Chest muscle training in the gym for girls for mass, for weight loss

Women can also benefit greatly from developing their chest muscles, as it can improve their overall strength and physical appearance. Chest muscle training can play a significant role in your fitness journey, regardless of your fitness goals—whether it’s to gain more definition or lose weight. It all comes down to striking the right balance and doing workouts that meet your objectives.

Aim for higher weights and fewer repetitions if your goal is to increase your muscle mass. Over time, this method aids in the development of bigger, stronger muscles. Conversely, if losing weight is your primary objective, using lighter weights for longer repetitions can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories.

Your chest workouts can be more effective if you mix in different exercises like dumbbell flies, bench presses, and push-ups. To get the best results, remember to include cardio and a healthy diet. Your strength and shape will improve if you follow the proper plan and are committed to the process.

Chest Muscle Training Goals Examples
Mass Building Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Press, Chest Flyes
Weight Loss Push-Ups, High-Rep Dumbbell Bench Press, Bodyweight Chest Exercises
Strength and Endurance Chest Press with Resistance Bands, Plyometric Push-Ups
Form and Technique Proper Form in Bench Press, Controlled Movements in Flyes

Due to what the correction of the shape of the mammary glands occurs

Because of the characteristics of the muscle fibers surrounding the chest, it is possible to correct the shape of the mammary glands through physical exercise. Muscle fibers are ripped during training intended to enhance chest shape, resulting in microtraumas.

These wounds eventually mend, creating new protein muscle fibers known as myofibrils. The new muscles in this instance are bigger and have a different shape. The active synthesis of protein compounds, which must outpace their decay, is the cause of this.

We refer to this phenomenon as supercompensation. The essence of it is that the newly formed fibers surpass the previous muscle volume in addition to restoring it.

There is an alternative perspective that states that an increase in the quantity of muscle tissue cells rather than an increase in fiber volume is what causes the breast to change in shape. Although there isn’t a single, conclusive answer at this time, the majority of trainers and athletes lean toward the first choice.

Nonetheless, proponents of both theories are certain that proper nutrition and training regimens, interspersed with rest, are essential for correcting the chest’s shape in addition to exercise. because it is during the rest period that muscle mass grows and is corrected.

Benefits of chest exercises for girls

Girls who work out their chests in the gym reap several benefits.

  • the most effective development of the chest muscles, as well as the muscles in the arms;
  • improving the appearance of the chest;
  • alignment of posture;
  • reducing the risk of developing back diseases, including osteochondrosis;
  • improving the endurance of the body;
  • visual tightening of the skin on the hands and improving muscle tone;
  • reduction of fat in the chest area and overall weight loss.

The pectoral muscle exercises in the complex can also strengthen ligaments, increase muscle mass in the arms, shoulder girdle, and chest, and enhance the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Only a thorough strategy, including dietary modifications, daily routine introduction, and the addition of exercises targeting other muscle groups, can produce such results.

Push-up exercises for girls in the gym

Push-ups are an essential part of any gym’s pectoral muscle training program. They can be done in a variety of positions, including from the floor, the wall, the knees, and with weights.

Whatever the exercise modification, it is advised to begin with a single approach consisting of seven to nine torso lifts. In addition, you should increase the number of push-ups by one or two every training day until you reach fifteen. After that, you should increase the number of approaches to three and use weights.

When performing push-ups, you need to adhere to these guidelines.:

  • for beginners, the best option for push-ups is to lift your torso from your knees, thanks to this position, the overall load on the spine is reduced;
  • when doing push-ups, you need to pull in your stomach and keep your back straight, without bending your lower back;
  • when returning to the initial exercise, you cannot straighten your elbow joint completely;
  • the pectoral muscles must be kept tense while lifting the torso.

You should speak with a trainer to see if there are any restrictions on doing this kind of exercise.


The warm-up is a crucial part of any exercise routine because it helps the body produce more energy, which is required for the primary exercises. Additionally, because warming up helps to warm up the muscles and ligaments, it also lowers the chance of injury.

There are five primary stages to it:

Stage No Exercise name Duration, s. Characteristics
1 A small warm-up consisting of cardio exercises 60-120 This stage helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation. Here you can run in place, walk in place, walk with multi-directional arm raises.
2 Joint gymnastics 60-120 At this stage, you can do exercises that involve all joints: rotation of the knees, shoulders, head, hands, arms, torso and feet. Such exercises will warm up and improve the mobility of tendons and joints.
3 Stretching of all muscle groups 120-180 Stretching helps improve muscle elasticity, which will prevent their damage, including ruptures. At this stage, the following exercises are performed: torso bends, torso bends with rotation, squats and lunges.
4 Cardio exercises 120-180 At this stage, you can repeat the exercises from the first, adding jumping rope to them.
5 Restoring a normal breathing rhythm 30-60 At the last stage, you need to restore your breathing by raising your arms up as you inhale and lowering them sharply as you exhale.

