How to do keratin hair straightening at home with gelatin – recipes with step-by-step instructions, reviews, photos before and after

A common procedure for getting hair that is shiny, frizz-free, and smooth is keratin hair straightening. Although salon treatments can be expensive, you can use gelatin to create a less expensive version at home. You may already have the ingredients for this simple DIY project in your kitchen.

Gelatin is a natural protein that can be used to replicate the results of professional keratin treatments. Without the use of harsh chemicals, this process helps to coat the hair, making it smoother and easier to manage.

This article contains step-by-step instructions and recipes for using gelatin to perform keratin hair straightening at home. We’ll also provide you reviews and before-and-after pictures so you can see the possible outcomes of this straightforward yet efficient technique.

Composition of gelatin and benefits for hair

Gelatin is safe to use on hair, so there’s no need to be afraid of it. In addition, our hair contains keratin. Negative outside influences are the cause of its demise. Keratin treatments provided in the salon can shield hair from a number of harmful elements.

Fish scales and the tendons of different animals are the main sources of gelatin, which is essentially an animal protein. Because of its structural resemblance to collagen, it has several advantageous characteristics. It also includes microelements, vitamins, and amino acids.

After hair has been treated with gelatin, it helps shield the hair from various external factors that can harm the entire structure of the hair, such as curling irons, hair dryers, and irons. Additionally, curly locks are beautifully and silkily made to appear perfectly straightened by gelatin.

How does gelatin affect hair?

Gelatin is a naturally occurring collagen that has several beneficial ingredients. Because it contains protein, which nourishes and saturates hair with minerals, it has a positive effect on hair.

Additionally, gelatin envelops the hair, sealing split ends and imparting a naturally radiant, healthy appearance. The strands become smooth and easier to handle as the gelatin weighs them down. Gelatin is generally an invaluable ally in the struggle against brittleness, dryness, and dullness. It covers the hair in a thin, invisible layer that shields it from the damaging effects of outside influences.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair straightening with gelatin at home


  • hair color becomes bright and saturated;
  • strands become smooth, strong and healthy;
  • increases the volume of hair by (+ 15–20%);
  • split ends are sealed;
  • low cost of components.


  • long duration of the procedure;
  • strands can become fluffier and difficult to comb;
  • lack of result.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The following situations make gelatin hair straightening contraindicated:

  • With increased blood clotting.
  • With thrombophlebitis.
  • With urolithiasis.
  • With constipation.
  • With gallstone disease.
  • With inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Bloating is an uncommon side effect that can happen during gelatin therapy. Generally speaking, this procedure has beneficial side effects like:

  • Strengthening the nail plate.
  • Accelerating hair growth.
  • Improving the structure of the skin.

Gelatin-based keratin hair straightening at home is a cheap and easy way to get shiny, silky hair without having to pay a lot of money for salon services. You can give your hair a sleek, healthy look by following a few simple recipes and step-by-step instructions. Numerous individuals have posted encouraging evaluations and outcomes, frequently accompanied by striking before-and-after pictures that demonstrate the potency of this do-it-yourself procedure.

How to straighten hair with gelatin?

Choosing a recipe, preparing the required ingredients, preparing the mixture, and following the directions are the first steps in using gelatin to straighten hair. There are many recipes for gelatin therapy; we’ll look at a few of them today.

What is needed for keratin hair straightening with gelatin?

Gelatin and any kind of conditioner or shampoo will suffice for keratin hair straightening; no extensive or protracted preparation is needed. Some women supplement the seven with kefir and different herbs; we’ll talk about those recipes later.

Recipe No. 1

  1. In a small container, mix cooled boiled water with 3 tbsp. l. gelatin, mix thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo, but without conditioner and dry a little.
  3. Add a small amount of balm or conditioner to the resulting mixture and mix.
  4. Apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair so that the solution does not get on the scalp.
  5. Wrap your hair in polyethylene, wrap a towel over it.
  6. Wait 40-45 minutes and wash the mask off your hair with warm water.

Recipe #2

For this recipe, a lot of women use sheet gelatin instead of powder.

Technique of getting ready:

  1. Place several sheets of gelatin in a glass of water, stir thoroughly and leave for two hours.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture in the microwave, setting the timer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, while the mask is cooling, you can wash your hair with shampoo.
  4. Pour the cooled mask into a more convenient container so that you can take it with your hand, because getting it out of the glass is not very convenient.
  5. Dip the ends of your hair in the gelatin mass, and then the rest of the curls.
  6. Wrap your head with a towel or a special cap.
  7. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair in warm water and apply conditioner.

