How to lose 10 kg in a week quickly, effectively without harm to health. Real advice

It’s crucial to approach the ambitious goal of losing 10 kg in a week with caution. While many people are drawn to fast fixes, prioritizing one’s health should always come first. The secret is to identify techniques that work well for your body and are safe.

We’ll look at practical tips for losing weight without endangering your health in this article. These methods, which range from workout regimens to dietary advice, are meant to assist you in losing weight rapidly without sacrificing your balance.

Remembering that every person’s body is unique means that outcomes may differ. However, you can achieve your weight loss objectives more effectively if you adhere to these tried-and-true methods.

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in a week

The amount of excess weight and whether it is present at all determine how quickly weight is lost. If this is the case, the body will quickly rid itself of the excess as it causes more harm than good. However, the weight decreases more slowly the closer it gets to normal, so mass with a low weight will take longer to disappear because the body will fight against it fiercely.

In order to shed at least 10 kg, you’ll need:

  • strict dietary restrictions;
  • physical activity;
  • correct daily routine;
  • healthy sleep;
  • special procedures.

Contraindications to sudden weight loss

Ten kilograms divided by seven days equals about 1.4 kg of weight loss per day. With appropriate, "healthy" weight loss, this number ought to disappear in one to two weeks. Thus, it can be concluded that such weight loss is not appropriate. The body experiences a great deal of stress from it, and the effects are not always fully maintained.

Shock weight loss has strict contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Being overweight during pregnancy is natural and necessary for the baby"s health. Weight goes away after childbirth, and if it remains, then you should stop breastfeeding and only then lose weight, otherwise the newborn"s body will not receive useful substances.
  2. Adolescence. During this period, the formation of the body ends, so sudden weight loss can be dangerous. At such years, the option to combat obesity is moderate exercise and proper nutrition.
  3. Menopause. Women during this period are hormonally unstable, and a strict diet will only cause stress.
  4. Any diseases and ailments. When a person is sick, his body is weakened and requires a full range of vitamins, minerals and BJU. A strict diet deprives him of this and can cause complications.
  5. Unstable digestion. It can get even worse after a diet.

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Types of diets for quick weight loss of 10 kg in 7 days

The following low-calorie menus were chosen out of all others because they emphasize drastic weight loss:

  • protein;
  • kefir;
  • doctor"s (medical);
  • apple;
  • buckwheat;
  • cucumber;
  • "6 petals".

Protein diet weight loss 10 kg per week

A protein-rich diet can help you lose 10 kg in a week while keeping your muscles toned. Its diet should be low in carbohydrates and high in protein-rich foods. By doing this, you can decrease fat deposits while maintaining the health and strength of your muscles.

The protein menu does not include any type of alcohol, sweets and baked goods, spicy seasonings, or salad dressings other than lemon juice. primarily made from animal sources.

An approximate protein diet menu. The foods listed below must be consumed each day in the exact order listed, with a 3-hour gap between meals. There are just five meals, so you should get an early start so that you can have your last snack at least four hours before going to bed.

Days of diet:

  • Day 1. Skim milk, a plate of rice porridge, 0.2 kg boiled veal, a plate of vegetables without seasonings, 2 boiled eggs with 0.2 kg lean fish;
  • Day 2. Coffee or tea, 0% cottage cheese — saucer, 0.1 kg boiled chicken fillet and the same amount of buckwheat, vegetable salad, 2 eggs and fish, as on the previous day;
  • Day 3. Milk, 0.2 kg fish, 150 g buckwheat and a saucer of boiled shrimp, 0.2 kg stewed vegetables with rice, 2 eggs (can be fried) and a piece of lean meat;
  • Day 4. Dried fruit compote, 1 chicken fillet, vegetable soup and rye bread, vegetables, fish and eggs, as on the previous days;
  • Day 5. Kefir 1.5% and a piece of dried bread, stewed vegetables with rice 200 g, 150 g of fish and 2 potatoes, any dairy product 0.25 kg, 0.1 kg of meat and scrambled eggs;
  • Day 6. Coffee/tea/compote, a rusk and 2 eggs: meat with rice with a total weight of 0.25 kg, vegetables, a piece of fish and a cup of cottage cheese;
  • Day 7. Kefir/yogurt, a piece of fish and vegetable juice, rice and meat, as on day 6, vegetable salad, scrambled eggs and apples (2 pcs.).