The warm-up before training lasts for about seven to ten minutes in total.

Bodybar press on a straight bench

In the gym, pectoral muscle training is accomplished by applying different pressures to a bodybar. Lying down is one of the most efficient positions. This workout is categorized as a strength training activity and is excellent for increasing muscle mass.

Method of execution:

  1. In order to take the initial position, you need to lie down on a straight bench and rest your feet on the floor;
  2. Then you need to lift the bodybar up, holding it above your chest;
  3. Next, the bodybar needs to be lowered down to the point where it touches your chest. You need to hold this position for 1-2 seconds.;
  4. Then you should return the bodybar to its original position and also fix it for a few seconds.

Exercise for eight to twelve reps in three different ways. You can progressively up the quantity of approaches or iterations.

Option with dumbbells

For the purpose of strengthening the chest muscles, dumbbell bench presses should be performed with a wide amplitude, resembling an arc. This is required in order to maximize the stretching and contraction efficiency of the chest muscles.

Method for using dumbbells in a bench press:

  1. You need to take the starting position, for this you need to sit on a bench, take dumbbells and put them on your knees.
  2. Then lie down on the bench so that the lower back is slightly arched, and at the same time raise your arms parallel to the shoulders, without fully straightening the elbow joint;
  3. From the starting position, you need to raise your arms with dumbbells up to the point at which the elbow joint is straightened, and fix it like this for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Next, you need to return to the starting position and hold it for a few seconds.

Because of the additional strain this movement trajectory places on the shoulder joint during training due to its unusual position, it is regarded as the most challenging.

Barbell bench press with an inclined back

A barbell press is an essential part of any gym workout that targets the chest muscles. Doing the exercise on a bench with an inclined back is one of the options. It is ideal for people who have recently begun going to the gym.

A variation of push-ups from a horizontal surface is this type of press. When the back of the bench is raised in this position, the upper chest is involved; when the back is lowered, the lower chest is involved. Gaining muscle mass is the primary objective of the press.

Method of execution:

  1. Lie on the bench and press your body to the bench, bend slightly in the lower back and rest your feet on the floor surface.
  2. Grab the barbell with a wide grip, remove it from the stops and lower it to the lower limit point while inhaling.
  3. Hold your breath and the barbell for a few seconds.
  4. As you exhale, lift the projectile to the highest point.
  5. Hold in this position for a few seconds.

The ideal range of repetitions for this exercise is between 8 and 14 times for each of the three methods.

Push-ups on the bars

This exercise is primarily designed to target muscle fibers because it works nearly every muscle group. It also varies from other exercises in that the movements performed during the exercise maximally replicate natural movements.

This kind of push-up involves the following movements:

  • arms;
  • shoulders;
  • back muscles;
  • muscles responsible for stabilization;
  • abdominal muscles.

Workout methodology:

  1. Straighten your arms in a support on the bars (starting position).
  2. Lean your torso forward slightly and while exhaling, lower your body, bending your arms at the elbows.
  3. Hold in this position for a few seconds.
  4. Exhaling, raise your torso to the starting position.
  5. Fix yourself in this position for a few seconds.

To lower the risk of injury, it is crucial to perform the exercise with the bars slightly wider than the shoulder girdle. This kind of push-up action must be done slowly, without making unneeded jerks. Repetitions range from 10 to 15 every three approaches. Once the maximum amplitude has been determined, weights can be used.

Dumbbell press on a fitball

One of the hardest exercises is the dumbbell press on a fitball from a lying position because you have to hold your body in order to do it. It uses the legs, abs, and back muscles in addition to the pectoral muscles. Maintaining balance is another requirement of the exercise, which uses a lot of muscle groups.

In order to assume the initial position for the press, you need to:

  1. Lie on your back on a fitball, resting your feet on the floor and spreading them shoulder-width apart and bending them at a right angle.
  2. Align your body along one straight line, raising your pelvis to the level of your torso.
  3. Raise the dumbbells above your head.

Workout methodology:

  1. From the starting position, while inhaling, lower your arms with your elbows down to the highest possible point.
  2. Then, without pausing, raise your arms to the starting point.
  3. After your arms reach the highest point, you need to tense your chest muscles.