Gelatin-based masks – recipes

Many women use gelatin-based hair masks; the efficacy of these masks is substantiated by the positive feedback they receive from fair-skinned people. Let’s take a closer look at the most widely used techniques for creating masks.

With herbs

If the hair is damaged or has a thinned structure, a grass mask is applied. It is very easy to cook:

  1. Dilute gelatin in a small amount of water, mix until completely dissolved.
  2. Add to mix 1 t. l. honey.
  3. Prepare a decoction of chamomile or St. John"s wort, having previously steamed them in boiling water, use it after. as a solution completely cool.
  4. Mix all ingredients and apply to the hair.

Since St. John’s wort contains coloring pigment, it is not advised to use it on light hair. Chamomile is a suitable substitute for this plant.

With kefir

While the results of a kefir mask take time to straighten hair, they are notable for their effectiveness and durability.

How to Cook:

  1. 1 tsp. l. mix with a small amount of water, stir thoroughly and add 1 tbsp. kefir.
  2. Apply to clean and damp hair.
  3. After 30 minutes, rinse the mask thoroughly in running water.

It is advised to use this mask two or three times per week.

Recipe for strengthening and restoring hair structure

Method of preparation:

  1. In 1 st. warm herbal infusion made from a decoction of nettle, chamomile and mint, add 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, mix thoroughly.
  2. Add 2-3 hours to the resulting mixture. l. shampoo.
  3. Insist the mask for half an hour, during which time it should swell.
  4. Apply the mask to your hair, leave it on for 40 minutes and rinse with water.

Gelatin composition against dry hair

In addition to being incredibly simple to apply at home, this mask perfectly balances the water imbalance in the hair structure. It can be prepared as follows:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water in a ratio of 1k3.
  2. Add 2-3 hours. l. apple cider vinegar and the same amount of lavender oil.
  3. Put the mixture in a water bath, it will help get rid of lumps, keep until the mask acquires a uniform consistency.
  4. Apply the product to curls and leave for 60-90 minutes, then rinse with water and apply air conditioning.

Applying this mask no more than 1-2 times per week for a maximum of two months in a row is advised.

Gelatin product with lemon juice and bread

This is a great mask for oily hair because women use it straight to straighten curls.

Technique of getting ready:

  1. O.warm up a little 5 glasses of milk and add 100 grams to it. black bread, knead thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting solution. l. gelatin and 1 tsp. l. lemon juice, mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  3. Distribute the mask over the entire length of the hair.
  4. After 30-40 minutes of the procedure, wash off the mask with warm water and you can enjoy the result.

It is advised that you use this mask on your hair no more than once every two to three months, after which you should take a little vacation.

Washing off masks

Any woman who has at some point attempted gelatin therapy to straighten her hair is likely aware of how challenging it is to remove the mask that has been applied. However, everything is not as hard as it might appear at first.

To ensure that the gelatin can be effortlessly and thoroughly removed from curls, dilute the water used to wash the mass with a small amount of vinegar. This will create a slightly acidic environment. This will add silkiness and softness to your hair in addition to making it easier to get rid of gelatin.

Keratin hair straightening is a classic method

With this method, hair is perfectly straightened, and all of the work can be done at home without the need to visit a salon. You don’t need any miraculous ingredients to make the mask; you can find all of them in most homes. You can combine the following ingredients to create a mixture:

  1. Hot water.
  2. Gelatin.
  3. Balm or shampoo.

Detailed instructions:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. mix gelatin with boiled water and leave until it swells.
  2. If lumps appear, put the solution in a water bath and they will disappear.
  3. Closely monitor that the gelatin does not boil, otherwise this will lead to the loss of its beneficial properties.
  4. Before the procedure, it is recommended to wash your hair without using shampoo, wipe strands are not needed either.
  5. Add shampoo or conditioner to the resulting gelatin mixture, this is necessary to improve the washing of the mass from the hair.
  6. Apply the mask to your hair.
  7. Put a plastic cap on your head.
  8. Keep it on for 1-2 hours, rinse with warm water and dry your hair naturally, without using a hair dryer.

This process should only be carried out once a month.

What will happen as a result and how effective is the procedure?

