How to beautifully remove short bangs when growing hair, how to remove long bangs, how to disguise and hide

Growing out of bangs can be a challenging stage. Determining how to style your long bangs while they’re growing can be difficult, whether your goal is to have them grow longer or you’re just tired of them getting in the way. Fortunately, there are lots of stylish yet non-sacrificing methods to manage your growing bangs.

It all comes down to coming up with inventive ways to slick, braid, or pin short bangs back. You can keep them out of your face and appear professional with a few easy tips. If you have long bangs, you can experiment with different ways to incorporate them into your overall look or tuck them under stylish accessories.

It’s not difficult to cover up or conceal bangs. The transition period can go much more smoothly if you have a little patience and some enjoyable techniques. There is always a chic solution, regardless of whether you need a temporary change or are in the process of growing them out.

Cases when it becomes necessary to remove bangs

The most typical circumstance is when one is growing facial hair. When putting on a mask, peeling off makeup, or even just cleaning your face, as well as when participating in sports or dancing, it’s common to pin up your bangs.

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A post published on July 26, 2020, at 12:33 PM PDT by HAIR STYLIST (

How to beautifully pin up bangs when growing hair

Tiny hairpins, invisible hairpins, and thin, invisible elastic bands can all be used to create pin-up bangs. When the bangs are combed to one side, it looks sophisticated. If its length prevents you from doing this, part the hair in a straight line and stab the front strands on both sides with bangs.

If your bangs become unmanageable, use rims and dressings to smooth them back.

How to remove a long bang

There are numerous methods for removing a bang from the face once it has grown.

Make something somewhat awkward if you don’t want to use invisibles, hairpins, or rims.

In order to achieve this, gently comb the bangs and the front strands away from the roots, pushing the strands slightly to one side or back. Remember to use hair varnish.

How to tuck your bangs back up

"Malvinka" is a classic hairstyle with the front strands pulled up. It looks stunning on both long and short hair.

  1. Gather your bangs and some of the front strands up, comb them well and gently pin them back with invisible or small hairpins.
  2. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Take Care! Refrain from pinning your bangs too tightly up front, particularly if your face is round. This will visually round your face and take the volume out of your hairstyle. Before pinning up your bangs, move them slightly forward to create a little volume in the front.

How to completely remove your bangs

The only way to make bangs appear completely absent is to pull them back completely.

This can be achieved by parting your hair on the side or straight after washing it, and then combing the still-wet hair back from your forehead. Use styling products to blow dry and style your hair. Apply hairspray to fix it.

Bun or ponytail?🤔

Трически Оовороссиѹск (@pricheski_anastasiya) shared a post on July 25, 2020 at 10:56 a.m. PDT.

Putting your bangs in a high bun or ponytail is another simple method. Remember to use styling foam on your front strands and bangs to prevent them from falling out of your hairstyle.

How to disguise/hide short bangs

Since the shortest bottom strands will almost definitely remain visible, short bangs are the hardest to hide.

The ideal solution is to use foam or gel to style them to the side, then secure them with hairspray.

If the circumstance permits, you can also use tiny children’s hair clips and invisible hairpins. You might be able to pin your hair to the side or braid a tiny pigtail or tourniquet if it’s not too stiff.

The only thing that can fully cover up short bangs is a cloth headband pulled over your forehead.

How to remove bangs if a high forehead

Use these easy guidelines to balance out your face’s proportions and conceal a high forehead:

  • don"t part your hair straight down the center (it draws attention to the upper part of your face), a side parting will look better;
  • avoid combing your hair back (in this case, your forehead and the entire face will appear even longer);
  • when you style your bangs using braids or plaits, shift them slightly onto your forehead;
  • if you use a headband as a headband, put it on your forehead.

Different styling methods

Your bangs can be styled in a variety of ways, depending on the occasion and length of time.

If you’re pressed for time, you can use invisible hairpins or hair clips to pin them up or conceal them with a headband.

You can wear your bangs in ponytails, knots, or plaits for a formal occasion.

Styling with styling products

Any appropriate styling product, such as gel, mousse, wax, or hairspray, can be used.

After dabbing a tiny quantity of them onto your fingertips, use your fingers to comb your bangs to the side or back. The front strands of your hair can be used to create a light wave if it is even slightly curly. Use hairspray to finish off your hairstyle.

Take Care! Apply a droplet-sized amount of styling product. Overdoing it will make your hair appear unclean.

