For many, the dream is to wake up with flawless curls without the need for heat. Not only can curling your hair overnight save a ton of time, but it also protects your hair from heat damage.
You have a few options to choose from, and the best part is that they are made to be sufficiently comfortable for you to fall asleep using. Each technique offers a different way to achieve gorgeous, natural curls while you’re sleeping, from braiding to using soft rollers.
Let’s look at some of the most cozy ways to curl your hair overnight if you’re ready to change up your routine and wake up to effortlessly voluminous curls.
Method | Description |
Braids | Braid damp hair into sections for natural waves in the morning. |
Hair rollers | Use soft rollers that are comfortable to sleep in for defined curls. |
Twist buns | Twist hair into small buns and secure them with soft ties to avoid discomfort. |
Scrunchie method | Gather your hair into a loose ponytail on top of your head and wrap it with a scrunchie for volume and curls. |
Tips for night curling
- You can only curl clean hair, so it is necessary to pre-wash it with shampoo for daily use and balm. Care products intended for daily use are softer in their structure, so the scalp does not dry out. Using a conditioner is not necessary, but as practice shows, rinses make it much easier to work with damp hair. And also prevent excessive hair loss when combing.
- Never curl wet hair. It should only be damp, so dry it in a convenient way: with a hairdryer or a towel. It is preferable to use a towel as a more gentle means. It is used to periodically blot excess moisture, but it is not advisable to rub your head with it.
- Mousse or another styling product is applied to slightly dried strands. This will make the hair softer and more manageable, it will be easier to curl it, since there will be practically no unsightly strands that come loose. After applying mousse or foam, the head must be slightly dried again and only then start curling.
- You cannot curl wet strands, since in a twisted state they will not dry until the morning, so beautiful curls will not work. If in the morning you feel that your head is still damp, dry your hair with a hairdryer before removing curlers or rags. If you overdid it with drying in the evening, you can lightly spray the curled strands with water before going to bed.
- You don’t have to comb your curls. If you use small parts for curling, after combing, your hair may look like it’s been treated in a salon. The effect will disappear by the end of the day, but the first few hours your hair will be too voluminous. Spray or other fixatives will help to secure the result of your charming curls.
How to curl wet hair overnight
Many girls and women have tried the folk method of curling wet hair. For the most part, no specialized gear is needed. You have all you need right here at home.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that curls will be smaller the smaller the strand you use for curling.
It is best to use big curls that will fall in waves for daily wear. This looks more elegant and requires less preparation work.
When curling, keep the following in mind:
- large curls quickly lose their shape, so they need to be fixed with a styler;
- try to divide your hair into equal strands and it is better to pay a little more attention to the curls near the face;
- do not forget to make sure that you have removed all curlers or rags before leaving the house, some of which may be at the back under the already loose hair;
- even when using the most pleasant methods, it will not be very uncomfortable to sleep.
Not every kind of curler is suitable for use at night. The best suited for this is:
- foam rubber;
- boomerangs.
Hedgehogs, which are Velcro curlers, are another option for experimenting, but your hair might just become tangled by morning. Then, you’ll have to endure a drawn-out, excruciating process of untangling hair instead of gorgeous curls.
Boomerangs and curlers made of foam rubber can be easily identified from other varieties due to their softness. However, their uses are distinct. Curl the strand from the end in both situations, winding it nearly all the way to the roots.
A plastic clasp is typically used to secure foam curlers. Due to its poor hold, there’s a possibility that the curl won’t fit the head snugly and will instead hang down, leaving a few centimeters uncurled.
Boomerangs are fastened by the wire that is inside. All you have to do is tie the ends of a twisted boomerang. This technique is a lot like curls on rags. A few producers offer hybrid foam curlers that come equipped with boomerangs. This variety is still tied at the top but lacks an interior wire.
While wearing pigtails is practical for long hair, there is a slight drawback in that the hair will stay straight at the roots and ends. An independent factor determines the number of braids. Braiding them in a specific order to divide the head into smaller sections is not required. The final hairstyle’s curls get smaller the more braids there are.
If you choose to employ this technique, make a thick braid at the end by weaving a lot of tiny braids together. Sleeping in this manner will be much more comfortable, but it can only be done with very long hair.
You can learn more about the nuances of the process and the appearance of curls from braids on our website.
Suggestions. If you’re looking for something simpler than a few tiny curls, you can braid one braid as low as possible on a ponytail.
Elastic band
You only need one elastic band to create elegant waves! You will require a specific type of headband made of elastic bands that is applied to the head in the shape of a strip down the middle of the forehead. It doesn’t matter how thick the elastic band is; however, fabric bands can be used in place of regular ones.
