How to comb out nits from long, short and medium hair at home

It can be difficult to manage nits, particularly if you have to do it at home. Regardless of your hair length—long, short, or in between—mastering the art of nit-picking can simplify and enhance the process. This post will walk you through the process of successfully removing nits from various hair lengths without the assistance of a professional.

Patience and the right technique are essential for long hair. To make sure every nit is gone, you’ll need to section the hair into manageable chunks and use a fine-toothed comb. Conversely, short hair needs less time but still requires meticulous attention to detail. The best techniques for people with medium-length hair are those that combine those for long and short hair.

By taking these easy steps, you can confidently and effectively deal with the nits issue. Let’s explore the techniques designed specifically for each hair length to assist you in achieving a nit-free outcome at home.

Hair Length Combing Method
Long Hair Divide hair into sections. Use a fine-toothed nit comb, starting at the roots and moving to the ends. Comb through each section slowly and carefully. Repeat daily for best results.
Short Hair Part hair into small sections. Use a fine-toothed comb to go through each section from roots to tips. Be thorough and repeat every day until no nits are found.
Medium Hair Divide hair into manageable sections. Comb from the roots to the tips using a nit comb. Make sure to check and comb each section thoroughly. Repeat the process daily to ensure all nits are removed.

What happens if you don"t comb out dead nits?

Recall that eliminating live parasites and treating their embryos, or nits, does not guarantee that the deceased parasites will disappear on their own. Ultimately, there is no guarantee that the residual parasites are devoid of live ones; some may survive and resurrect eventually. It is advisable to dedicate sufficient time to thoroughly comb them out, as a dead nit cannot be removed by itself; it must be combed out.

How to prepare for the procedure

Prior to beginning the process of combing out the nits, the head’s surface needs to be ready. An adhesive material that both gives nits a fairly strong fixation and gradually hardens is used to adhere them to our hair. As such, shampoo or soap will not remove them from the skin. A typical comb will not be able to remove them. They cling to the hair even after treatment. How to get rid of them in hair. We are going to look at a few solutions now:

  1. Vinegar. Previously, this remedy was considered the best and most effective. It was believed that it kills nits, but later it turned out that this is not so. It only destroys the adhesive substance. That is why combing out was faster and easier. Dissolve 300 ml of water in 100 ml of vinegar. Wet your head well, put a plastic bag on top or a specially designed cap. After twenty minutes, you need to comb out the nits and wash everything off with water.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. It helps to get rid of lice well, as it destroys the substance with which they firmly attach to the hair. Hydrogen peroxide is so good that the nits themselves begin to fall off the head. For processing, you need to dilute it with water (1:3). Then put the bag on your head and wait half an hour. After this time, you need to wash everything off the hair and comb out. But you should know that after this procedure, the hair will become a little lighter.
  3. Chemichol water. This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is very effective and good at fighting nits. A big advantage of hellebore water is that it does not harm the hair at all, but on the contrary, strengthens it.
  4. Juices. Cranberry juice helps very well to get rid of nits. It destroys their sticky substance better than any chemicals. But cranberry juice is not so easy to buy. You can use lemon juice or acid instead. One teaspoon of acid is used per glass of water. This method will have a very good effect on the hair, making it soft and smooth, without damaging its structure at all.
  5. Olive oil. A very good remedy for nits, which has a beneficial effect on the hair, nourishing, moisturizing, accelerating its growth and restoring the structure. With its help, combing becomes less painful and unpleasant.

After using these products, combing out nits will go much more quickly and easily.

You can start the actual nit combing process after receiving hair treatment. There are several requirements you must meet in order to do this:

  1. choose a well-lit place;
  2. spread out white paper or fabric for a better view;
  3. after treatment, wash your hair with shampoo;
  4. comb thoroughly with a regular comb;
  5. gather long hair into a ponytail on one side;
  6. gradually separate thin strands for combing.

You won’t know for sure that you haven’t missed a single hair unless you do this, so be ready for a drawn-out process. You can use a special conditioner or lightly moisten your hair to make nits easier to comb out. With extreme caution, the treatment should be applied to the hair from the roots to the ends.

Combing should be done on wet or dry hair?

