How to pump up a girl in a month, without dumbbells, equipment at home

You’ve come to the right spot if you want to tone up and get stronger without having to work out. Dumbbells and fancy equipment are not necessary to begin gaining muscle and enhancing your fitness. Real progress can be seen in as little as one month with the correct exercises and a little perseverance, all from the comfort of your own home.

One of the best ways to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility is through bodyweight exercises. They don’t require any equipment, and you can perform them anywhere, at any time. Additionally, they work a variety of muscle groups, which tones your entire body.

Whether you’re not very fit or you just want to try something different, this guide will teach you how to get in shape with body-only exercises that are easy and effective. Let’s get started and discover how to completely change your body in just 30 days!

How to pump up a girl at home in a month from scratch, without dumbbells and sports equipment?

It’s best to consult a qualified fitness trainer on how to work out at home for a certain girl. In addition to skillfully designing a training program, a specialist will modify the athlete’s diet and offer advice on how to mentally prepare for training to sustain motivation for the longest amount of time.

For home workouts to yield the best results as soon as possible, a girl should:

  • set mini-goals for herself in performing exercises: small victories over herself or improving her skills on a subconscious level stimulate the athlete to continue training further and even harder;
  • gradually increase the load, starting with the minimum duration of the session: during the first two weeks, training should last no more than 30-35 minutes;
  • exercise at least 3-4 times a week, while it is advisable to conduct home workouts at the same time each time;
  • choose comfortable clothes for training: during training, it is advisable to wear sports shoes, a T-shirt made of natural fabrics that does not restrict movement, and pants or shorts made of elastic material;
  • drink as much clean water as possible during the sessions, since regardless of the place where they are held, the body loses a large amount of fluid, which is necessary to replenish for the normal functioning of vital organs and systems;
  • follow the stages of a consistent workout, without ignoring any of them: the workout should consist of a warm-up, the main part and a cool-down. These stages help to minimize the risk of injury or "overtraining syndrome".

Exercises for training without iron

There are no doubts about how to get in shape at home with dumbbells, kettlebells, and other exercise gear. Developing a training program with exercises that don’t require the use of weights is far more challenging.

After four to five weeks of consistent training, a girl who complies with the technique of performing loads will see a noticeable difference even in the absence of additional equipment.


Lower body muscles are used in squats. You can relieve pressure in the back of the thigh and buttocks, as well as improve the endurance of the leg muscles, with their assistance.

Furthermore, squats:

  • improves posture;
  • practices coordination;
  • trains the cardiovascular system;
  • increases the overall endurance of the body.

One of the primary benefits of this kind of exercise is that there aren’t many situations where it can’t be done. Physicians advise professional athletes to use a carefully chosen squat technique to heal from injuries.

The traditional squat method calls for closely adhering to this algorithm:

  1. Stand up straight; place your feet shoulder-width apart; straighten your spine; stretch your neck; place your straight arms along your body.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose and bend your lower limbs at the knee joints, thus bringing your buttocks closer to the floor.
  3. While at the bottom, make sure that your knees are approximately at the level of your big toes, but do not go beyond your feet. Bring your arms forward without bending.
  4. After holding for 3-5 seconds, exhale sharply, allowing the air to escape through the mouth, and slowly return to the starting position standing on straight legs.


Push-ups are a great way to tone your back and abs in addition to strengthening your upper body. Because there are so many variations of this exercise, including it on a regular basis in the training program will enable the athlete to work as many muscle groups as possible without putting undue strain on the cardiovascular system.

Fitness experts advise beginning with knee push-ups before progressively progressing to the traditional exercise, so as not to shock the body with too much pressure:

  1. Take a horizontal position, stomach down; place your palms in the chest area, resting their backs on the floor; place your feet on the tips of your toes.
  2. Straighten your arms and thus tear your stomach off the supporting surface; pull in your stomach; your knees should be straight.
  3. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, lower yourself as close to the floor as possible by bending your arm at the elbow joint.
  4. Touching the floor with your chest, return to the original position, while making sure that your body changes its position, while remaining in a consistently straight state.

Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups allow you to pump up hard-to-reach muscle groups of the arms, back and shoulders. Their performance requires only the presence of a stable, solid support surface.

It is not advised to carry out this exercise while seated in a chair or sofa. This may result in an imbalance, an imbalanced load distribution, and an injury to the athlete (stretching, tearing, etc.).

It is advised to perform reverse push-ups at home while adhering to the following fundamental professional recommendations:

  1. Turn your back to the supporting surface, which should be at the level of the person"s hips when he is in a standing position.
  2. Place your palms on the support so that your fingers are turned towards your back.
  3. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on your feet, forming a right angle at the knee joint.
  4. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbows and bring your buttocks as close to the floor as possible.
  5. Without pausing, slowly straighten your arms, thus raising your body to the starting position.

It is not advised to fully extend your arms at the highest point since this may cause the elbow joint to become damaged (it may dislocate, fly, or even crack).


Athletes can strengthen their buttocks and rear thighs at home with lunges. The exercise in question has a high risk of injury despite its high effectiveness.

Strict adherence to the method of execution is required:

  1. Stand up straight; place your feet shoulder-width apart; straighten your back; place your hands on your belt.
  2. After a deep breath through the nose, allow the air you have taken in to leave the lungs through the mouth; put your left leg forward; bend your lower limbs at the knees so that your right leg touches the floor when the body is in the lower position. It is not recommended to concentrate most of the weight on one of the legs; body weight should be distributed between both limbs.
  3. After holding for 2-3 seconds, slowly straighten your legs and return to the starting position, putting the left limb back in place.
  4. Repeat p. 2, replacing the left leg with the right.

The athlete may experience a sensation of decreased load during the lunges. Fitness instructors advise using makeshift weights in this situation. Books, water bottles, and bags containing similar-weight items can all fulfill this function.


One of the best exercises for simultaneously working out all of your body’s muscle groups is the plank. It does not call for any specialized knowledge or careful physical preparation.

Owing to the fact that the exercise distributes the load throughout the entire musculature, the amount of time spent in the stand should be increased gradually, beginning at 20 seconds. Starting with the third session, adding 10 seconds is the ideal increase in load.

  1. Place the body in a horizontal position, resting on the floor on the elbows and tips of the toes.
  2. Suck in the stomach; make sure that there is no deflection in the lumbar region, and the muscles of the entire body are as tense as possible.
  3. Lower the face down, creating a straight line passing through the legs, torso, neck and head.
  4. Hold the body in this position for the required amount of time, without relaxing the muscles and without changing position.

It is advised to keep your breathing measured while on the plank to prevent air from staying in your lungs. If not, the athlete can experience nausea or vertigo as a result of low oxygen levels in the body.

Side plank

Both static and dynamic exercise can help you get stronger at home. The side plank is thought to be the best static load for losing extra body fat around the waist and sides. You can also use it to tone and strengthen your abs, giving them more definition.

The aforementioned stand will function best when used in conjunction with the traditional plank. The body doesn’t overwork as a result of the multidirectional load, and the muscles contract because the blood flow to the targeted body parts is accelerated.

  1. Lie on your left side, leaning on the floor with your hand placed on your elbow, and the lateral surface of your left foot; place your right foot on the left.
  2. Due to the tension of the muscles of the body, rise up on your left hand, making sure that the weight is distributed evenly between the two points of support.
  3. Place your right hand along the body; pull in your stomach; tighten your buttocks.
  4. Having spent the required amount of time in this position, turn over to the other side and repeat the same actions, lying on your right side.


You can strengthen the back muscles, particularly the lumbar and thoracic spine, at home with the "Superman" exercise. People of any age, build, or health can benefit from such a load because of its straightforward implementation technique.

Regardless of whether you are doing other exercises on a given day, you should perform "Superman" every day if you want the results to be apparent as soon as possible.

  1. Lie on your stomach; stretch your legs and arms down and up, respectively; direct your face to the floor.
  2. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, lift your limbs off the floor, forming a deflection in the lower back due to the tension of the back and abdominal muscles. Raise your head, looking forward.
  3. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, then slowly return to the original position, avoiding sudden movements and rapid relaxation of the muscles.