Stylists advise against using a fabric headband for this purpose because
- it will not leave a mark on the skin in the morning;
- it will pull the hair less, so there will be no too obvious creases;
- it will absorb excess moisture and help the hair dry properly.
Starting from the right or left side of the face, curl the curls in a circle. Pull apart a tiny thread that you can further twist with your fingers. After that, the curl is threaded around the fabric and passed under the elastic band. Until all of the hair wraps around the headband, the end of the remaining strand is combined with the next strand and the same algorithm is run.
It only takes three flagella to create an amazing hairstyle. Applying mousse or foam to the hair prior to the procedure will make it easier to handle, as not everyone can create a tight flagella the first time.
- The hair is divided into 3 equal sectors.
- After which each strand must be twisted around its axis until a tight twist is formed along the entire length.
- A similar mechanism is quite easy to unravel if you release your fingers, so it must be secured in a bun with an elastic band.
Three flagella produce less noticeable curls but add volume to the hair. Because an inadequately fastened structure has the potential to untie itself by morning, you must sleep with them with caution.
Natural materials are preferable for the scarf because synthetic ones will itch the scalp in the morning and be very uncomfortable during the night. Pillowcases are subject to the same natural fabric restrictions as curling scarves.
- First, the scarf for curls must be twisted diagonally.
- The hair is divided into 2 equal parts, after which a high ponytail is tied on each side. The same number of scarves are used as the number of ponytails is formed.
- One end of the scarf is fixed around the elastic band at the base of the ponytail.
- Next, the hair is divided into 2 parts and wrapped around the scarf. On each side there should be 2 spiral strands around the material.
- The ends at the bottom are braided with an elastic band, after which they are additionally wrapped around the base of the ponytails, forming a bun.
Please take note that these curls can be styled with hairspray in the morning instead of even needing to be combed.
Although a T-shirt is not required, you can use any wide scarf or even a kerchief; however, the T-shirt is the method that is most commonly associated with it.
- The item of clothing is twisted into a bundle, after which its ends are secured with a hairpin or other method, you can simply tie it.
- You will get a circle that is placed on the head like a wreath. It is best to comb the hair with a side parting.
- Take fairly large strands of 5-7 cm.
- Each strand is twisted in turn around the wreath made from a T-shirt.
- The strand must be completely wrapped, after which the end must be secured with an invisible pin to this strand.
- Then take the next curl and also wrap it around the T-shirt on the head.
- When all the hair is wrapped around the item of clothing, you will get a funny hairstyle with hair raised high. From above, it will resemble a nest.
- In the morning, you need to remove all the invisible pins and pull the T-shirt out of the embrace of the hair.
There is another effective way to replace rags nowadays. This curling technique is the foundation of boomerang curlers, but you can make it yourself rather than purchasing a premade item. The rags ought to measure roughly 10 cm in diameter each.
It doesn’t matter how wide. The ends of the rags are tied after the strands are wound around them like curlers.
Selecting the best method to curl your hair overnight without compromising comfort is essential if you want to sleep soundly and wake up with gorgeous curls. There are several options that won’t interfere with your sleep, whether you like to braid your hair, use soft rollers, or wear your hair loosely in a bun. The secret is to figure out a method that works for your hair type and guarantees that you will wake up with the curls you desire without experiencing any pain.
Pros and cons of curling hair at night
Curling hair at night is a very popular technique that every woman has used in one form or another since childhood.
The biggest drawback is that using electronics while sleeping makes it hard to fall asleep, and excessive tossing and turning can undo the good effect. Furthermore, especially for short hair, improperly processed curls may become overgrown with loose strands by morning.
The safety of night curling hair and the relatively long-term preservation of the result are unquestionably advantages. If the girl takes the proper approach, the wave effect will stay in her hairstyle until the evening, making her feel confident.
Advice on how to style gorgeous curls and prolong their luxurious appearance:
- curls for long hair: which ones to choose, how to curl at home;
- rules and methods for creating curls and curls on short hair;
- methods for achieving root volume;
- how to quickly curl hair at home;
- how to make curls last a long time;
- how to beautifully style curls, hairstyles with curls for short, medium and long hair.
Without using heat, curling your hair overnight can be a simple and elegant way to achieve beautiful waves. To get the desired effects when you wake up, it’s important to select a technique that you can sleep comfortably with.
For every hair type and comfort level, there is a style that works, whether you like to use braids, twisted buns, or soft curlers. Trying out various methods will enable you to determine which one is most effective for you.
You can start your day with ease and style when you wake up with gorgeous, natural-looking curls thanks to these easy and comfortable overnight curling techniques.