism is launched" – they will definitely happen. It is important to tune in to long and intense work on your body.

It’s crucial to stick to a balanced routine that incorporates the right exercises, correct form, and consistency if you want to quickly tone your abs at home. Crunches, leg raises, and planks are good core exercises. A well-rounded program that combines strength and cardio training will help you see results more quickly. For optimal results, maintain a regular exercise routine, pay attention to form, and don’t forget to combine your training with a balanced diet.

Proper nutrition

Not everyone pays attention to nutrition once they begin intense abdominal training. A lot of people typically start their day with coffee and add something sweet to it as well. Lunch is either served only at the regular products or is moved to the evening.

Expert athletes are able to gain significant muscle mass in just one week. Not only should you go on a diet, but also adopt a richer, more sensible diet.

Guidelines for diet during the tightening of the abdomen:

  • A third of the daily diet should consist of proteins, another third – vegetables, 10% – fats, the rest – complex carbohydrates.
  • Divide meals into 5-6 (of which 3 are the main ones). Special recommendation for breakfast. It is the most important of all meals, provides energy for the first half of the day. It is worth giving preference to complex carbohydrates and proteins. This can be porridge, the next day – vegetables with an egg. Experts recommend starting the day with a glass of water to effectively and quickly start all the processes in the body after a night of relaxation.
  • Do not forget about the correct drinking regime during the day – 300 ml of water per 1 kg of your own weight.
  • Replace "harmful" foods with healthy ones. For example, sweet pastries – for dried fruits and nuts; fried fatty meat, sausage – for boiled chicken, veal; sweet soda – for green tea or plain water.

Practice eating separate meals; it’s a great way to lose weight.

That is, avoid having proteins and carbs (such as meat and porridge, meat and pasta, egg and bread, etc.) together at the same meal.D.). Meat and vegetables, pasta and vegetables, and fish and vegetables are necessary. Steer clear of fats and sugar (the latter should be consumed in small amounts).

Press exercises for girls

Girls’ workouts are unique in their own ways. Initially, they are focused on:

  • muscle tightening;
  • removing the fat layer from the abdomen;
  • giving it a beautiful shape.

These exercises are safer and more gentle because they are made with the features of the female body in mind. The complex includes training for the lateral, lower, and upper press sections.

For the upper press

Crunching No. 1

Make use of a unique mat.

  1. IP – lying on your back.
  2. Legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Lifting the body, lift and hold.
  3. Smoothly lower. Repeat 15-20 times, to begin – 2 approaches.


  1. Extended legs tense. Fingers clasped behind the back.
  2. Inhaling, lift the torso (upper part). Press firmly to the surface of the leg.
  3. Hold the torso at the top, making the maximum possible number of slow inhalations and exhalations. Start with 10 exercises, 3 approaches. Increase the number of exercises individually until the muscles burn.

Back bends

Utilize your sitting posture for this.

  1. Legs need to be bent at the knees, put your feet on the floor. Arms need to be extended in front of you, palms turned up.
  2. Smoothly lean back, to the angle in 45 degrees. Upper abs are tight. It is better to bend your arms, clenching your fingers into a fist. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Start 8-10 times. Number of repetitions – 3.

Letter “T”

This exercise works the entire body’s muscles and improves balance in addition to the upper body.

  1. Starting position – classic push-up pose. The body is supported on straight arms, as well as on the toes.
  2. You need to transfer the weight to the right hand, lifting the left one off the floor, turn around. Thus, the body together with the arms form the letter T. Hold like this for a few seconds.
  3. Repeat at least 8 times in one direction. Do 2 the first time, and then (depending on your physical fitness), practice 3 sets.

For the lower abs

Perform each exercise 15-20 times (or 10-15 times, depending on your mood), divided into three sets.

Twisting No. 2

Lean down and make use of a sports mat.

  1. Lift your legs and knees bend. Hold your hands under your head.
  2. Pull your torso to your bent knees, lifting it by 20-30 cm.
  3. Stay at the top point for a few seconds.

With leg lifts

You do this strength training exercise on your back. Raising your legs straight slowly will create a right angle.


Recline on the floor with your arms bent slightly.

  1. Straighten your legs. Slowly raise them 20-30 cm.
  2. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Pull your legs up to your chest.

As many times as you can, repeat.

Steps while lying down

Stretch out on the mat on your back, keeping your arms parallel to your body. Raise your legs 30 to 40 cm, and take short "steps" while in this posture.

For the lateral muscles

The muscles in this area are in charge of creating the waist’s contours on the body. Beginners should do these exercises 8–10 times, doing the first 2 approaches, then 3 approaches, and so on, increasing the total number of exercises to 15 or more. Pay attention to how you feel, such as the appearance of a burning sensation.

  1. IP – lying down, raise your legs bent at the knees. Pull them up alternately to the right and left shoulder.
  2. Sit on the floor, on a rug, raise your arms up, straighten your legs. Alternately stretch your hands to your feet. Turn your body in the direction you are bending.
  3. IP – standing: spread your legs wide, squat down a little. Clasp your hands behind your head. Perform bends in each direction one by one. Try not to turn your body.

Exercise set

You can strengthen your abs at home without assistance in a week with the help of this set.

It is advised to perform each of the provided exercises fifteen to twenty times. Girls who are beginners or physically unprepared should focus on their own sensations during the first sessions, usually a burning feeling in the strained muscles, and decrease the number of repetitions.

Leg raises

For new users, the following option is advised.