Kefir diet

Kefir’s lactic acid bacteria prevent digestion from becoming worse because of dietary restrictions; rather, they improve intestinal function and boost metabolism. The weekly diet is fairly rigorous, but there is a simpler ten-day version as well as an even stricter three-day equivalent.

Kefir diet menu. The diet is straightforward: 500 milliliters of kefir and an infinite supply of still water are provided daily, and the remaining foods are substituted based on the plan outlined below.

Diet plan:

  • Monday. 800 g of boiled potatoes.
  • Tuesday. 500 g of boiled chicken fillet without spices.
  • Wednesday. A pack of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Thursday. 200 ml of sour cream.
  • Friday. 1 kg of fresh apples and 0.3 kg of any other dried fruits, except bananas and raisins.
  • Saturday. More is added 0.5 l of kefir, total 1.
  • Sunday. Similar to Saturday.

Weekly menu for the kefir diet:

Medical diet

It can be stored for one week, two weeks, three days, or ten days, just like kefir. The person’s initial data determines the amount of kg lost, but it cannot be less than 5. Known as "medical" as well because it was created to help obese patients lose weight before surgery. Because of this, the diet is regarded as safe for health, despite the fact that some of its days are very rigid and involve only drinking water.

It is essential to take a vitamin complex for the duration of the diet.

A sample menu

  • Monday. During the day, drink 6 glasses (250 ml) of still mineral water. Between each glass, there is an interval of at least 2 hours;
  • Tuesday. Same nutrition as on day 1, only instead of water, 0% fat milk, and its portions are 150 ml, not 250. Also add an apple;
  • Wednesday. Repeat Monday;
  • Thursday. 1 kg of sliced ​​vegetables, seasoned with olive or flaxseed oil; 500 ml of green tea;
  • Friday. Repeat Wednesday, but without the apple;
  • Saturday — the most satisfying day. In the morning, an egg and tea, for lunch, 0.1 kg of canned peas and the same amount of lean meat; for dinner, a plate of broth with vegetables. You can have an apple as a snack;
  • Sunday. During the day, eat 0.1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 apple, drink 1 liter of fermented milk product and 0.5 liters of milk.

Apple diet

It’s not too hard because you can increase the number of apples in your meal by up to four on any given day if you’re feeling peckish. Together with pectin fibers, these fruits aid in boosting metabolism and eliminating excess from the body.

Menu for the Apple diet:

  • Day 1. For breakfast, a couple of grated apples without sugar and a small handful of walnuts. For lunch, serve a salad of hard-boiled chicken egg, greens and 1 apple. You don"t need to season it with anything, and it is most effective to remove the yolk from the egg. Dinner: 3 apples in any form: raw or processed.
  • Day 2. It starts again with a couple of apples, but now instead of nuts, add a small bowl of boiled rice. For lunch, exactly the same volume container with a mixture of rice and sugar-free fruit puree (you can make it yourself from boiled apple or buy puree for the little ones in the store). For dinner, rice again.
  • Day 3. Now for tomorrow, 2 apples are combined with a small bowl of 0% fat cottage cheese. For the 2nd meal, mix: the same amount of cottage cheese + diced apple + 1 tbsp. l. honey, a handful of any nuts. You can add a little lemon juice. For dinner, cottage cheese is half the amount that was in the morning.
  • Day 4. In the morning: 1 apple and 2 carrots, grate and mix. A similar dish during the day, and in the evening you are allowed to pamper yourself a little with 2 apples baked with 1 tsp. l. honey.
  • Day 5. A rest from fruits. Morning meal: boiled carrots and beets (small). For lunch, the same beets, protein from a boiled chicken egg and a plate of oatmeal without milk. Dinner is a plate of grated carrots with a spoonful of honey.
  • Days 6 and 7 Completely repeat 1 and 2.

Buckwheat diet

Finding a way to shed 10 kg of weight in a week while saving a respectable sum on goods will enable a buckwheat diet. Buckwheat cereals are a great side dish for weight loss, according to nutritionists, and they’re also reasonably priced.


  • Do not eat after 7 o’clock in the evening, since at night metabolism is lower.
  • Do not use any spices, even salt.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • Distribute food evenly.

A seven-day menu of buckwheat. You must eat the same way every day for seven days. For one day, one liter of skim kefir, two apples, and a glass of buckwheat cereal that needs to be boiled without salt are provided. It is best to forgo the kefir if at all possible, as these products must be consumed during the day in tiny portions.