Applying gelatin-based masks will make your hair manageable, silky, and straight. They can also be spared from hair loss and split ends. The process is successful, and after one to two procedures, the outcome is apparent.

Hair care after keratin straightening at home with gelatin

Following keratin straightening, hair care should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Within 1 day after the procedure, they cannot be washed or even wet.
  2. Do not expose to rain, drizzle, wet snow and steam.
  3. Handle your hair with care during this time.
  4. You cannot do styling.
  5. It is recommended to use a satin or silk pillowcase for sleeping.

Frequently asked questions

Many women who have never used gelatin for hair straightening have many questions; some are even unsure of the proper technique. Now, let’s look at the most frequently asked questions by fair sex regarding this keratin straightening process for curls.

Is it worth straightening wet hair?

The answer is unquestionably in the affirmative; they should only be straightened when somewhat dry or wet. Applying a gelatin mask to dry hair is not advised.

Combination with bio-curling

Combining hair straightening and bio-curling is not advised because these two procedures are incompatible. It is advised to first determine whether you require straight or curly hair, and then select the suitable procedure.

Application after a perm

After a perm, you can use keratin straightening; to do this, select a suitable mask recipe and adhere to the usage and preparation guidelines. You should just consider the possibility that, particularly if the procedure is done at home, the results of the first procedure might not be what you had hoped for, necessitating additional keratin straightening—three, five, or even more.

Frequency of the procedure for straightening hair with gelatin

It is recommended to use gelatin hair straightening procedures no more than once a week, although there are masks that should only be applied once a month.

Pros and cons of gelatin straightening

The benefits and drawbacks of gelatin straightening are still hotly contested topics on the Internet, and sadly, there is no definitive conclusion. Everything about this procedure is dependent upon the structure and state of the hair. Everything is personalized in general; for instance, a procedure might be appropriate for one person but not for another. It is still best to see a specialist before using this straightening method.


Let’s look at a few testimonials from female consumers who have tried gelatin therapy at home and found it to be successful.

Marina is fifty years old. Moscow.

I used to believe that I was born with gorgeous curly hair, but that was back in my youth. But I didn’t do what I wanted all the time—straight hair. Due to my low salary, I was only able to visit salons once every six months, which was insufficient because the procedure’s effectiveness is short-lived and comes at a high cost. And after learning about this gelatin-based technique from a friend, I made the decision to research it. My hair became silky and straight after two procedures, and I’m happy with the outcome, which exceeded all my expectations!

Sletta. thirty years old. Moscow.

I’ve had excessive hair fluff for a long time; it’s especially obvious after I wash my hair. At one point the kids even referred to me as Baba Yaga. But a gelatin mask—which I still use today—completely turned the situation around. Everyone should try it, as my hair became more straight and more manageable!

A few evaluations from

Step Description
1. Prepare ingredients Mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of warm water. Stir until the gelatin dissolves completely.
2. Add conditioner Add 1 tablespoon of hair conditioner to the mixture. This helps make your hair soft and manageable.
3. Apply the mixture Spread the mixture evenly on clean, damp hair. Avoid the scalp, focusing on the length of the hair.
4. Let it sit Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on for 30-40 minutes. The heat will help the gelatin penetrate the hair strands.
5. Rinse thoroughly Rinse your hair with cool water until all the gelatin is removed. Do not use shampoo after rinsing.
6. Dry and straighten Blow-dry your hair and use a straightener to seal in the treatment for long-lasting results.
Before and After Photos Hair appears smoother, shinier, and frizz-free after the treatment.
Reviews Many users report softer and straighter hair, but results may vary depending on hair type.

Gelatin-based keratin hair straightening is a cost-efficient and efficient method for achieving glossy, silky hair at home. With a little bit of effort and money, you can achieve salon-quality results by following the recipes and detailed instructions.

After using this technique, a lot of people noticed improvements in the texture and appearance of their hair. Your hair can be revived and made more manageable with just a few basic ingredients.

You can discover the ideal formula for your hair type by experimenting with different recipes, and the before and after pictures will serve as a reminder of the amazing results this treatment can achieve.

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Anna Lebedeva

Hairdresser-stylist with a special interest in creative haircuts and hairstyles. I am inspired by avant-garde ideas and strive to bring them to life. I am sure that every hairstyle should reflect the uniqueness of the personality and emphasize individual style.

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