How to remove bangs with accessories

You can achieve an elegant look by virtually imperceptibly removing your hair from your face with invisible pins or small, neat hairpins.

You can part your hair straight down the middle or to one side.

You can pin invisible pins crosswise or parallel to one another.

Take Care! Pin your bangs high and to the side if that’s how you like your pins to look, and then use long strands to hide the invisible pins.


A very quick and easy method.

Crucial! Have a headband or hoop large enough to accommodate thick bangs. The ends of the bangs will show through a slender and narrow hoop.

The headband works well with both parted and slicked back hair.


Crucial! Your hair will be firmly fixed with bundles if it is sufficiently thick and stiff. To ensure that individual strands do not stand out, you will need to use styling products in addition if your hair is thin and soft.

  1. Part your hair on the side.
  2. Separate a thin strand at your forehead, divide it into two parts and start twisting them together.
  3. Moving from your forehead to the crown, periodically weave thin strands into the bundle so that it stays firmly on your head.
  4. Fix the end of the strand with an invisible pin.
  5. Thus, weave several bundles from your forehead.


By the way, you can begin weaving the bundles from the forehead by twisting them not only to the side but also from front to back. Owners of thin, unruly hair and short bangs are better suited for this option.


Simple enough for anyone to manage styling. Its peculiarity is that in order for the knots to hold well, the bangs need to be long and thick enough.

  1. Part your hair straight or sideways.
  2. Separate a thin strand near your face, divide it into two equal parts and tie them into a simple knot.
  3. Gather the ends of the knot together with the next strand and also tie them into a knot.
  4. Repeat until you reach ear level.
  5. Tie the ends with an elastic band and hide them in your hair.

Using ponytails

A lovely summertime hairdo.

  1. Using a wide-toothed comb, part your hair straight.
  2. Choosing strands of the same width, gather several small ponytails from your forehead to the crown. Tie them with thin elastic bands.
  3. You can leave it like this, or you can make your hairstyle more sophisticated: pull the ends of the front ponytails through the next ponytails and tighten them well. You will get a braid, and the elastic bands will be hidden under your hair.
  4. Fix the hairstyle with hairspray.

Take note! You can use thin, matching-hued elastic bands or bright, contrasting ones, depending on the look, feel, and occasion.

Hairband or headband

You can use a silk scarf or thin ribbon as a headband in place of a hoop. You can cover part of your ears and your forehead with a ribbon. An alternative is to part the hair straight and leave the hairline slightly open. In certain situations, you can completely cover the top of your head with a scarf or bandana.

An elastic headband shaped like a tourniquet is fashionable. Either single or double can be used. It takes out all of the facial hair in the front and firmly fastens it on top.

How to beautifully remove short bangs when growing hair Use small hair clips, pins, or a thin headband to pin them back. You can also sweep them to the side and secure with a styling gel.
How to remove long bangs Try braiding your bangs into a small side braid or twisting them back. You can also tuck them behind your ears for a casual look.
How to disguise or hide bangs Use a scarf or headband to completely cover your bangs, or style them with the rest of your hair to blend in smoothly.

Bangs that are coming out can be challenging to style, but with a little imagination, you can do it with ease. For a more natural look that blends in with the rest of your hair, try wearing your short bangs side swept or pinned back with bobby pins. Headbands and clips are excellent hair accessories for keeping them out of your face.

You have even more options if your bangs are longer. For a stylish look, you can braid them into your hair or tuck them behind your ears. Adding them to gentle curls or waves is another way to blend them in and hide the length.

Adding volume and keeping your bangs in place can be achieved by using dry shampoo or texturizing spray on days when you want to completely hide them. Trying out various hairstyles can be a fun way to switch up your appearance in addition to making the growing-out phase easier.

Although growing out bangs can be challenging, there are many easy, fashionable ways to handle both long and short bangs during the awkward phases. You have a lot of options to keep your look put together while you wait for them to grow, like wearing headbands and clips, pinning them back, or blending them into the rest of your hair. You can even conceal or cover them up with the appropriate advice, which will make the changeover easy and smooth.

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Ekaterina Zhukova

Professional stylist and makeup artist, I have extensive experience in the fashion industry. Specialization - wedding and evening hairstyles that emphasize natural beauty and elegance. In my work I adhere to the principle - attention to every detail creates the perfect look.

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