Only those with extensive experience should attempt this kind of press because it is extremely challenging. It is best practiced under a trainer’s supervision for beginners.

Hammer press

The hammer press is a common exercise in the gym used to strengthen the pectoral muscles. You can use it to focus solely on the pectoral muscles. The loads that the muscles experience are extremely comparable to what they experience during a bench press. The hammer, however, does not include the latissimus dorsi, serratus, or trapezius muscles.

Hammer press method:

  1. Before starting the exercise, you need to set the optimal weight.
  2. Next, you need to lie down on the bench so that there is a gap between it and the lower back from the natural curve of the body. The machine levers should be at chest level.
  3. Your legs should be placed on opposite sides of the bench and rest them on the floor.
  4. Holding the handles of the hammer, on the exhale, you need to squeeze the levers up to the maximum possible point.
  5. On the inhale, you need to return your hands to the original position.

There should be three sets of fifteen repetitions for the hammer press.

Breeding of arms lying from the lower block

Because it is more effective than other forms of arm breeding exercises, it is more frequently included in training regimens. It works by activating the pectoral muscles and involving the shoulder joint.

Method of execution:

  1. You need to take the initial position: sit down and bend your legs slightly at the knees.
  2. Dumbbells should be placed vertically, placed on your knees, and then lie down.
  3. Raise your arms up above your head, leaving your arms slightly bent at the elbows, so that the dumbbells are above your shoulders.
  4. Then take a deep breath and spread your arms as far as possible and hold them there for a few seconds.
  5. Exhaling, bring your arms together so that the dumbbells touch and hold the position for 1-2 seconds.

It is not permitted to completely extend your arms during the exercise, as this increases the risk of elbow joint injury. In addition, the back must stay straight to avoid shifting the weight onto the lower back.

Exercises with a ball

There are two primary exercises that use a fitball to train the pectoral muscles: dumbbell presses and push-ups.

You must place your feet on the fitball and your arms slightly wider than your shoulders in order to perform push-ups. In this instance, the body ought to be parallel to the floor and in a straight line. When you perform push-ups from this position, you’ll work different muscles and be able to modify the angle of your body.

For those who are new to this exercise, they can lean on the fitball by placing it beneath their stomach instead of their shins. As a result, the load will decrease.

Dumbbell presses require you to straighten your body, bend your knees, rest your legs on the floor, and place your upper body, shoulders, and chest on the fitball. Dumbbells should be used to raise your arms from this position. A bar or bodybar can be used in place of the apparatus.

Exercises with a rubber loop

When exercising the pectoral muscles, a rubber band can be used to increase the load and boost training efficiency. It can therefore be used to perform floor push-ups by encircling your back and grasping the ends with your hands. These kinds of exercises will make you work harder because you will need to stretch the band in addition to lifting your body weight.

A rubber band can also be utilized as a stand-alone piece of equipment. You must stretch your arms forward while holding the ends of the tape and wrap it around your back to accomplish this. We refer to this exercise as a standing vertical press. Furthermore, the tape can be manually tightened and stretched at various angles, working different muscle groups.

How to quickly pump up your pectoral muscles. Weekly workout programs

Correcting your pectoral muscles quickly is possible with gym pectoral muscle training. But this might necessitate using distinct programs that focus on weight loss, muscle growth, or fat burning. Additionally, the workout can be mixed up to incorporate a variety of exercises.

Active fat burning

Three sets of exercises comprise the fat-burning workout program. These sets of exercises include:

Day of the week Exercise name Number of repetitions Number of approaches
Monday Bent over dumbbell press 10 4
Bench press in the Smith machine 10 4
Seated dumbbell press 12 3
Reverse pull in the simulator 12 3
Wednesday Reverse machine flyes 10 4
Behind the neck machine flyes 10 3
Crossover 12 3
Dumbbell side raises 12 3
Friday Dumbbell bench press 10 4
Bench press (French) 8 3
Upside down bench press 12 4
Arm extensions 15 3

Increasing muscle mass

Exercises to increase muscle mass should be done less intensely than those intended to lose weight, with six to eight repetitions spread over three to five approaches.