Cucumber diet

Cucumbers are useful to eat even when not on a diet, since these vegetables are easily digestible, remove excess from the body and do not harm the figure due to the high content of liquid and low nutritional value. When losing weight quickly, they will come in handy as an inexpensive basis for the diet.

Such a diet does not have a hunger menu, but it gets monotonous fast. Women’s reviews state that the weight starts to disappear quickly after two to three days, but that after a week, cucumbers in any form start to taste bad.

Because the diet has a diuretic effect, those who have urinary system problems should exercise caution.

The same diet should be followed for all seven days:

  • The morning always begins with a large cup of some drink without sugar. Better than tea or coffee, juice is allowed.
  • Second breakfast. 2 medium cucumbers and a cracker/loaf/slice of whole grain bread.
  • Lunch. Several fresh cucumbers; another any vegetable, except potatoes; some hearty food (boiled egg/piece of hard cheese/bowl of rice).
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit.
  • Dinner. Cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil.

Diet "6 petals"

This diet’s main component is a distinct division of food items by day. One product is the focus today, another is tomorrow, and so on. The secret to effectiveness is to use multiple monodietary diets in alternation while adhering to distinct nutrition principles. In contrast to the others, "6 petals" produces roughly 1 kg of leaves every day for six days. It turns out that in less than a week, she lost 6 kg total.

Menu items for the "6 petals" diet:

  • Day I. Based on fish prepared in any way, except for frying in oil. Only 300 g of the finished product is given for a day, which must be divided into 3-4 receptions. From drinks – green tea and water.
  • Day II. Vegetable. In the morning, a tomato-yogurt salad with. oil; for lunch vegetable soup; For dinner, a salad (can be salted) and a sauerkraut plate again.
  • Day III. Protein. 3 meals: one of them can eat chicken broth, and for 2 others – boiled or baked chicken meat without skins. You need to drink green tea.
  • Day IV. Cereal. For breakfast and lunch, wheat porridge with crispbread, for dinner, boiled rice and also crispbread. Between these meals, it is recommended to snack on seeds.
  • Day V. Dairy products. 3 times the same set – 0.2 kg of cottage cheese, a glass of milk and a cup of tea.
  • Day VI. Carbohydrate-fruit. In the morning and at lunch, kiwi (2 pcs.) and something citrus (a couple of tangerines / orange / grapefruit). In the evening, baked apple, dried fruits and citrus again.

Rules for exiting strict diets

If you follow a low-calorie diet incorrectly, the entire result will go away in a few days. On these days, the stomach absorbs less food and the metabolism slows down; therefore, if you start eating a lot of food right away, the weight will come back.

Furthermore, it will be stored as fat because the body will store calories in anticipation of another calorie deficit following such a holiday. The digestive system may also be harmed by improper exit.

In any case, some weight will return, but only to a small extent if you adhere to these guidelines:

  • At first, there should be no fatty, sweet, floury or fried foods on the plate. In the first days, it is better to eat the same light foods that were present in the diet, just in larger quantities.
  • Introduce new products little by little.
  • Fractional nutrition. No need to take an additive right away, it is better to wait a couple of hours. It is convenient to use a small plate so as not to overeat.
  • Drink as much water as possible.

Water for quick weight loss

Drinking regularly ensures a healthy metabolism. Every day, a person requires at least two liters of clean water. This does not include any other drinks.

You should have two glasses of this volume first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. 15 minutes before meals and at least 1 before bed to stifle hunger. Any liquid, however, should be avoided right after eating as it will dilute gastric juice and make food digestion more difficult.

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Proper sleep for weight loss

Researchers from the Medical Association of Canada have discovered that individuals who prefer to sleep for over 10 hours per day experience a slower rate of weight loss than those who sleep for less than 7 hours. The body merely uses a small number of calories daily in the first scenario, and stores fat as a backup energy source in the second scenario when the body is short on energy.

An eight-hour sleep cycle is ideal. Additionally, it is best done at night when the brain is at its most rested.

Other suggestions that aid in both weight loss and fat prevention in bed are as follows:

  • Do not eat 4 hours before bed.
  • Sleep in a cool room. Ideally, this should not be an air conditioner, but an open window so that there is also fresh air in the room.
  • Go to bed in a calm state. To do this, you can take a warm bath, walk outside or do a few yoga exercises to relax.

