Advice to fashionistas: how curl short hair without curling irons and rollers?

You might believe that using heat tools to curl your short hair is impossible. Thankfully, curling irons and rollers are not necessary to achieve curls in a number of simple ways.

You can achieve gorgeous waves with basic household objects like headbands or hair clips. These techniques are convenient and time-saving because they don’t harm your hair and can be completed overnight.

We’ll look at fun and practical methods for curling short hair without using heat in this post, so your hair stays fashionable and healthy.

How to curl short hair without using a curling iron and curlers?

Let us be clear that when we refer to “short hair,” we mean hair that is shorter than the chin. This is important to understand before we discuss the techniques for creating curls.

Nonetheless, there are some curling techniques that work well for any length.

Therefore, you can curl short hair using one of the following makeshift methods if you don’t have a curling iron or curlers on hand or don’t want to use them:

  • elastic bands – for fixing strands twisted into bundles;
  • thin fabric ribbons – instead of curlers;
  • elastic band for creating a Greek hairstyle – for getting light curls;
  • foam sponges – the effect of curling on soft curlers;
  • hairpins – suitable for creating Hollywood waves;
  • own hands + mousse – squeezing damp strands with your hands after applying mousse, we create natural waves;
  • pencil or Chinese stick – suitable for creating small curls.

For girls who naturally have slightly curly hair.

The sixth method is the most appropriate.

Overnight curling options

You can almost finish doing your hair in the evening and spend an extra half hour in bed in the morning if you want to have a fashionable hairstyle. The products that our mothers and grandmothers have tried and tested work great for curling at night: tiny rags, elastic bands, or pieces of foam rubber.

Wash and comb your hair in the evening, curl it with one of the products, and go to bed. In the morning, just let the hair come loose and fix it with hairspray.

How to properly curl curls on short hair?

You should shampoo and condition your hair before attempting any of the "night" curling techniques. This will help your future curls look better and be easier to manage.

After towel-drying the hair a little, it must be well combed. Choose which kind of curls you want to see in the morning and begin curling using one of the algorithms listed below.

Using rags

  1. While the hair is drying, take any unnecessary fabric and cut it into strips 8-10 cm long;
  2. divide the hair into 2 parts (top and bottom);
  3. separate a strand from the bottom and place it in the middle of the fabric strip;
  4. begin to curl the end of the strand from the bottom up, then tie the resulting “donut” at the roots;
  5. after you are done with the bottom part, repeat the same steps with the top and go to bed;
  6. in the morning, remove all the rags, distribute the curls with your fingers or a rare comb and fix the result.

The curling strands should be thin in order to create small curls!

Using rubber bands

  1. Divide the hair into several parts: the more parts, the smaller the curls;
  2. begin to twist each part around your finger until a “snail” is formed;
  3. we fix the resulting “snail” with an elastic band and repeat the procedure with all the strands;
  4. To make it more convenient to sleep, we cover this splendor on top with a scarf;
  5. in the morning, remove the elastic bands and fix the styling.

Curling is possible with Option No. 2. To achieve light waves, simply thread the strand through the elastic band multiple times without pulling it taut. You will then wake up with naturally occurring curls.

Thanks to foam rubber

  1. Take a piece of foam rubber (this can be a regular sponge for washing dishes) and cut it into rectangular pieces;
  2. then act as with soft curlers: wind the strand on the foam rubber and fix it at the roots with an invisible pin;
  3. in the morning, remove all the devices and get beautiful curls.

Using an elastic band to create a Greek hairstyle

We create a traditional Greek hairstyle on wet hair: place an elastic band around your head and, working from the bottom up, tuck the strands under it;

The strand must be twisted tightly if you want clear curls, and vice versa if you want to see careless curls on yourself.

When it comes to styling products, it is recommended to use a small amount of mousse on damp hair in the evening for "night" curls, and then to use varnish in the morning to set the look.

Five minutes to a Greek hairstyle.

How can you make a curl in the morning, without the use of familiar devices?

If the question arises, "But should I flood my hair?"Do not rush to become upset that you won’t have time because I slipped into your head in the morning. At least three curls are present; dedicate no more than thirty minutes to each.

Mousse and wet hair

You’ll need mousse, wet hands, and damp hair. Squeeze the mousse in a random pattern with your hands after applying it to your slightly damp hair (you can wind the strand on your finger).

Such styling does not require fixing; mousse-treated strands retain their shape flawlessly. Curling hair is a good use for this option.

The same goes for braids

If you want your hair to have subtle waves, braid it into pigtails after mousse treatment. Straight hair will become the desired wave while you wash your face, apply makeup, and eat breakfast. The last step is to undo your braid and give your hair a quick hairspray.

Special hair dryer

Making curls with a hair dryer that has a diffuser is easy if you are one of the fortunate ones.

Apply mousse to your damp hair and use a diffuser-equipped hair dryer to dry it, working your way from the back of your head to your temples, crown, and bangs. Apply hairspray to your hair lastly.

These choices are appropriate for mild curling. You won’t be able to complete your hairstyle in 30 minutes if you want clear, elastic curls.

A common pencil can be used to curl wet strands as one method of creating curls. Once dry, twist to create an elastic curl. Use a Chinese stick instead of a pencil.

Diffuser for hair.

Method Description
Braiding Braid damp hair into small sections and leave them overnight for natural waves in the morning.
Twisting Twist small sections of wet hair tightly, then pin them to your head and let them dry for soft curls.
Headband technique Wrap damp hair around a headband and leave it for a few hours to create gentle curls.
Finger coiling Wrap small sections of damp hair around your fingers, hold for a few seconds, and release to form curls.

With a few easy tricks, you can style short hair into curls without using heat tools, which is not only better for your hair but also more manageable. With these techniques, you can embrace your natural waves and achieve dewy, bouncy curls without causing any harm to your hair.

There are many different ways to experiment with curls, such as twisting sections of hair, using headbands, and braiding damp hair. These methods are simple to implement at home and can be tailored to your desired curl pattern.

A little perseverance and the appropriate technique will reward you with gorgeous, heat-free curls that liven up your short hairstyle. Try out these suggestions and see which one suits you the best!

Fashionistas who want to achieve gorgeous, natural waves in their short hair without using curling irons or rollers can try a few easy and efficient techniques. These heat-free curling methods, which include twisting hair sections, using a headband, and braiding damp hair, can help you achieve fashionable curls without causing damage to your hair. A little time and imagination will give you a modern, gentle look for your hair.

Video on the topic

CURLS without a curling iron⁉️ Method for the lazy #shorts

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Olga Smirnova

Expert in hair care. I study the latest developments and methods of hair restoration. I share knowledge on how to maintain the health and beauty of hair, using only proven and effective products.

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