Find out how to grow hair after a bob: effective care tips, what to do to speed up growth

Although growing out a bob can seem like a difficult process, you can expedite it and get the longer locks you desire with the correct care. It all comes down to striking the ideal balance between perseverance and practical hair care techniques.

There are easy ways to increase hair growth, whether you want to add length or are dreaming of having flowing hair. You’ll quickly be on your way to having longer hair by selecting the appropriate products and changing a few things in your lifestyle.

We’ll provide helpful advice in this post to assist you in growing out your hair after a haircut. You can have longer, healthier hair sooner than you might think if you take regular care of it and know a few tricks.

Tip Description
Regular Trims Trim the ends every 6-8 weeks to avoid split ends and encourage healthier growth.
Healthy Diet Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins to nourish your hair from the inside.
Scalp Care Massage your scalp regularly to boost blood circulation, which can help speed up growth.
Reduce Heat Styling Limit the use of heat styling tools to prevent damage and breakage.
Use Hair Masks Apply nourishing hair masks weekly to keep your hair hydrated and strong.

How to grow hair after a bob?

According to experts, the key to resolving this issue is to exercise patience and closely follow the instructions in order to expedite the process of regrowth.

Additionally, there are various ways to style your hair when it is transitioning from a haircut to long hair, and because of this, you can wait for the desired outcome calmly and without becoming anxious.

Here are a few alternatives for managing hair growth:

  • curl them on curlers;
  • make a side parting (it looks good on a regrown bob);
  • use false strands (they create the illusion of long curls).

If you are confident that these and other tricks will keep you looking good, you will have the strength to complete your planned task.

How to care for your hair during the process of growing out?

The first thing to do is to stop coloring for a while, even though it’s an alluring option because a new color could draw attention away from your growing hairstyle and stop people from bothering you to visit the hairdresser.

The truth is that compounds in dyes, even the best-quality ones, inhibit hair follicles. Natural hair growth will therefore proceed far more slowly than it could. On the other hand, stopping hair coloring will give your hair more strength and vitality.

WARNING: The only "exception to the rule" that professionals advise making at the start of your "marathon" is coloring your hair as nearly as natural as you can, to avoid having a noticeable color difference later on between the "old" and "new" sections of your hair.

A fundamental taboo is not using a hairdryer to dry your hair. Those who are accustomed to using it to quickly and elegantly tidy themselves up will find it the most difficult. Unfortunately, just like color, a hairdryer damages hair roots, slowing down all of their natural processes, including growth.

Experts advise against using a hairdryer on hair that hasn’t completely dried; instead, it’s necessary to let the hair dry naturally.

Although growing out a bob can be difficult, you can expedite the process and maintain the health of your hair by using the proper care methods. Discover how to use the right products and nourish your scalp to promote hair growth so you can go from a bob to longer locks with ease.

How often to trim them?

Conundrum: chop your hair if you want it to grow longer. Very little—by two millimeters—but on a monthly or month-and-a-half basis. It turns out that the length of your strands determines how slowly they grow.

Experts refer to hair follicles as "follicles," and a gentle, almost symbolic haircut awakens them and promotes the growth process.

This is also a method of fighting split ends: you want long, healthy hair that isn’t brittle or lifeless, but if you ignore them, they will eventually break off on their own or require cutting by a hairdresser.

Experts advise against "avoiding" problems when growing hair because doing nothing will probably not produce the best results when you expect your hair to grow longer on its own.

Because hair growth is never precisely uniform, if it grows haphazardly, your hair will stick out unattractively where it shouldn’t and every month you won’t have the expected "slightly longer bob," but rather a kind of mess that doesn’t resemble the previous neat shape.

regular help from a hairdresser is simply necessary

Products for enhancing growth

It is impossible to grow without a well-balanced diet. In this situation, you have to lead a healthy lifestyle and feed your hair "food" directly. For instance, vitamin B plays a critical role in their development.

Its absence causes the strands to be fragile and thin. Vitamins can be acquired through diet, high-nutrient products, or pharmacy purchases of vitamin B ampoules. Shampoo can have vitamins added to it. It will be delivered "as intended" in any event.