Because live lice may still be present, combing dry hair is not very effective. Additionally, a comb finds it difficult to get through dry hair, especially if it is tangled. For this reason, it’s best to wash your hair with shampoo first (either regular or special). You must use a pediculosis spray after washing your hair if you use a regular shampoo. After your hair has somewhat dried, start combing.

What can you use to comb out nits – suitable tools

In order to get rid of lice and nits, you need a special tool – a comb or a comb.The main difference between a regular comb and a specialized one is the frequency of the teeth and their length. They can also differ in the material from which they are made or in shape. So a specialized comb should be hard, have small and rounded ends. It is this shape that will not damage your scalp with repeated combing. It also perfectly separates hair from hair, cleaning out even specks less than one millimeter. With such a tool, it will be easier and faster to comb out all the parasites without damaging either the hair or the scalp.

Are there any ways without using a comb?

Lice can be seen at any time. But what should you do if you don’t have a comb or a specific brush with you? Naturally, a comb is required for this, but you can attempt the following:

  1. Go to the nearest store, stall or tent for a comb.
  2. Choose one with a high frequency of teeth.
  3. Put a thread between the teeth from edge to edge.
  4. Divide the hair into thin strands and slowly go through them with a comb from the very roots to the tips.

Try using your nails to pick them up and carefully pull them down if purchasing a comb is not an option.

Combs for professionals

You can try to purchase them at a pharmacy or order them online from the website as it is much easier to comb out nits with a professional tool. The AntiV, Lice Guard, and Nitty Gritty Nit Free Comb models are the most widely used ones.

LISTEN UP! When selecting a comb, bear in mind that small-toothed products work well for short hair, while oblong products work best for long hair.

Another model is different from the others in that it has teeth that allow current to flow through them. While it paralyzes lice and nits, it is perfectly safe for humans. This lessens the likelihood that lice will try to enter your hair in the future.

Types of combs – plastic, wooden, metal

A variety of comb types exist. They are composed of metal, wood, and plastic, among other materials. Furthermore, combs may also be electrical. Let’s examine each one of them:

  1. Plastic. They can be purchased at any store, but they are not effective. The teeth often bend and do not have notches, which are necessary during combing, since without them it is quite difficult to do.
  2. Wooden. Much stronger than plastic, but also do not have notches. Also ineffective.
  3. Metal. Very strong teeth located between each other at a distance of less than 1 mm. They have micro-notches, which are very helpful when combing out parasites. This product is very effective.

TOP 3 best brands of combs (combs)

Let"s consider the most popular models of branded combs:

  1. The brand RobiComb has gained wide popularity all over the world. The main purpose of this tool is to detect and destroy lice in humans. It is made of stainless steel. It works like this – when a louse is between the teeth, an electric current strikes it, paralyzing it. After this, the louse dies within 60 minutes. The cost of this comb is about two thousand rubles.
  2. The comb of the company Antiv has an unusual relief, which is equipped with rounded teeth. It does not harm hair and does not provoke the appearance of dandruff. The cost of this product is from one and a half to two thousand rubles.
  3. A worthy alternative to the above tools is a comb of the company Nit Free. It is very reliable, suitable for all types of hair. It has an optimal length of teeth. Does not harm the hair and copes well with the task set before it. The cost of this comb is about one thousand rubles.

Is it possible to comb out lice and nits without treatment

Of course, if you have the right combs, you can comb them out. It will be very challenging if you don’t wash your hair first and at least use some products that will help break the sticky bond that the nits have with your hair. The next step is to use a comb or a specialized branded comb; you can choose which to use.

How long to comb out nits after treatment

It is best to take a methodical and comprehensive approach to this problem. Everybody will experience this procedure in a different time frame. Everything is dependent upon the hair’s length, quantity of afflicted hair, and thickness, naturally. It is important to keep in mind that numerous repetitions of the process will be required to accomplish this. For a week, it is recommended to do this every two hours.

How to comb out nits in a child

You must begin combing out your child right away if you find lice or nits. Boys’ short hair will make solving this problem much faster and easier, but girls’ hair will make it much more difficult. It will take a lot of patience and work to get rid of these parasites from your child.

Crucial! When treating a child for pediculosis, you should never use home cures like dichlorvos or kerosene. They are highly poisonous!