If done correctly, this exercise can help prevent osteochondrosis from getting worse, improve posture, and reduce the chance of developing spinal curvature.

Crunches with leg lifts

The at-home exercise regimen includes crunches combined with leg lifts to target the muscles in the upper and lower abdominal. It is important to make sure that the lower back is always pressed to the floor when executing the given exercise. If not, the athlete runs the risk of spraining their ankle or fracturing a vertebra.

  1. Lie on your back; put your hands behind your head; stretch your legs.
  2. As you exhale, lift the upper part of your body (to the shoulder blades), while simultaneously bending your knees, as if pressing your lower limbs to yourself.
  3. Without pausing, return to the starting position, avoiding jerks and other sudden movements.

Make sure that when you perform body lifts, the only reason they happen is because your abdominal muscles are tense and not your hands, which are moving your head and neck.


Burpees are an exercise that’s used as a cardiovascular workout in addition to targeting different muscle groups.

It must be completed quickly and precisely according to the steps involved in carrying out the given load.

  1. Stand up straight; place your feet as close as possible; arms – in a free position.
  2. Jump as high as possible and, at the same time, bring your arms out through the sides upward to clap.
  3. Without pausing, after landing, take a lying position on the floor and do one push-up.
  4. Stand up and repeat 2-3 points.

Circuit training

You can dry out your body and lose extra weight at home with circuit training. This kind of training entails completing a cycle of four to five exercises nonstop, followed by a one-minute break before repeating the initial complex.

Using the following set of loads, you can demonstrate circuit training:

  • jumping in place – 50 times;
  • twisting with leg raises – 15 times;
  • squats – 20 times;
  • plank – 1 min;
  • running in place with high hip raises – 1 min.

By concentrating on bodyweight exercises such as squats, push-ups, lunges, and planks, you can achieve a toned body at home in just one month without the need for fancy equipment or dumbbells. You can tone your muscles and gain strength while remaining in the comfort of your own home with a regular exercise regimen combined with a healthy diet and plenty of rest. It all comes down to maintaining basic, efficient movements and gradually increasing your daily intensity.

30-day training plan

Only with consistent training can you lose weight and tone up at home. It is not advised to train at home more than three times a week to prevent physical fatigue. A fitness trainer should assess each client’s health and training goals when creating a customized set of at-home workouts.

If hiring a specialist is not an option, you can base your training on the program below, which is intended for individuals between the ages of 20 and 35 who do not have any significant health conditions that would prevent them from participating in sports.

With iron weights, you can strengthen your muscles both at home and in the gym. An athlete must, however, exert much more willpower to force himself to choose sports over other forms of entertainment when working out at home.

During the first four to five weeks of consistent training, noticeable results with this kind of training will emerge if the proper psychological attitude is maintained along with adherence to the technique of performing the most efficient exercises.

Exercise Description
Push-ups Great for toning arms, shoulders, and chest. Start with modified push-ups if necessary.
Squats Perfect for strengthening legs and glutes. Do them slowly to feel the burn.
Plank Works the core and improves overall stability. Hold as long as you can and increase over time.
Lunges Targets the lower body and helps build muscle in the thighs and buttocks.
Burpees Combines cardio and strength, working the whole body. A bit tough but effective.
Mountain climbers Great cardio that works the core and legs. Do it at a fast pace for more intensity.

Without expensive equipment, getting in shape in a month is completely possible. The secret is to use your own body weight, be consistent, and concentrate on exercises that work different muscle groups. Your body is an excellent tool on its own; you don’t need dumbbells or other equipment to make progress.

Remember that everyone has different outcomes. While some might make progress more quickly, others might require a little more time. Maintaining motivation and paying attention to your body are crucial. Don’t give up even if something seems too difficult—simply slow down or adjust the exercise.

Finally, combine a healthy diet with your exercise regimen. Eating healthfully will increase your energy and hasten your recovery. As the weeks pass, you’ll feel more toned and stronger if you stick with it.

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Alexey Ivanov

Stylist with over ten years of experience. I specialize in men's and women's haircuts, creating images that emphasize individuality. I am sure that everyone can find their ideal hairstyle that will emphasize inner beauty and confidence.

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