2 years on the hairmaniac website. Goals achieved. How I grew my hair, working on mistakes, plans for the near future

I have been a part of the Hairmaniac community for two years now, and what a journey it has been! My initial objective was to grow long, healthy hair, but I discovered so much more in the process. This journey has been a combination of rewarding progress and challenging experiences, from product testing to learning new routines.

Naturally, things weren’t always easy. I made a few errors, such as choosing the incorrect products or not giving my care enough consistency. However, I learned something from every setback, and I’ve emerged stronger and with healthier hair.

I’m adjusting my routine and setting new goals now that my hair is longer than it has ever been. I want to keep my hair journey interesting by experimenting with new techniques in the near future, but I also want to maintain the health I’ve worked so hard to achieve.

I’ve grown my hair significantly after two years on the Hairmaniac website by learning from my mistakes and establishing specific goals. I overcame obstacles like breakage and dryness, learned useful hair care techniques, and improved my strategy for growing healthy, long hair along the way. I’ll discuss my experiences, emphasize the techniques that were effective, and lay out my long-term goals for preserving and enhancing the health of my hair in this post.

What has changed over these 2 years?

If only visually, then the following is true:

It was short hair two years ago, slightly over six months after giving birth. Naturally, only about half of the hair remained, as all of the hair fell out as soon as the baby was born and the new hairs had not yet grown in. Although the length is obviously unsatisfactory, I am happy that I have at last grown to be my natural color. Hair becomes oily very quickly; by the second day, it already seems stale. I would like to gather my hair into a ponytail.

Two years later, I got this:

Upon examining these before and after pictures, I’m pleasantly surprised. Right now, my hair is waist length. The quality is acceptable; there are no split ends or tips. Every three days, I wash my hair, and after three days, it is clean.

I have thus accomplished the following objectives in the last two years:

Grew out her hair didn’t shorten the piece or use highlighter retained my natural hue taught it to become greasy less frequently

Working on mistakes

Of course, throughout these two years, mistakes were also made.

I was dissatisfied with my hair’s quality a year ago at the end of winter. I could feel the dryness of my hair. The comb got stuck in my hair and I was unable to comb it. The structure got frizzy and porous. What actions did I take? I recently chopped off 10 cm of hair that had grown extremely hard and lengthy. What action ought to have been taken? Cut it short by one to two centimeters, and give these ends extra attention (natural oils, spray, silicone fluid). Everybody.

Purchasing pricey makeup I felt that this was a waste of money, but for some people, it’s actually a way to grow hair. Advertised products on my hair act just like a typical mass-market model. What actions did I take? I spent a lot of money on makeup because I thought it would improve the look of my hair.

What ought I to have done? Give up on the notion that high-end makeup is a magic bullet for hair and that low-cost makeup won’t allow you to grow hair. Yes, the cosmetics are fine; they didn’t ruin my hair, but they also didn’t improve it either. None of this was repeated by me, and I won’t do so.

There were probably more hair-related errors, but these are the ones that stick in my memory the most and continue to bother me.

Hair growth

I’ve tried a lot of hair growth products in the past two years. I will just display the things that truly aided me.

Burdock oil and peppercorns Mirolla

I wrote a longer piece about it here. the greatest for me in terms of preventing hair loss and growing length. I haven’t yet discovered anything superior. The only drawback is that prolonged use causes the head to become greasy more quickly, but you stop worrying about it when your hair falls out. Budget, but very powerful tool in terms of growing length. Whenever you want long hair again, it always helps.

A hair growth mask made of mustard. I followed the traditional recipe, which can be found online. Yes, it requires time and effort, and it is tedious. However, it always takes time and effort to grow hair. Nothing is simple enough. For me, doing it once a week was sufficient. I used coconut oil to protect my hair’s length.

Ready-made masks from the store that are based on pepper.

Particularly when combined with pepper; other additives did not perform as well. These included Indica, two varieties of Compliment, and Russian Field. A pepper-infused strengthening mask from OrganicZone is en route to me as well; we’ll see if it can rival these masks. I only apply all of these masks to the roots of my unwashed hair when it’s dirty. I wear a hat and a bag, and after an hour, I use shampoo to remove it.

I’ve also tried leave-in strengthening products over the years, but none of them have helped me grow faster. Yet, they effectively stop hair loss. Weleda, Miniralis, Organicpharm, and Dryada are a few of them.

Protection of length during the growing period

During the root stimulation phase, I used natural oils to protect the hair’s length to prevent it from breaking or thinning. I still see the primary concern for the length in them.

Not all of the things I have tried over the last two years are included in the photo. Amla oil turned out to be an outsider; it seems that the length is completely inappropriate for me. I tried two different manufacturers, Dabur and Baraka, and my hair was dry and prickly in both cases—a total failure. Argan oil from OOO "Mylnye Nuts" and coconut oil from Baraka were the favorites. Yes, once more, working with oils is time-consuming. However, I notice the greatest impact on my hair from them rather than from balms and masks.

Goal Progress
Grow hair to waist length Achieved, reached waist length in 18 months
Improve hair thickness Partially successful, noticed some improvement
Find a perfect hair care routine Still experimenting with products, but close to finding the right balance
Reduce split ends Made progress by trimming every 3 months
Future plan: maintain hair health Focus on moisturizing treatments and regular trims

When I think back on these two years on Hairmaniac, I can’t believe how far I’ve come. From establishing my first objectives to picking up from my errors, the experience has been gratifying and demanding. In addition to becoming stronger, longer, and healthier than before, my hair has helped me learn a ton of new things.

There were undoubtedly times when I failed, but every error improved my understanding of my hair. I’ve discovered that I can listen to its needs and modify my routine accordingly. Patience and perseverance have been crucial, and they have truly made a huge impact.

Regarding the future, I can’t wait to keep aiming for even healthier hair. I intend to continue experimenting with various goods and techniques, but this time I’ll be more conscientious about it. There is always more to discover and accomplish, so the journey doesn’t end here.

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Anna Lebedeva

Hairdresser-stylist with a special interest in creative haircuts and hairstyles. I am inspired by avant-garde ideas and strive to bring them to life. I am sure that every hairstyle should reflect the uniqueness of the personality and emphasize individual style.

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