Nowadays, a wide range of anti-pediculosis products, including shampoos, sprays, lotions, and much more, are available on the shelves. You can purchase them from any pharmacy.

What hair becomes after combing out lice and nits

It has been observed that the hair becomes extremely brittle, rough, and hard after the parasite removal process. This is because inadequate equipment was utilized. Additionally, you may notice dry skin, which can contribute to the development of dandruff.

What to do if nits are not combed out?

It is common to notice that even after frequent combing, the parasites do not drop off. In this situation, what should be done? Use products that break the sticky bond that nits use to stick to your hair in order to make this process easier. Following the special treatment, give your hair another wash with a targeted shampoo, allow it to air dry a little, and then begin combing.

How often should the procedure be carried out

This procedure needs to be repeated after a week just to be safe. Your chances of this disease eventually going away will rise as a result. Repeatedly wash your hair and use a comb to comb it out.

Is it possible to completely get rid of lice by combing out

Lice and nits can only be removed by combing out your scalp after receiving treatment. If not, the louse will remain alive and be able to re-enter your brain to lay eggs.

Other methods of getting rid of lice and nits

There are other ways to get rid of parasites, these are:

  • drugs;
  • shampoos;
  • folk remedies.


It is essential to treat the skin’s afflicted areas when taking medication. Here are a few of them:

  1. Nittifor. It comes in the form of a cream or lotion. It gets rid of not only lice, but also fleas and scabies mites.
  2. Nuda. A very effective remedy. During application, it causes parasites to die by suffocation. Suitable for both adults and children.
  3. Para-plus. This aerosol quickly and effectively fights parasites. The product is applied to the entire surface of both the head and hair.
  4. Pedilin. It is available in the form of a solution that is applied to the scalp and hair. After treatment with this product, it is necessary to rinse the finished product with diluted vinegar. Repeat everything in a week.

You must keep in mind that you must read the instructions because there are contraindications.


Apart from drugs, a plethora of anti-pediculosis shampoos are available. Here are a few of them:

  1. Veda. Kills both lice and larvae, but not nits. This product also destroys the sticky substance, therefore facilitating subsequent combing out of nits. The shampoo must be applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly. The product is non-toxic, does not cause irritation. But for maximum effectiveness, the procedure must be repeated at least twice.
  2. Higiya. The product is perfectly applied to the entire surface of the head and hair, without damaging them or irritating the skin. It contains acetic acid, which destroys the sticky substance, which subsequently facilitates the combing procedure. It is applied to the hair for 20-25 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off. The product is contraindicated for children under five years of age, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers.
  3. Paranit. It has a suffocating effect on the parasite. Kills all lice and nits. Contraindicated for children under three years of age, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers. It must be applied for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat treatment is necessary.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers used a lot of folk remedies. Here are a few of them:

  • kerosene;
  • lemon, cranberry or pomegranate juice;
  • cranberry;
  • vinegar;
  • concoction of coniferous branches.

While not as effective as medical treatments, folk remedies are still quite beneficial. They can also damage your scalp in addition to your hair, so you should exercise extreme caution.

Although handling nits can be difficult, you can successfully manage them at home if you take the proper approach. The most important thing is to be thorough and patient, regardless of the length of your hair. Nit removal can be facilitated by applying specific treatments made for lice removal along with a fine-toothed comb.

It’s imperative to divide long hair into sections and give each section careful attention. In this manner, you can be certain that each strand is examined and handled correctly. The process goes more quickly for short hair, but take your time. It is essential to thoroughly comb out any nits and eggs. Because medium-length hair falls in between, both techniques must be used in harmony.

You can make sure that any remaining lice or nits are completely removed by doing the combing and treatment procedure again on a regular basis during the next few weeks. Keeping the hair tidy and keeping an eye out for any indications of reinfestation are additional factors in effectively handling the situation.

Nits can be difficult to deal with, but with the right methods, you can successfully remove them from long, short, and medium hair at home. Using common household items and tools, this article will walk you through easy, practical steps to comb out nits, so you can tackle the problem effectively regardless of the length of your hair.

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Igor Petrov

Barber with many years of experience. I create modern men's looks based on classic cutting and styling techniques. I believe that the perfect haircut is a balance between style and comfort, which emphasizes the character.

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