While it may sound good to lose 10 kg in a week, it’s crucial to put your health first even if you want to see results quickly. Extreme methods or diets can have harmful effects, so stick to balanced, sustainable strategies. While eating nutrient-dense foods, avoiding processed sugars, drinking plenty of water, and engaging in mild exercise are all sound advice, rapid weight loss is generally not advised for long-term health maintenance. Always get medical advice before making an abrupt weight loss attempt.

Exercises for quick weight loss

Trainers provide weekly weight loss tips for 10 kg. They point out that engaging in sports can aid in weight loss, with cardio training being particularly beneficial in this context.

A series of heart-pumping exercises. Suitable for the gym, the house, or the outdoors:

  1. To warm up, jog in place for 1 min.
  2. 10 squats-jumps. Hands on the back of the head, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down so that your knees do not go beyond your toes, and you feel tension in your thighs and buttocks. From this position, jump up, straightening your legs.
  3. 30 jumping jacks (jumping arms apart – legs apart).
  4. Burpees: 3 sets of 10 times. A very effective, but exhausting exercise. From a prone position, you need to do push-ups or at least rise up, then jump to move your legs closer to your hands, stand up in a jump and return back to the starting position.
  5. Plank for 1 min.

You should warm up before you begin, and you should stretch your muscles a little at the conclusion. It won’t harm you to do another round of exercises if you still have strength.

Food wrap for weight loss

Cling film is an additional nutritional addition. Their main function is to produce a greenhouse effect, which will cause extra liquid to be "melted" from the skin’s outer layers. Consequently, the volume of trouble spots—the arms, hips, or waist—reduces.

The simplest method is to start exercising to release as much moisture as possible after wrapping a film around the body part that has been scrubbed clean. However, playing these sports will be very uncomfortable because it will be hot all the time and the film may slide off and limit mobility.

Wraps with different warming mixtures applied underneath the film—which can be made at home or purchased from a store—are an efficient technique. In this instance, you must heat up and wait for a specific amount of time (depending on the ingredients), after which you must remove the film and completely wash away any leftover mixture.

Real advice from nutritionists for those who want to lose 10 kg in a week

Dietitians offer advice on how to shed ten kilograms in a week. They provide some crucial advice because they are the ones who understand better than anyone else that you shouldn’t sacrifice your health in order to lose weight.

Nutritionist recommendations:

  • Such a sharp jump in weight is not possible for everyone, so do not despair if after the diet only 3-4 kg have gone.
  • When on a strict diet, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes.
  • Drink as much as the body requires, but not less than 2 liters.
  • Come up with motivation, remind yourself of the need to achieve the goal.
  • Before the diet, gradually reduce the calories consumed, and after – slowly and carefully increase.
  • Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.
  • Do not forget about exercises and procedures. It is highly recommended to visit a massage or do wraps.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Provide yourself with interesting activities during the diet.

A bulk of 10 kg should disappear over the course of several months. It can be eliminated in a week in an emergency, as demonstrated by experience, but you should begin weight loss efforts only after thoroughly understanding the theory behind weight loss.

Created by Svetlana Ovsyannikova.

Tip Details
Stay Hydrated Drink plenty of water throughout the day to boost metabolism and reduce appetite.
Balanced Diet Focus on vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, avoiding sugar and processed foods.
Exercise Daily Include cardio and strength training for at least 30 minutes a day.
Sleep Well Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep to support weight loss and recovery.
Avoid Late Eating Try not to eat after 7 PM to give your body time to digest food before sleep.

It’s a lofty goal to lose 10 kg in a week, and while quick weight loss is possible, it’s crucial to put your health and wellbeing first. Severe exercise regimens and diets can have short-term benefits, but they can also be detrimental to your physical and mental health.

Strive for a balanced approach rather than just paying attention to the scale. Maintaining a healthy weight can be achieved by combining regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate hydration. Never ignore your body’s signals and don’t push it past its breaking point.

It’s a good idea to speak with a nutritionist or healthcare provider before making any significant changes. Consistency, not drastic measures, is the key to long-term success. Your health ought to come first at all times.

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Anna Lebedeva

Hairdresser-stylist with a special interest in creative haircuts and hairstyles. I am inspired by avant-garde ideas and strive to bring them to life. I am sure that every hairstyle should reflect the uniqueness of the personality and emphasize individual style.

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