Curls from braids on short, medium and long hair and how to make them, step-by-step instructions with photos at home

Do you want to give your hair a little more style and personality without spending a lot of time at the salon? Braid-derived curls are an excellent method for obtaining stunning, springy waves, and the best part is that you can do it at home! Braiding your hair can drastically alter your hairstyle, regardless of the length of your hair—short, medium, or long.

We’ll walk you through easy, step-by-step directions in this guide on how to achieve gorgeous curls from braids. You can find advice that is specific to your hair type, regardless of length. To make things even easier to follow along with, we’ll break down the steps and include photos.

We can help you with every step of the braiding process, from hair preparation to getting those gorgeous curls. With a few bobby pins and a little perseverance, you can easily change the way you look. Let’s get to work creating gorgeous curls out of those braids!

Hair Length How to Make Curls from Braids
Short Hair 1. Start with damp hair.
2. Braid small sections tightly.
3. Allow braids to dry completely.
4. Undo braids gently.
5. Separate curls with fingers for volume.
Medium Hair 1. Begin with slightly damp hair.
2. Create medium-sized braids.
3. Let hair dry or use a blow dryer.
4. Unbraid and lightly tousle curls.
5. Apply light hairspray for hold.
Long Hair 1. Start with damp hair.
2. Divide hair into several sections and braid.
3. Let braids dry completely or use heat.
4. Carefully unbraid and fluff curls.
5. Use a curl cream for extra definition.

Who will suit curls from braids?

Gorgeous curls are enigmatic, chic, and current. People who have straight hair in particular want them. However, women’s desires are impulsive. There are situations when getting a salon permanent hairstyle is unnecessary because you won’t need the curls for a few days. Braiding will be the best choice in this situation. However, not everyone is a good fit for this style of haircut.

  • Short girls with waist-length hair should not have a hairstyle made of curls. Visually, it will further reduce their height. The best option is shoulder-length curls.
  • Curls will decorate a wide face if they are gathered in a ponytail. Loose curls will add extra volume to the face.
  • Curls from the middle of the strands are ideal for ladies with a triangular face shape. They will help to balance the external features.
  • Owners of an oval thin face can safely experiment with hairstyles.

According to stylists, you can curl any length. The most important thing is to match your appearance type with the appropriate shape, size, and curl density.

Pros and cons of curls after braids

A lot of people have curly hairstyle dreams. You also want to shield yourself from chemicals and extreme heat at the same time. In this context, braiding offers several benefits.


  • Savings. The hairstyle is easy to do at home, without resorting to the help of beauty salon stylists.
  • Safety. With this type of curling, hair is not damaged by the high temperature of the iron or curling iron.
  • Effectiveness. A large variety of braids makes it possible to make a hairstyle that suits you.
  • Duration. Curls last for several days without losing their shape.

However, there are drawbacks as well:

  • Duration of the procedure. You need to spend a lot of time braiding, especially if you want small waves.
  • Monotony. Braiding is a monotonous and tedious job.
  • Assistant required. It is inconvenient to braid your own hair.
  • Unexpected result. You may not like the hairstyle.

Tips on how to properly unbraid and fix braids?

Making braids is one thing, but creating a stunning hairstyle is quite another. If you keep in mind these 4 easy points, the outcome will always satisfy.

  1. Unbraid braids from the back of the head.
  2. Be sure to do the procedure from the bottom up only with your fingers, without disturbing the shape of the curl.
  3. Do not comb the curls.
  4. Style the curls with your hands. Fix the styled hairstyle with hairspray.

ADVICE: Try not to use too many styling products. The natural appearance will be ruined as they glue the curls together.

Hairstyles with curls from braids for the night

Don’t leave time in the evening for braiding if you want the styling to please you in the morning. Prior to the procedure, make sure you wash your hair. Once dry, comb through your hair. Select the kind of braids.

  • 1-2 braids will give light natural waves.
  • 6-8 COS will be pleased with dense curls.
  • 20 or more braids will give you a voluminous hairstyle with a tight curl.

Crucial! Moisturize the strand prior to braiding. It’ll aid in the curl’s repair. Your morning hairstyle will be more voluminous the more braids you do at night.

Why is it better to braid braids at night

Braiding braids is most convenient at night. This has advantages of its own.

  • No need to waste time drying with a hairdryer.
  • The scalp stays clean longer.
  • Braided hair rubs less at night and is less electrified in the morning.
  • The ends are less likely to split and break.

SUGGESTIBLE! You should expect to not like your hairstyle in the morning if you haven’t yet discovered the perfect braiding option. To ensure you have enough time to fix everything, it is preferable to rise earlier. You only need to wash your hair.

With our simple, step-by-step instructions for braiding your way to gorgeous waves at home, you can learn the secret to gorgeous curls on any length of hair. With step-by-step instructions and helpful images, we’ll guide you through the easy process of using braids to create gorgeous curls on any length of hair, whether it’s short, medium, or long. You may achieve salon-quality curls in your own bathroom with ease, so say goodbye to complex curling tools.

What are the ways to curl hair with braids for long, medium and short hair

Curls from braids look good on both long and short hair. The weaving techniques are the only differences. Hair as short as 5 cm is said to be curlable by stylists.

For short hair

A short haircut will look more voluminous and have a slight wave with a few loose braids. Bangs can be used to weave threads together into tiny spikelets. Should you find this too mundane and easy, try doing a Dutch braid at night.

  1. Gather a small strand of hair at the forehead and divide it into three parts.
  2. Braid the braid with strands down.
  3. After two or three braids, grab a strand from one of the sides and add it to the central one.
  4. Alternately add strands from both sides until you run out of loose hair.
  5. Fix the braid at the back of the head with an elastic band.