Make sure you consume enough liquids each day—at least 1.5 liters of water or unsweetened tea should suffice. Like vitamins, dehydration causes dry, brittle hair.

Important information: protein is an essential component of hair structure. You won’t be able to grow hair quickly if there isn’t enough in the products you eat.

Very helpful for head massages with growing hair.

Massage increases the activity of the follicles and stimulates blood flow to them.

Women occasionally simply massage themselves, as if rubbing some preparations into their heads (before going to bed, for example).

But if you actually massage something like castor or olive oil into the hair roots, the procedure’s advantages will be amplified.

It should be hot, but not hot enough to scorch your scalp or fingertips.

Recall that the oil has a high heat retention capacity.

WARNING: Select a massage brush with blunt ends if you plan to use one. Give yourself a massage once a day, no more.

They work well for accelerating hair growth in masks. Here are some possibilities:

  • oil-ginger;
  • onion with honey;
  • pepper;
  • mustard.

Use caution when using fairly caustic components. For instance, use the same amount of olive oil, a spoonful of honey, or the yolk of a chicken to lessen the effects of red pepper tincture. Moreover, thin mustard (made from dry powder) with oil or kefir.

Try the mask on a small section of the head first because a lot relies on how each person’s body responds to different substances. Make sure to rinse off all masks with water: after five to fifteen minutes for mustard and pepper, thirty minutes for ginger, and forty minutes for onions.

Numerous recipes for homemade hair growth masks can be found on our website, including ones that include nicotinic acid, coffee grounds, vodka or cognac, mustard and honey, aloe, gelatin, ginger, henna, bread, kefir, cinnamon, egg, and onion.

How much time will it take to grow hair from a bob?

The response to this question varies depending on the woman. Growth occurs at a rate of one to two and a half centimeters per month on average. This amount will increase by roughly 18 centimeters in a year. Age (young people grow faster), nutrition, and heredity all have an impact on hair growth hypertrophy.

REFERENCE: After being dyed or permed, hair grows more slowly.

Plan the goal you want to achieve before cutting the square to avoid taking any extra steps toward it when growing hair afterward.

For instance, if your haircut was done in a "ladder," grow the hair all the way to the crown while adjusting the lower strands to fit them.

It’s beneficial to have a picture of your desired hairstyle in front of you since it will serve as inspiration and a roadmap to help you get past any obstacles in your path.

Useful materials

View our other articles about hair growth here:

  • Tips on how to grow curls after a short haircut, restore natural color after dyeing, speed up growth after chemotherapy.
  • Lunar calendar of haircuts and how often you need to get a haircut when growing out?
  • The main reasons why strands don"t grow well, which hormones are responsible for their growth and which foods affect good growth?
  • How to quickly grow hair in a year or even a month?
  • Products that can help you grow out: effective serums for hair growth, in particular the Andrea brand; Estel and Alerana products; hellebore water and various lotions; Horsepower shampoo and oil; as well as other growth shampoos, in particular the Golden Silk activator shampoo.
  • For opponents of traditional remedies, we can offer folk remedies: mumiyo, various herbs, tips for using mustard and apple cider vinegar, as well as recipes for making homemade shampoo.
  • Vitamins are very important for healthy hair: read a review of the best pharmacy complexes, in particular the drugs Aevit and Pentovit. Learn about the features of using B vitamins, in particular B6 and B12.
  • Learn about various drugs to enhance growth in ampoules and tablets.
  • Did you know that sprays have a beneficial effect on the growth of curls? We offer you a review of effective sprays, as well as instructions for preparing at home.

With the correct attention and perseverance, growing out a bob haircut can be a fulfilling experience. Your hair can grow stronger and healthier if you use nourishing hair products, cut it consistently, and refrain from overusing heat styling.

A healthy, vitamin- and mineral-rich diet must also be included if you want to encourage hair growth. To give your hair a little extra help, think about taking supplements like folic acid or biotin.

Recall that each hair journey is distinct. You’ll eventually be able to enjoy the longer locks you’ve always desired if you have patience and are kind to your hair.

What hairstyle do you prefer for everyday life?
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Olga Smirnova

Expert in hair care. I study the latest developments and methods of hair restoration. I share knowledge on how to maintain the health and beauty of hair, using only proven and effective products.

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