Day of the week Exercise name Number of repetitions Number of approaches
Monday Seated dumbbell flyes 6 3
Lying dumbbell press 6 5
Standing dumbbell raises 8 5
Push-ups machine 7 5
Wednesday Incline Smith Machine Press 6 4
Seated Dumbbell Curl 6 4
Incline Dumbbell Press 8 4
Barbell Curl 6 3
Friday Hanging Press 8 4
Behind the Head Extensions 8 5
Push-out press on the simulator 6 3
Incline flyes on the block 8 3

Weight loss

Exercises designed to help you achieve a balance between fat loss and muscle growth should be a part of any weight loss program. Ideal for novices and unskilled athletes.

Day of the week Exercise name Number of repetitions Number of approaches
Monday Barbell bench press 12 3
Parallel chest 12 3
Barbell curl on Scott 12 3
Barbell curl 10 3
Wednesday Seated dumbbell press 12 3
Lying dumbbell lateral raises 12 2
Romanian deadlift 12 3
Dumbbell lateral raises 12 3
Friday Barbell row bent over 12 3
Pullover 12 4
Trib and upper block extension 12 3
Seated reverse row 12 3

Combination training

A combination exercise program that incorporates both cardio and strength training with the goal of maintaining overall tone.

Day of the week Exercise name Number of repetitions Number of approaches
Monday Barbell bench press 6 3
Seated dumbbell bench press 8 3
Push-ups 12 3
Dumbbell lateral raises 12 3
Wednesday Seated barbell bench press 4 3
Barbell bench press 8 3
Push-ups 12 3
Dumbbell lateral raises 8 3
Friday Dips on the bars 12 3
Barbell press at an angle down 4 3
Barbell bench press 6 3
Dumbbell bench press 12 3

Women who train their chest muscles in the gym can gain muscle mass or lose weight in addition to strengthening their muscles. Chest muscle training is an essential component of a well-rounded fitness program. Women can improve upper body strength, increase metabolism, and improve their overall physique by concentrating on chest exercises. Chest exercises help you achieve your overall fitness goals and give you a more toned and defined appearance, regardless of your goal—to bulk up or slim down.

Training recommendations for girls

You should adhere to the following guidelines in order to perform the training for reshaping the pectoral muscles and glands as successfully as possible:

  • You cannot start training exercises without a warm-up. Therefore, before the main exercises, it is worth doing a few simple, for example, turns or tilts of the head and body. Also possible for about 10-15 minutes. conduct on an elliptical or treadmill to prepare the body.

  • Complex exercises that require a lot of energy, such as bench press, should be performed at the beginning of the workout, while there is strength.
  • When performing the bench press exercise, it is necessary to correctly set the height at which the bar will be. It is advisable to position it so that when gripping it, the arms are bent, forming an angle of 20 °. This is necessary so that when gripping it and preparing for the exercise there are no difficulties with removing it.
  • The bar should be gripped with a straight grip, while the hands should be held at such a width that the index finger is located on the inside of the extreme mark. This distance is usually wider than women"s shoulders.
  • When lifting the barbell, the hands should move slightly diagonally. When the barbell is lowered, the barbell is located opposite the eyes, and when raised up – between the chest and neck.
  • It is better to start each workout with a training approach with a weight lower than usual. Number of repetitions 15 pieces. You need to gradually increase the weight of the bar with each approach until it reaches the working value.

Your chest will look much better, and you’ll also be in better physical shape and health if you adhere to all the guidelines and training suggestions meant to keep your pectoral muscles toned in the gym.

Including chest muscle training in your exercise regimen can significantly improve your ability to gain muscle mass and lose weight. Chest exercises are a great way to strengthen your upper body and increase your metabolism, both of which are necessary for efficiently burning calories, whether your goal is to tone up or build strength.

Larger muscles can be developed by lifting heavier weights for fewer repetitions if you’re trying to gain mass. This is the best method if you want to get bigger and stronger. If, however, your primary goal is to lose weight, adding more repetitions with smaller weights or using bodyweight exercises can aid in fat burning without sacrificing the definition of your chest muscles.

Recall that consistency is essential. You’ll get the best results if you combine chest exercises with other types of exercise and a healthy diet. Continue to push yourself, pay attention to your body, and modify your routine as necessary. You’ll notice improvements in your overall fitness level and chest area with patience and hard work.

Therefore, efficient chest training can assist you in achieving your fitness objectives, regardless of whether you’re looking to gain muscle mass or drop a few pounds. Enjoy the process of becoming a stronger, healthier version of yourself as you continue to try out various workouts and methods to see what suits you the best.

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Anna Lebedeva

Hairdresser-stylist with a special interest in creative haircuts and hairstyles. I am inspired by avant-garde ideas and strive to bring them to life. I am sure that every hairstyle should reflect the uniqueness of the personality and emphasize individual style.

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