For medium-length hair

Braid experiments work well at this length. You can practice both basic and intricate braiding techniques here. Braiding the hair from the middle rather than the roots would be an intriguing alternative. This hairstyle is unique and goes well with any outfit. Selecting the braid’s thickness is simple. Braids as thick as a finger can be achieved with tiny waves.

TIP: Use damp hair to weave braids. This will result in a firm, flexible curl. Weaving on damp strands causes breakage and hair loss. When the ends are twisted as well, the hairdo will appear finished.

For long curls

Don’t be scared to create numerous braids if you have long hair. You can achieve a more voluminous look by twisting them into a tight bun. It is entirely up to you whether it will be a loose, light braid or a bun of braids. But be assured that in the morning, any of the choices will result in stunning curls.

How to make curls from braids in different ways

Standard braids are accessible to all, but perfection is limitless. Experiment with different weaves so you can be astounded by the outcome when you wake up.

French braids

A French braid can be styled chicly after it is unbraided, in addition to being a harmonious stand-alone hairstyle. French braids are done on dry hair, in contrast to other braiding techniques.

You only have to do this:

  • Comb your hair well and pull it back.
  • Part it into two parts. The beginning of the braiding will be the base of the curls.
  • Divide the strands of one side into 3 parts.
  • Weave braids. For each side strand, pick up the same amount of hair with your index finger and cross it with the middle part.
  • From the back of the head, we braid the braid in the usual way.
  • Fix the ends with an elastic band.
  • Do the same movements with the second part.
  • Go to bed.
  • In the morning, unbraid the braid and admire the cute romantic curls.

Classic braids

Special braiding abilities are not needed to create classic braids. Particularly appropriate for individuals with low root volume. Adhering to basic guidelines suffices.

  1. Wash your hair, dry your hair with a towel and comb it well.
  2. Part it in half.
  3. Decide on the number of braids. The more braids, the steeper the curl and the more voluminous the hairstyle.
  4. Separate a strand and moisten with mousse.
  5. Pigtail and secure with an elastic.
  6. Do the same with the rest of your hair.
  7. If your hair dries out, moisten it with water. It should be damp, but not wet.
  8. Go to bed.
  9. In the morning, unbraid the braids, shape your hair with your hands, spray with hairspray.

Braids on bundles

Bundle braids are quick and simple to make, and they produce an incredible result in the morning. The curls are similar to those produced by curling irons or curlers with large diameters. You won’t be overlooked at a party, date, or gala reception with this hairstyle.

  • Divide damp hair into strands.
  • Divide one strand in half. Twist the bundles clockwise.
  • Twist two bundles together and secure into a bun.
  • Do similar movements with the rest of your hair.
  • Unbraid in the morning plaits and fix the hairstyle.

Curls and braids on fabric napkins

Make curls without using curlers or a curling iron. Fabric strips that are 10 to 15 centimeters wide are all you need.

  • Apply foam or mousse to damp hair.
  • Separate wide strands and tie the fabric strips tightly at the ends.
  • Twist the strands into rings and tie at the base.
  • Unbraid and shape your hair in the morning.

In a similar manner, braided pigtails can be twisted.

Waterfall hairstyle on curled strands from braids

A waterfall hairstyle looks especially good on curly hair. Though there are a ton of options, it’s best for those who haven’t tried this kind of braiding to learn the traditional method.

  1. Comb your hair and make an uneven parting.
  2. Select a strand near your face and divide it into 3 parts.
  3. Braid the braid in the usual way.
  4. When the braid reaches your ear, you will have three strands on your hands – right, middle and left.
  5. Cross the middle with the right in parts, and add a curl on top.
  6. Cover the curl with a free strand, and lower the right strand down. This is the first "stream of the waterfall".
  7. Now there are two strands on your hands. Take the third one from the loose hair on top.
  8. Similarly, braid the braid, but do not forget to release the curls.
  9. Having reached the second ear, secure the braid with a hair clip or invisible hairpin.
  10. Untouched curled hair after braids in such a hairstyle will look even more impressive.

Products for styling curls after braids

Remember to use curl care products after doing a curl. Expert hairdressers suggest making use of:

  • Mousse spray. Does not greasy and copes well with styling.
  • Gel. Fixes the curl, but can weigh down the hair.
  • Varnish. Slightly stretches the curls, while fixing them securely.

Traditional treatments such as diluted gelatin and sweetened or lemon water can also aid in styling.

Curling your hair with braids is a great way to style any length of hair—short, medium, or long. This technique’s simplicity and adaptability make it ideal for a range of situations, which is its beauty. You don’t need expensive tools or salon visits to achieve gorgeous, bouncy curls at home if you follow the step-by-step instructions provided in this article.

The procedure could require some patience for short hair, but the outcomes could be breathtaking. Your curls will look more defined and tight if you use tiny braids. However, medium-to-long hair gives you more freedom to play around with different braid sizes and styles in order to find the perfect curl pattern. The given photos are a useful guide to help you achieve the desired look.

Recall that the secret to getting gorgeous curls is to spritz your hair just a little bit before braiding, and then to leave the braids in place for a few hours or overnight. This guarantees long-lasting curls and allows the hair to set properly. Remember to use a light styling product or hairspray to hold your curls in place and give them a little shine.

After some practice, you’ll discover that this technique works well for any length of hair. Curls from braids are an easy and enjoyable way to add flair to your appearance, whether you’re getting ready for a special occasion or just want to switch up your regular look. Take pleasure in experimenting and enjoying your new curly hairstyles!

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Olga Smirnova

Expert in hair care. I study the latest developments and methods of hair restoration. I share knowledge on how to maintain the health and beauty of hair, using only proven and effective products.

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