  1. IP – lying down, back pressed to the surface, alternately raise each leg. Raise to 45 degrees (minimum) and 90 (maximum).
  2. Hold the leg in the upper position for 1-2 seconds. Practice 2 approaches.
  3. To complicate the exercise and make it more effective is to lift both legs at the same time, without putting them on your heels when lowering. Bring the approaches to 3, in each up to 20 or more repetitions (until burning).

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Lifting the torso

Assume a back-lying position. You must bend your legs and place your feet on the ground in this situation. elbows apart and either clasped behind the head or in front of the chest. Lift your body up until your torso is as close to your knees as you can without jerking. Put yourself on the mat. The most basic form of raising the torso is this one.

There are others that are more intricate. For instance, raising the torso to a 60-degree angle with the legs raised. The legs are crossed and bending at the knees in this instance. This is a good exercise to perform on a Roman chair in the gym.


This works the entire muscle corset, including the press, and is a very effective exercise. Once you’ve mastered the traditional position, go on to the modifications and complications. The plank can be performed with your elbows or palms supporting you.

  1. Straighten your legs and rest your fingers. Straighten your back, no arch in the lower back, no protrusion of the pelvis.
  2. From head to toes, the body is a straight line. No need to raise your head, look down.

Act statically and hang on for as long as you can. Then, to begin, lower yourself to the ground and repeat.

Half-lifts ("Spring")

IP: Put your feet on the floor, bend your legs, and lie down.

  1. Tear your shoulder blades 30 cm from the mat, holding your legs with your hands.
  2. Then straighten your arms, straining your abs.
  3. Perform springy movements with a small amplitude. No less than 15 movements in one approach.


Place your back on the exercise mat.

  1. Put your hands under your buttocks, palms down (for beginners) or put your hands behind your head (more difficult option). Keep your lower back pressed tightly to the surface throughout the exercise.
  2. Lift your legs by 30-40 cm.
  3. Bending one leg at the knee, bring it to the chest. Bending it, simultaneously bend the other leg, repeating the rotation of the bicycle pedals.


It is believed that the traditional version is executed while lying on the back.

  1. Hands are pressed to the body, the stomach is pulled in, the legs are straight.
  2. Simultaneously raise the shoulders and legs to a height of up to 40 cm. Hold the emphasis on the buttocks for 5-8 seconds.
  3. Lie down on the mat. Similarly (with the rise of the forearms and legs) do the "Boat" on the stomach.

Reverse crunches

Executed while lying on the mat with bowed legs raised.

  1. It is necessary to tear the hips off the floor and raise them perpendicular to the floor surface.
  2. Inhale, strain the abdominal muscles as much as possible.
  3. Then pull the knees to the chest and exhale. At this time, do not straighten the legs, the pelvis is raised completely above the floor. A more difficult version is to pull the legs first to the chest, and then to the head.

Recommendations from fitness trainers

A thorough strategy and rigorously adhered to guidelines lead to a gorgeous, toned, and flat stomach.

  • Simultaneously with organizing training (ideally 3-5 days before their start), it is necessary to switch to a rational diet, limiting the consumption of "harmful" products as much as possible. Exclude baked goods, sweet carbonated drinks, limit alcohol.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the general requirements for the number of repetitions and take into account personal feelings. The best marker is the appearance of a burning sensation in the muscles.
  • Intensive tempo is a necessary condition for gaining a toned stomach in a week. At the same time, practice exercises for the entire core. It is important to work out each of the muscles. Some exercises must be done statically or slowly, holding a certain pose for 3-5 (and sometimes longer) seconds.
  • You should not start working on the press without warming up the muscles, warming up. You can jump rope for a few minutes, run in place. Gymnastic exercises, dance steps, stretching are acceptable – anything that will prepare the muscles for intensive work.

Exercises for the upper and lower body presses as well as the oblique abdominal muscles should be included in the complex.

Execute crunches (until your muscles burn), different leg lifts, backbends, single-leg pelvic lifts, "scissors," and "bicycle" exercises. Leg lifts that work well on wall bars and horizontal bars if you have access to a gym.

The key to increasing the complex’s effectiveness and getting the press going in a week is to combine it with other physical activities.

Running, for instance, is a surefire way to lose weight and get noticed by the media.

In a reasonable amount of time, one can attain a gorgeous figure with a flat stomach and pumped up press by following the advice on nutrition and training regimen.

Topic Details
Basic rules Focus on consistency, proper form, and a balanced diet. Ensure daily workouts and rest days for muscle recovery.
Effective exercises Planks, crunches, bicycle kicks, and leg raises are excellent choices to target the abdominal muscles.
Training program Start with a warm-up, then perform 3 sets of 15 reps for each exercise. Finish with a 30-second plank hold. Repeat 4-5 times a week.

With the appropriate strategy and commitment, it is possible to achieve a toned stomach at home. You can progressively see results if you adhere to a structured training program and regularly practice key exercises.

Recall that patience is essential. Even though you might not see results right away, perseverance will eventually pay off. As your strength increases, pay more attention to form and gradually up the intensity.

Finally, for optimal results, pair your exercise regimen with a well-balanced diet. Achieving your fitness goals requires more than just exercise to develop a strong core—a balanced diet is essential.

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Anna Lebedeva

Hairdresser-stylist with a special interest in creative haircuts and hairstyles. I am inspired by avant-garde ideas and strive to bring them to life. I am sure that every hairstyle should reflect the uniqueness of the personality and emphasize individual style.

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